Chapter 30

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It was a kiss. Rick glared daggers at them both. Jack almost swore he heard a growl, but maybe that was Abyssal, even though the demon wasn't there.
Jack pulled back first. He didn't want to seem rude but he did have a lovely boyfriend.
"I have waited a long time for that. Anyway where have you been?" Will asked looking delighted in himself.
"Uh I was in America, for business." Jack said, "but in other news what's up with Rick?"
"Rick is pissed I slept with his girlfriend which he was broken up with. I was comforting her after she found him cheating and he broke up with her!" He yelled loud enough for Rick to hear.
"Anyway, still in the virgin train?" Will purred and started to push his hands out to touch the taller man.
"Uh no, I lost my virginity to an American man. Uhm I am a slut in America, totally loose back there." Jack said blushing trying to make Will lose interest before he's a meat pile stomped into the pavement.
"Oh, any STD's?"
Jack was going to say Abyssal. Cause damn he was infected.
"Yes." Was all he said.
"Eh, I have some competition if you're turning into a liar."
Will smiled and lead Jack out of the classroom after class back to his dorm room. Jack didn't know why he went with him.
"Will I'm in a serious relationship. Yes I've had sex with them, and yes I love them. But I am not betraying their trust by-"
Jack was kissed again.
He pushed the smaller male off and huffed.
"Will I'm saying no, I will call-"
"Call whom? Your fake boyfriend?"
"Does he really sound that fake?"
"How tall is he? How big is his ding dong? What are his favorite things?" Will asked pushing Jack against the door.
"He's 5'3, uh that's personal information, and he loves supernatural."
"You like short guys? Top or bottom?" Will asked leaning in again.
Jack teleported to the other side of the room.
"I will smite you if you try that again." Jack said crossing his arms.
"Woah! Where did this come from?" Will asked smiling
"I was always like this! I just hid it from you guys." Jack said lying.
Abyss had always said he was a bad liar he hoped Will was stupid enough to not see through it.
"Well, a smiting from one of my close friends would be awesome."
Will took a step closer.
"Will I swear to God!"
"You know I met your parents at your funeral. They seemed nice."
"Will you leave me alone!"
"I read somewhere that angels can't hurt humans, so I think I'm just fine."
Will grabbed Jack and met their chests.
"If you have a boyfriend, where is he?" Will asked, his hands traveled across the angels torso before his hair was being ripped at violently.
"Right here." Abyssal growled.
Jack's sigh of relief as Abyss threw the man to the ground flinging the air out of his lungs.
"Now before I curb stomp you and then throw you into the darkest hell pit imaginable, what do you say!" Abyss growled picking up the man by his hair and narrowing his eyes.
"Babe, it's fine lets just go. I don't want you getting in trouble with your uncles." Jack whispered.
Abyssal huffed, but backed off.
"I fucking see your face even side glancing at us I will brake you." Abyss growled getting up from his crouched position.
And with that they both walked out of the dorm. Abyss was about to start comforting his sensitive boyfriend when another man approached them.
"Jackson I'm so glad you're okay! I was going to warn you but Will took you so fast!"
"It's ok Rick, I'm fine." Jack said quietly.
Rick looked down and saw the demon trying his best to comfort the tall ginger.
" Jack... Come with me, we'll just sit and you can vent all you want. After you left I found out the man Will really was and I'm sorry I couldn't have let you know earlier."
"Thanks Rick, I just feel wrong."
"Jack, you don't have to feel that way. I understand and I will never use this against you. I love you so much." Abyss kissed Jack's check and Jack finally started to cry.
Abyss met Rick's gaze and Rick led them to his dorm. His roommate was in and was confused as to why a crying man was here.
"Dom this is Jack and uhm..." Rick stopped as he didn't know Abyss's name.
"Abyss." He said.
Dom waved.
"Jack do you want to tell us what happened?" Rick asked sitting Jack down on his bed.
He brought over two chairs for himself and Abyssal.
"Will brought me back to his dorm and started to kiss me... I told him to stop and he didn't listen and then Abyss showed up and looked like he was going to kill him."
"That's cause I was totally going to merk his ass." Abyss growled blowing green smoke out his nose.
Rick looked back at Dom.
"Can you call campus police? Will has gone to far this time." Rick growled.
"Isn't Will's mom a member of the board here? He won't get in trouble." Dom said picking up his phone and dialing the campus police.
"Naw he just assaulted an angel. That has to be something." Abyssal huffed.
Jack sat there in silence as the rest of them called the police. He had never felt that Will could have almost did what he did. Jack was his flipping roommate for gods sakes.
Abyss was rubbing Jack's back as the campus police showed up.
"Hello there everyone." The officer said walking in.
"A student at this campus just assaulted this angel." Rick said crossing his arms.
"Sir are you ok?" The officer asked.
"I don't know I'm manly disappointed in myself."
The officer frowned.
"Who was the student?"
"William T. Fridrind." Rick said.
"Ok I'll check out this claim ok?  And if anything else happens let me know."
The officer gave Jack his card.
"I'll give you my address I'll be staying at, I live with my boyfriend in America, but I'll be staying here for a bit." Jack handed the officer his parents address and grabbed his boyfriend's hand and teleported away.
"Jackson?" Sasha asked.
"Mom." Jack cried and he hugged her.
"Oh god honey what happened?" Sasha asked.
"Oh mom, he wouldn't stop." Jack cried.
Sasha looked at her son's boyfriend.
"William his ex roommate.  Excuse me for a moment." Abyss popped out.
Sasha sat with her son and combed her hand through his hair.
"Are you ok?"
"I just feel like I cheated on Abyssal." Jack huffed out the last of his tears.
"Oh honey Abyss understands."
"I know, and the arch angels just approved our marriage when we eventually get there, I'm just so-."
A pounding at the door stopped Jack mid sentence.
Sasha sighed.
"Your father keeps forgetting his keys."
She answered the door and saw a man she's hasn't seen in 20 years.
"Clyde?" She said confused.
"Sasha, I heard your son died." He said.
"Uh, 9 months ago?" She said.
"I meant to come earlier, may I come in?" Clyde pushed himself in and saw the ginger man sitting on the couch alone.
"Oh, who's this?"
Clyde smiled at Jack.
Clyde was also ginger, he had green eyes and light freckles.  He seemed to be about his moms age.
"Uh I'm Jackson." Jack said.
"Jackson?  But?"
Jack popped out his wings.
"I get it a lot."
Sasha had a look on her face, which made Jack tilt his head.
Clyde smiled and looked back at Sasha. 
"So how do you know my mom?"
"We went to school together." Clyde said walking around the hall, he saw pictures of Wes and Jack together, smiling and happy.
"I have three other kids now Sasha."
"Mm, I also am going to have three kids."
Abyssal teleported back and locked eyes with the other man.  Green met green and something hit him. 
"Sasha..." Abyss looked over at Sasha.
The look he gave her told her.
"No no no it's not like that." She said.
Jack was still confused.
"Baby don't worry about it, I just, you know how I am with unfaithful parents." Abyss walked over and sat down with Jack.
"Are you ok with kisses?" Abyss asked.
Jack blushed.
"No, cuddles maybe."
Abyss smiled and tackled Jack into the couch.  He curled up in the angels chest and neck.
"I love you." Abyss said kissing the angels neck.
Jack smiled.
Clyde rolled his eyes.
"Sasha, I thought I'd just come on the worst day of our relationship."
Jack sat up.
"You has a relationship before dad?  I though he was your first one?"
Abyss grumbled because he was flung off Jack.
"Jackson don't worry about it."
"You know I thought since you married that preacher you'd name him a bible name.  Gave the little one a normal name at least."
"Clyde leave." Sasha narrowed her eyes.
Abyssal hissed and he flared his wings at the man. 
Clyde then opened his big mouth.  Sasha asked him to leave and he slapped her.
Wes walked in at the next moment.  Abyssal was on another ginger man on the floor, Sasha was clutching her face and Jack was frozen.
"What the?" Wes looked around.
"Wesley I'm going to condemn this fucker to hell right now.  His motives and mind are sick and twisted." Abyss hissed as green smoke poured out of his nose.
Illuminating a pentagram in his palm he started a spell that made his eyes bleed and his eyes go solid black.  Black goo dropped down from the demons mouth as the words piled.  Then Clyde's body illuminated with a red glow.
"You will never use anyone.  My boyfriend is Wes' son you hear me." Abyss hissed in Clyde's ear as the spell brought both of them back to consciousness.
Clyde got up immediately from the demons grasp.
Clyde tried to run out the door but Abyss locked him with the soul spell he just put on him.
"I asked you a question." He hissed in a voice that sent shivers down Wes' spine.
A crash of thunder was heard and a man with a cowboy hat appeared. 
"Abyssal," he said in a southern accent.
The demon let go of his grasp.  Clyde ran.
"What," Abyss hissed.
"You may be Lucifer's replacement but you don't have to be as ruthless as him."
Abyss froze.  His eyes locked with his uncles.
"You have already used excessive force today, Michael has put us on very lenient treatment for you.  Finding out about your arch angel powers will make you more aggressive.  It's how we all were at first."
"Raph, that man-" it was at this point Abyss realized time was stopped.
"I froze them all.  Go ahead."
"He was going to use Jackson, I need him to understand that he is not a toy to throw away when he's an infant and pick up when he's got powers."
"Davideal did tell us his soul didn't match with Wes and Sasha's. Arch angels are all knowing you know." Raphael said.
Raph spit out his tobacco in a bottle and put it away.
"How'd you unlock them anyway?" Raph asked.
Abyss frowned.
While Jack went to his school Michael had approached the demon.

"Abyssal, we need to tell your father." Michael said.
"Michael that is suicide my dad will kill me."
"Uriel has advised me that this is for the best."
Abyss huffed.

They went to hell and Michael scrunched his nose. This was built to be the ultimate prison for an arch angel or angel that disobeyed. He had bad memories.
He looked over at the arena.
"You turned where my brother died into a blood spilling cage." Michael said huffing.
"I guess when an arch angel dies they create an anomaly spot."
Michael followed his nephew to where Devastation was at.
"Dad, Micheal wants to talk to you." Abyss said.
Devastation turned around to see the arch angel. His eyes widened but he settled down immediately.
"Yes?" Devastation asked.
"I want to talk to you about Abyssal real fast."
Devastation huffed and gestured for Michael to sit.
"Well to put it lightly. I put an arch angel soul in your son." Devastation sat stumped.
"What?" He said softly.
"He will be our 7th arch angel. When he was still inside his mom we did a thing."
Devastation glared at Michael.
"This is about Arorimus again isn't it." Devastation growled.
"No, Devastation she wants nothing to do with me, I hate what I did don't you understand!" Michael yelled.
Abyss backed away from the arch angel.
He had flared out all 8 wings and was glowing.
Devastation huffed.
"Well then," Devastation pulled out what was left of the Lucifer blade and inspected it.
"That can't kill me asshole." Michael hissed.
"Oh I know."
Devastation smiled wickedly. He didn't really care about the throne of hells security. Plus he had an old ass aunt to take his throne if he ever died. Which he was going to insure never would happened.
He threw the dagger like blade now. It sank into its target immediately.
Michael's eyes widened and his pupils dilated.
Abyss stumbled. He cracked with power. He collapsed on the ground. The blade had hit his heart and his blood was running hot, pooling on the floor beneath him.
He felt sparks shoot through his body. Flames and electricity crackled inside and he shifted from his human to demon form and started to break free of his body. Burning and shaking. Another set of arms ripped through his flesh his scales started to break. A glowing white light started to shine. A pair of angel wings shot out of two places on his back as he continued to glow brighter.
An explosion was heard throughout the kingdom.
Standing or more like floating in front of both Michael and Devastation was an angel or more like an arch angel form of Abyssal. It looked like his dragon form, with two pairs of arms, 6 wings, rings encircled him and eyes plastered around his head. A yellow glow was coming off the now arch angel. The blade had shot across the room and it nearly missed Devastation.
Michael marveled at his nephew's Arch angel form.
Of course Abyssal had no idea what he was doing and was probably frozen as his body healed the wound and the amount of power flowing through him.
Michael had to help Abyssal out of hell as he regained control of his body.
"Jack's in trouble." Abyss said glancing at Michael.
Michael groaned.
"I'm trusting you." Abyss nodded and teleported off.

"Oh, and what about that Clyde guy?" Raph asked.
"He's Jack's actual dad."

Had perfect timing with this one lol, the song I don't wanna die came on when I was writing Abyssal's death scene lol. Also it is inspired by Lucifer's death scene in season 13 of supernatural.

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