Chapter 5

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Jack was rushed into the funeral room, while Abyss was trying to get him out of the situation. Jack's wings and halo popped out and he flapped them around to get his dad to let go. Abyss followed closely so he could teleport them when he touched the angel.
"Dad let go!" Jack yelled.
Everyone heard the voice and looked as Wes brought the frantic angel in. Along with a short blonde following suit.
Wes let go and the family stared in awe. Abyss walked up to Jack and gave him a look. Someone tried to step forward but Abyss growled lowly.
"He's frightened." Abyss growled in demon.
Everyone just heard him growl, but Jack nodded.
"I'm frightened, please leave me alone. Abyss is only trying to protect me."
The family all nodded.
"Your family is in heaven." Abyss huffed.
His tail curled around Jack's leg.
Someone screamed at the sight of the blonde becoming a demon.
Wes stepped up with a cross and narrowed his eyes.
"Dad stop it. Abyss isn't like that." Jack pulled Abyss away from his dad.
"Who's his family?" Wes growled.
Jack avoided his dads gaze.
"Okay he may be the prince of hell, but he's very nice and he's here to help me. If you hurt him, I'll tell his dad to drag you to hell." Jack growled.
Abyss smiled and chuckled a bit. His dad probably wouldn't care, but it was still scary to think about.
"Now for introductions. Abyss this is my family... Family this is Abyss." Jack said gesturing to each.
"Sorry, forgot demon speak only sounds like growls and hisses to humans. Abyssal Timesmen the demon prince at your service." Abyss bowed to the family.
"Is that a demon thing?" Jack asked silently.
"Meeting the other parties family you must and then from that point forward you can head nod their respected rank." Abyss whispered back.
"Anyway, Jackson~. Who's your mother?" Abyss looked at all the females and tilted his head, "none of the are ginger? Are you like me?"
Jack sighed.
"Your mother is in the women's bathroom with your aunt Julia. Two deaths this close together."
"I'm sorry... I should have payed more attention." Jack said.
"Jackson Elkindson, you did nothing wrong. You might have been going three or four ticks above the speed limit, but I think someone being a dick and speeding in a residential area is their fault. Don't blame yourself."
Everyone was confused.
"I thought demons were supposed to tear down confidence."
"Oh totally. Jack is my friend though, poor thing, you should have seen him when we were driving here. I like tormenting people as much as the next person, but if Jack went to hell, I could never exploit that. I never want to, I don't go near damned souls for reasons. I don't think friends are supposed to hurt each other like that. I'm glad I met him though."
Abyss blushed and looked away from the smiling angel.
"Where did you guys meet?" Wes asked walking up to the demon.
"Heaven. I had a thing to do."
"Demons can go to heaven?"
"Oh no, only me and my family members past my grandfather. My great grandfather married an angel. So my grandpa and aunt are half angels, My dad is a demon vampire, and I'm a demon."
Wes grabbed the demon and tilted his head.
"You have an angel relative?" He asked.
"Mhm, arch angel Carrie."
Wes's eyes went wide and he let go of the demon.
"Dad? He told me Carrie was his grandmother, but didn't really explain."
"She was the one who was sacrificed to the demon king. I always thought it was Lucifer, but I guess not."
"No Lucifer is fucking very dead. My family stabbed him, and took over hell."
Sam ran up and hugged Jack.
"I missed you Jackie!" She said.
Abyss let out a small laugh.
"Oh is your name better?"
"It's a demon name. But my dad's name is a real... Devastation." Abyss started to laugh.
Jack sighed and hit the back of his head.
Abyss giggled and smiled.
"Oh I'm like your best friend already."
Jack smiled.
Abyss nodded.
Julia came in the room and saw Jack, her eyes went wide for a second.
"Oh dear, Sasha will not believe this."
Abyss pulled at his braid while Jack's breathing increased. The blonde women walked in with no hope in her soul. Both beings sensed the soul being empty.
"Wesley?" She asked reaching out for her husband.
Jack walked over and held his mother. The short female, didn't even look up. She wrapped her arms around the tall ginger and cried.
"Jackson honey." She cried harder and held him tighter.
Abyss felt something on his heart ting. He'd never been jealous over a person before. His face heated up and he looked away.
Wes raised an eyebrow. He walked over to the demon and tilted his head.
"In what way do you see my son?" He asked.
Abyss got frightened for a second.
"Just a friend." He said nervously rubbing the back of his head while blushing heavily.
"Yeah yeah, son did you know this demon has a crush on you?" Wes asked walking over to his son and gesturing to Abyss.
Abyss cleared his throat.
"It's not a crush, I am asexual, I don't l-like anyone."
"Abyss you're gay af, what are you talking about."
Abyss got where Jack was coming from.
"Yeah, I guess, he's cute... But that's all, he's an angel, need to keep it professional."
"Omg this is like Good Omens." Sam said.
"Omg I love that show." Abyss said smiling, "Crowley and Aziraphale for life."
Sam gave him a thumbs up.
"Who else is in the gay squad?" Sam asked pulling Abyss to the "Gay squad" corner.
Jack blushed and looked down.
"JACKSON! Get yo gay ass over here!" Sam yelled.
Jack made a sound and walked over.
"Abyss is my boyfriend." Jack said getting hugged by the small demon.
"Son why didn't you tell us." Wes asked walking over to get the three gays before they embarrassed themselves when the funeral actually started. Meaning Sam and Abyss.
"Oh your son's not a virgin now." Abyss said jamming to himself.
Wes pulled the cross back out.
"Dad, dad"
"Just let me smack him."
After Wes sufficiently smacked the demon for a bit he went back to his question.
"Uhm, well maybe it was the fact you guys sent me to Christian school, very religious."
"Son that has nothing to do with religion." Wes said.
Wes hugged his son.
"And there's nothing we can do. If you like that demon, I can't stop you. You are an adult."
Jack smiled and hugged his dad. He then went to comfort his pouting boyfriend.
"The singer canceled for the after party."
"I can sing. I'm not a singer demon, I'm a royal demon. I actual sing at my family events a lot, my dad made me do a lot of weird royal things. I can play guitar too if ya need."
"Dang what can't your boyfriend do?" Sam asked.
"Go up and downstairs, kill a spider, not get frightened by his dad."
"They have eight legs, and they ahhhhhh." Abyss hugged Jack, "you're my tall boyfriend, you must protect the small."
"The dime sized spider wasn't going to hurt you."
Abyss frowned.
"Also the spiders in hell are fucking terrifying."
"Anyway what can you sing?" Wes asked.
"CPR!" Abyss said before Jack put his hand over his mouth.
Sam put her thumbs up.
"Let him do CPR!" She yelled.
Abyss pried Jack's hand off his mouth.
"But seriously, anything."
"Abyss sing CPR if you take requests!"
"I won't even sing that to my family."
"Abyss I swear if you sing CPR I will ignore you for a week, meaning you sleep on the couch." Jack folded his arms.
Abyss smirked.
"What's the song CPR?"
"It's about doing something inappropriate." Jack said frowning at Abyss.
"It's about sucking dick." Abyss followed up Jack's statement, "I only said it as a joke by the way, I wasn't serious. But it has been stuck in my head all week."
Sandy looked at Sam.
"How do you know that song Samantha?" She crossed her arms and gave her daughter a look.
Sam made a "Well I'm screwed" face.
Abyss made a face.
"You know when you go to heaven you can monitor your loved ones on a tv. So theoretically you can watch two people have sex, like your son being an absolute bitch in bed."
"OH SHIT! Jack's a bottom!" Sam yelled laughing hysterically.
Kelly, Gabriel, and Sam all snickered at the tall male.
"Mommy what's a bottom?"
"There are children here!" Abyss yelled.
"Thank you Abyss."
Abyss nodded.
"Wanna suck my dick later?" Abyss asked in demon.
Everyone looked confused at the demon for a second before changing the subject.
"So how long are you staying here?" Sasha asked.
"Uhm if you want we can come stay at your house and I can tell you guys all about the eventful month I've had." Jack suggested.
"Yeah, but leave out the sex, and no sex at my house demon boy."
Abyss smiled.
"I wouldn't dream of banging at one of our parents house."
Wes narrowed his eyes at the demon before making the "I got my eyes on you" gesture.
Abyss smiled and watched the man disappear.  Abyss wrapped his arms around Jack.
"Did you check out at the hotel?" Jack asked.
"Mhm our car is here now with our suit cases.  I can teleport cars bitch."
Jack smiled and pulled Abyss closer.
"You're hot." Abyss said softly.
Jack blushed and kissed Abyss's cheek.
Jack hid in the back with Abyss, his father watching both of them frequently. 
"God I hate the day your father and my father meet." Abyss said getting up.
"Why don't you ride with us boys." Sasha asked.
"Sure mom."
All four of them got in the car, Wes narrowed his eyes in the rearview mirror.
"So Abyss, you're dad is the king of hell?" Wes asked.
"Yes sir.  King Devastation."
"My son dating the literal devils son.  Oh dear."
Abyss rubbed his arm.
"Damn my dad isn't even this brutal."
"I've met Abyss's dad.  He's interesting." Jack said.
"Do you have any siblings?" Sasha asked.
"I have seven alive ones, and my dead twin, so there's like nine of us, but all are human except me so.  Oh I totally forgot about my mother too, she has a son with my step dad.  So ten siblings really."
"Can I meet your mother too!" Jack asked excitedly.
"Uhm, I will warn you, she's crazy, cause she tried to kidnap me, she also married a Canadian, but he's from like Saskatchewan."
"Oh that's nice, you have some experience with Canadians then?"
"Yeah, they moved to Wisconsin twelve years ago, I usually go with them and hang out with my step cousins."
"That's nice.  I'm from Quebec.  I'm sure Jack has told you all about his experiences in Montreal."
"Wot you didn't tell me!  Jack that is a major life event!" Abyss said shaking him.
"Why didn't know tell me you were the prince of hell and I found out when your dad showed up on our first date."
Abyss crossed his arms.
"You got me."
"Did your first date go well."
"Hell no!" Abyss yelled.
"But our second date was a triple date with Abyss's friend."
"Oh that reminds me.  Do you want to meet up with Toby, Gary, and Bucky?" Sasha asked.
Jack's eyes lit up and he smiled.
"That would be awesome!" Jack smiled and looked at Abyss, "I have to deal with your friends all day, you can deal with my friends for a day."
Abyss smiled.
"I'd be happy to meet random people."
"Toby is like Amelia's height maybe a little taller give or take, he's got blackish brown hair, pale blue almost white eyes, he is a human, he's kinda silly and has good morals, he's got us out of making stupid decisions before."
Abyss nodded and giggled at the thought of his boyfriend doing something stupid.
"Then there's Gary, he's like really tall like 198 cm (6.5), he's dirty blonde, and has one brown and one blue eye,  he's also a human,  he is very serious, but he was extremally loyal to us in high school, he loves hockey he actually played in high school, but he's very funny if you can get him to be."
Abyss smiled.  He sounded like a great friend.
"And lastly Bucky,  he was the leader of our group, he is a werewolf, he has silver eyes, white hair, 182 cm (6.0), he's the calm collected type, he butts heads a lot with people he doesn't like but I'm sure you'll be fine."
Abyss nodded and grabbed Jack's hand.

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