Chapter 9

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Amelia walked into the bathroom. The two cats chilling in the bathtub, safe to say they were weird.
She smiled and picked them up one at a time and put them outside the bathroom.
Grass protested and meowed at the door after it shut.
Vitality walked away and Grass followed.  Meowing at the other cat and rolling over.
The tortoiseshell looked at the Abyssinian, she then turned back around and continued to walk.
Abyss looked down to see Grass rolling around like cats do. She meowed and purred at the demon. She got up and rubbed her face in his leg.
"Such a cutie." He said picking her up.
"I thought I was a cutie?" Jack asked.
Abyss turned around and smiled.
"You both are such cuties." Abyss said rubbing Jack's hair.
Devastation popped up and tilted his head at his son.
"What a cute creature." He said looking at the cat.
Abyss spun around and held Grass close.  He remembered what Devastation did to his last pet.
"Well son.  You've dated this angel long enough.  Bring him to the next family meeting.  I'm sure everyone will be pleased."
Devastation teleported away.  Leaving a card on the ground.
Abyss sighed and picked it up. 

Abyss teleported himself and Jack to the forever burning hell he lived in.  Jack looked at the guards lining the wall.  They were in the demon part of the castle and they all looked terrifying, sharp teeth me dark eyes watched both of them. Abyss turned full demon and picked Jack up. He put him on his head and continued to walk. Seeing all the faces that were watching before quickly change into respectful faces.
Some still glared at the angel but Abyss sneered like he thought they were glaring at him.
They quickly averted their gaze if that happened.
They made their way to the smaller part of the castle where demons could only be in their half demon or human forms. Abyss put Jack on the ground and changed to half demon.
They walked down the shrinking hallway to another throne room. Human Devastation sat smiling and talking to a female guard next to him.
Abyss growled.
All demons didn't approve of Devastation's actions. They didn't like how unloyal he could be, but he was the king. The king was their superior. No one could oppose him, except the prince.  But the prince was a little bitch who is scared of his father.  So yeah, not much they can do. 
The guards cleared their throats and motioned towards the prince.
Abyss dipped his head respectively.  Jack saw Abyss and did it himself getting a lite chuckle from the king.
"Jackson my dear.  You don't have to do that.  I don't have jurisdiction over angels." Devastation said clapping his hands together.
"Father you said the family was going to be here.  I hope only the immortal family that is." Abyss growled crossing his arms.
"Don't be so down Abyss.  Jackson will meet everyone in due time."
Jack blushed and rubbed his arm.
"You can call me Jack sir." Jack said looking away.
Devastation chuckled.
"Well then. Since you're dating an angel I figured that you would want him to meet our angel family." Devastation said getting out of his chair and walking up to his son.
Abyss recoiled a bit when Devastation put his arm around him.
"No offense Mr. Timesmen, but isn't your angel family all pure angels? Since you're related directly to an arch angel?"
"No, just the arch angels we are directly. They did sacrifice their sister to the demon king. She's a bit cranky about that. She doesn't visit anymore. After king Sal became king he outlawed clipped angels for her. He did a lot for her, but it just proves that demons and angels can be happy for awhile."
Jack looked over at Abyss.
"Grandma Carrie divorced grandpa Sal and married grandpa Kelvin. Who was a dead human."
Jack nodded. He would make him and Abyss work. They would be the happiest demon and angel ever married. Well it would only be the second demon angel marriage, but he had a mission. Stay married to Abyss forever.
"Sir, what's a clipped angel?" Jack asked.
Devastation smirked.
"Back in the day, well clipped angels were strongly disagreed on even before Sal made them illegal. But when demons and angels didn't get along so well demons would catch angels and clip off their wings. Back when angels could get killed by our weapons and they could kill us with theirs. The demons would torture the angels and since they couldn't fly away or use their powers in hell. It was awful, but that maybe my father talking." Devastation said continuing to walk with them.
"Oh uhm, where's king Fredrick? Well ex king Fredrick."
"My father is in a retirement home on earth."
All three men walked into a room with a table being set.
"We will be having dinner with the arch angels."
Jack looked over at Abyss. He didn't know how to act around Devastation, how would he act around the literal rulers of the universe.
"Jack all you need to know is each one of them has their own responsibility, it's not like they all have the same powers. Carrie is probably the weakest one if you ask literally anyone."
Jack was still nervous.
"Okay, but after this I get to meet your mother."
Devastation chuckled.
"Good luck with that son."
Abyss rolled his eyes. His parents didn't get a long for one second, not even to keep their agreement in place, safe to say they both ruined many birthdays for him.
"Mother is crazy Jack. I don't kno-"
"We agree on something Abyss." Devastation said interrupting his son.
Devastation lead the two too Abyss's room in the castle. 
"Now boys.  Have as much sex as you can.  I don't give a shit."
Jack blushed and turned his head away from Devastation.
"You know Jackson's a bottom right?"
Devastation smirked at his son and wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders.
"I knew my son was a top.  Have fun, the angels will arrive tomorrow."
"Dad you said be here today!" Abyss yelled as his dad walked away.
"I wanted you here early.  What can I say." Devastation said back, making his way to his own room.
Jack walked into Abyss's room and smiled.  It was quite nice.  He sat on the bed and watched Abyss cross his arms and lean against the wall.  There was a large book case in the back of they room with comics, graphic novels, and all sorts of books.
"You never read!  Why so many books?" Jack asked walking over.
He pulled out a book and flipped through it.  The pages were worn and some appeared to have bent or slightly torn pages.
"I read." Abyss said walking over, "I just don't all the time.  I have to wear stupid reading glasses."
Jack giggled and put the book back.
"Glasses are cool." Jack said adjusting his glasses.
Abyss laughed.
"Says the guy who wears them all day."
"I think you'd look cute in glasses babe." Jack started to look around the room for Abyss's reading glasses.  Determined to see his boyfriend wear them.
He turned around and Abyss already had them on, he had his arms crossed and was pouting.
"Aww." Jack said walking up to him.
Abyss swatted at the tall boi but Jack captured him. 
"Mine." Jack said.
Abyss blushed, but gave into his boyfriend and hugged him.
"Let's explore the castle!" Jack said letting go of Abyss and walking over to the door.
Abyss followed silently and watched Jack make his way around the human sized part of the castle.
He walked up and down everywhere. He watched the guards by peeking out of a corner. He saw many high ranking officials pass through to the demon part of the castle which was much bigger.
The throne room was as big as 9 to 10 acres. Which was saying something about full grown demons. They were easily 8-12 feet tall. Devastation was 13 feet but he was a royal and he was alive longer than most demons Jack knew so he thought age had something to do with it.
"Abyss, can you go into your demon form and walk me around the demon part?" Jack clasped his hands together and gave Abyss puppy eyes.
Abyss sighed and turned into his demon form.
The barely 7 foot demon laid down and nudged the angel on his back.
Jack watched as Abyss made his way from the short human side to the much bigger demon side. The demons that were lining the walls way taller than him.
Jack finally got a good look at the demon throne. It was made to fit king Devastation, they all were. If Abyss became king now he would get something dramatically smaller, or he could choose to grow into it, but Abyss wasn't a 13 foot terrifying demon. And Jack didn't think he would ever be. Plus Devastation's throne would remind the kingdom of infidelity and cruelty. Devastation was by far a bad king, but the rumors of him sleeping around on his wives, and him torturing their crowned prince were lingering over him.
Jack looked up. The ceilings were tall for demons to fly around in, this space could easily fit the whole demon court if it needed.
"Show me your room!" Jack said tugging on Abyss's scales.
Abyss growled something softly in demon and started to walk.
"Do you want to see the hall of rulers first?" Abyss asked.
Jack nodded and pushed on Abyss's neck.
He bet it would take hours to get to multiple sections of this castle as a human. And the human section looked fairly new.
"Abyss? Is the human section new?"
"Demons didn't need to be in their human forms much. It's relatively a new thing, well since king Sal married arch angel Carrie. Who probably won't come tomorrow. She has a whole thing about us, king Sal didn't leave her in the most good of ways. Not to mention King Terror's torture he did when she was sacrificed to her. King Sal was the only one to help her, basically Sal asked Terror if he could marry her to free her of his dad, but Sal ended up killing his father instead."
"So have you ever met your grandmother?" Jack asked.
"Oh yes, she called my Gammy a two faced whore and that my aunt Jamie and my dad weren't papa's children."
"But she was kind. She liked me, very kind women. She didn't like vampires, or it was the fact my grandpa was her precious baby, the one who looked more angel than her two other children."
Abyss walked up to the start of the hall and Jack's gaze meet cold eyes of a painting pierce his heart.
He froze and saw the grim look the first Timesmen king was giving.
"Yeah I don't like that one either." Devastation said walking up.
The six foot height difference was awkward. Jack had to actually break his neck to meet the king's gaze. He didn't like to look down.
"You know it's horrifying. No wonder he could kill Lucifer." Jack said a chill running down his spine.
Devastation nodded.
"And back then you had to be cut throat. He could have easily been killed for being Lucifer's closest friend. Someone always wanted someone dead. And a lot of people wanted his position." Devastation said starting to walk away.
Jack edged Abyss to follow his father.
Abyss trailed after Devastation and Jack continued to talk with him.
"This is mine." Devastation said gesturing to his portrait on the wall.
Devastation looked happy for once in the painting.
"When was this?" Jack asked.
"Right after Abyss and Jelly were born."
Jack really didn't want to laugh at his boyfriends deceased sisters name. But it was really hard.
"Really? Why did you name them that way?"
Abyss whipped his tail and watched silently.
"Abyss became he looks like a creature that would live in a dark abyss, because he has bright colors but he's dark enough to blend in. Jelly because she was sweet. We didn't get to name her before she died."
Jack frowned. He felt sorry for the king. He was happy until what Abyss called his downfall. When he cheated on his mother with a singer demon named Ann.
"Devastation..." Jack stopped, "we'll be in one of Abyss's rooms if you need us."
Devastation nodded and walked away.
He would not hurt his son in front of his future son in law. He knew angels could use their powers in hell once they married a demon. And he didn't want to get smitten. A power that was very rare in angels these days, but he always heard Jack threaten to do it when he spied on Abyss.
Abyss took Jack to his demon room like he asked. A demon sized everything was in the room. Even the book case, but there were different books here. Demon history books and royal books. Abyss put Jack on his bed and curled up beside the angel.
The bed was Abyss sized so it was like a pillow world for Jack.
"This is awesome! We need to come here more often!"
Abyss chuckled.
"If we get married could you live here?" Abyss asked.
Jack blinked at the demon. Could he?
"Of course you would have your powers, that's how it works, you could go to Earth, or heaven whenever." Abyss clarified.
"But the two year rule?" Jack asked.
Abyss nodded. It had only been three months since they got together. But still, it was something to get done with early.
"Two continuous years. No break ups, no cheating. That's the demon rules."
Jack nodded.
"Do you wanna sleep here or in the human part?" Abyss asked.
Jack crawled over to Abyss and crawled underneath one of his wings. Their height difference only being about a foot.
Abyss smiled and drifted off to sleep.

Jack can control the weather btw. He just doesn't know it yet. He can smite ppl by lightning strikes, but it does double damage to any unholy creatures like demons.
Upset: rain
Happy: sunny
Angry: lightning storm (just lightning)
Gay: rainbows
Excited: no clouds in the sky, 0% chance of rain
Moody: snow

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