Chapter 14

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I think we all know what's gonna happen (😏). Kill me (🥲)

Sky awoke clutching her head.  She was hung over. She got out of bed and saw Abyss drinking coffee like every morning.
"Shortie." She said yawning getting a cup of water.
"Can say the same thing about you. Plus I can yell." Abyss purred softly.
"Well I'm a female. I can be this short."
Abyss smirked and took a sip of coffee. He cleared his throat and looked at Sky.
"Please don't." She said covering her ears.
But Abyss didn't do anything. He just stood there chuckling to himself.
"You're an ass." Sky growled walking to her room.
About an hour later the door bell rang and Abyss opened the door seeing Rena with a creepy smile. 
"Sky here honey pie?" She asked.
Abyss nodded. 
"She has a hang over.  I really wouldn't wake her." Abyss said following the dark angel.
The dark angel growled at the demon. She walked back to Sky's room and nudged her.
"Sky." She said.
Sky groaned and looked at Rena.
"What?" Sky asked.
"Wanna go killing?" Rena asked.
"Sure but I'll just watch." Sky said getting up.
Abyss watched her leave with Rena. He was suspicious of that dark angel.

A police siren blared in the distance. Rena had been sloppy.
"Rena!" Sky cried.
"We'll be fine Sky." Rena said smiling at her work.
Sky crossed her arms. Police let normal demons kill because they were well scary in there demon form. Succubus couldn't teleport out of jail like other demon. Plus succubus didn't have the level of violence as royal or blood demons, unless they were a blood demon or royal demon mix. Of course all demons had a blood lust, but royal and blood demons were the real powerful ones. They made up almost all of first and second rank. All of the royal family had been royal demons as well.
Tears flowed out of the succubus's eyes. She started to run away from her friend. Running into Draya on her way home.
"Draya!" Sky cried.
Draya hugged her friend. She saw Rena walking up in the distance. Rena was obviously annoyed, but when wasn't she.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
Sky wiped her eyes.
"Rena killed someone and the police were called because she was loud and messy. And I know that since I was there I would get in trouble. And Jackson said the police were looking for me! Draya!" Sky started to cry again.
Draya looked at the other girl.
"Leave Sky alone!" Draya yelled.
Rena huffed.
"Technically I'm more powerful than you, what are you going to do about it?" Rena tempted.
Draya tried to swipe at the dark angel. Only drawing a bit of blood.
Rena laughed.
Draya took the blood and made Rena crash onto the ground.
"Leave my friend alone. Or I'll do something much worse with this blood." Draya growled, her eyes starting to glow red.
And that's what made succubus powerful. Their mixed demon traits. Draya was a blood succubus. Blood demon crossed with a succubus. Which put her powers slightly above a dark angels.
Draya carried Sky home. She ended up in little space and latched to Abyss when she got home.
The royal demon sighed.
"What happened?" Abyss asked petting Sky's hair.
"She's not allowed to see Rena anymore." Draya said crossing her arms.
Abyss nodded. Sky was snacking on animal cracker and purring.
"She really shouldn't be out of hell Abyss." Draya said sitting down and moving Sky to her lap playing with her ears.
"We can keep her there. She's escaped four times. If the reapers and singers can't keep her down then nothing can."
"Arch angels, they could contain her right?"
Abyss shrugged.
"I don't really bother my aunts and uncles with "mortal problems"." Abyss said.
"But she's a celestial problem! What if she tries to get into heaven?"
"She can't. Only me and my family can. You have to be part actual angel or an angel. No demonic angels, fallen angels, or dark angels."
"I'm just worried. I might stay here... would that be okay? If I stayed a few days, just to make sure Sky is okay?"
Abyss nodded.
"My dad has requested me anyway. I need you to protect her while I'm gone. Rena could really try anything. Maybe while I'm down there I can ask father about Rena."
Draya nodded.
"Take Jack with you. She could come after him. He doesn't quite understand his powers yet."
This time Abyss nodded.

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