Chapter 26

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Jack bit his lip.  His parents house for the week?  The girls had something planned for Abyss's 21st birthday, but then came the catch.
"Jackson, I hate saying this, but if you can get him to fuck you, I'll give you whatever thing you need or want."
So there was the angel.  Torn between decisions.  But he could also get Abyss to try that new position he learned.

Jack and Abyss walked into Jack's old room.  It was still set up the same, except the lube and condom box on the dresser.
"Uh..." Abyss said. 
"Mm we'll only be needing this." Jack said picking up the lube and licking seductively on Abyss's neck.
Abyss growled to himself.  Wes rigged it. 
Jack unbuttoned Abyss's pants and pulled everything down.  It was good to say Jack was skilled at using his tongue and vocal vibrations.  He even made Abyss moan and grip the gingers hair.
"Jackson~." Abyss murmured. 
Jack blushed and continued. 
Abyss forcefully pushed Jack onto him and with a little more tongue and sucking he was finished.  Panting and pulling Jack off he laid down.
"Oh you think we're done?" Jack got on top of the demon, "I still haven't got my ass stuffed yet."
"Yes you have!  The bathroom sex!" Abyss huffed.
Jack rolled his eyes
"No no, Abyss. We're done when I say we're done." Jack teleported the leash to the collar in his hand and clipped it on.  He pulled Abyss to meet his face and smirked.
"Damn, okay."
Jack purred and smashed their lips together.  Abyss liked take charge Jackson, even though his demeanor would change in minutes.
Once again the angel felt something slip inside.  He felt a chill go down his spine, his wings popped open and he moaned softly.
It all escalated from there.  Jack couldn't believe the sounds he was making, the movement in sink with Abyss's.  Safe to say they were loud as hell and it wouldn't surprise them if someone filed a noise complaint. 
"ABYSS~!" Jack moaned.
Abyss was hitting all the right points in Jacks book.  He'd never been in so much pleasure he stopped moaning because he lost his voice for a moment.  Jack dug his nails into the bed sheets as tears of pleasure rolled down his cheeks.  He was on the verge of the best orgasm of his life. 
And with a simple snap, he screamed and his eyes rolled back, his heart rate quickened and then Jack was finished.   Abyss finished shortly after with both of them gasping.
Jackson grabbed Abyss and pulled him in for cuddles.

The next morning Wesley was sitting at the table poking his food. He was in a constant state of pain by telling his son to go overboard.
"Wesley you should eat!" Sasha said smacking her husband's head.
"How can I eat knowing what my son likes!" Wes said.
Sasha tilted her head.
"Oh honey. Calm down, Jack is just trying new thing. Best we don't look into those things."
Sasha heard some murmuring and figured both men were up.
"Abyss." Jack pouted.
He reached out for his boyfriend. He didn't expect anything cause Abyss was an asshole.
"What baby?" Abyss asked pulling Jack up.
Jack wobbled a bit but gained some balance with his boyfriend hugging him.
"Last time I let you do that." Jack huffed.
Abyss chuckled. He smiled at the angel.
"Oh please, that was all your doing."
Jack scoffed.
"You want help with your clothes? Or do you wanna be a petty bitch." Abyss purred.
The door slammed and Abyss was outside the room. Wes looked down the hallway, he sighed and crossed his arms.
"Wow, didn't make it till Monday." Wes smirked and pointed to the demon.
"What can I say, I'm just the perfect size for him."
"Looks like you will fit into his pocket."
"Pfft, you act like we haven't already done demon sex." Abyss purred and walked to the kitchen changing his legs more to a demons legs.
He peered around the corner and saw Mrs. Elkindson putting things away.
"Oh Mrs. Elkindson. Let me do it." Abyss said taking the bowls and propping them nicely on the shelf.
His tail swiped the floor lightly as he stretched for the taller shelves.
While everyone was busy the doorbell rang. Wes opened it to find Tammy and John.
John hugged his sister and their two children waddled in.
"Aunt Sasha! Guess what!" Sara yelled.
Sasha tilted her head.
"Our hotel flooded this morning. There was water everywhere! Momma told us not to play in it. It looked a little brown too! Who's that? Who are you?" You have blonde hair." She poked and prodded Abyss.
"Sara be nice dear." Tammy said, "but uh, why is a strange man we only met yesterday in your house?"
"Oh this is Jackson's boyfriend.  They stayed the night because they live 10 hours away."
"Eh we could've teleported."
"Oh yes Jackson!  Where is my nephew?"
Sasha didn't know. 
"Probably taking a shower.  He does that after- two days." Abyss caught himself. 
"Welp honey.  I'm bleaching the bathroom later." Wes said.
Tammy and John looked confused.  Abyss and Wes had to come up with something.
"Uh because angels have uhm this feather disease.  And humans can get it... so yeah." Abyss said.
"Well Tammy, we have our pull out couch." Wes said, "Jackson's bed sheets probably need changed and I don't know when they're leaving so." Wes glared at Abyss.
"Don't look at me!  Unlike this couch I do not pull out." Abyss purred, "so majority of that mess is Jack."
"What?" John asked.
He carefully sat down next to the demon.  His hand flinching when Abyss's tail moved slightly.
"Oh feel free to talk shit about me in French cause Jack and Amelia already do that." Abyss joked.
Wes let out a snicker.
"You look like shit." Jack said walking past to get to the kitchen.
"Thank you." Abyss purred.
To be honest Abyss did look a little off brand.  His hair was tangled and if it wasn't obvious already hickeys littered his neck.
"He said you looked like shit." John said skeptically.
"I/ he knows." Abyss and Jack said at the same time. 
"Hey Jackson, I have to talk to you about something called a search history." Jack spit out his water and immediately took out his phone. 
Wes was surprised. 
"I didn't know you had stuff to hid."
"Ahem, what search history?" Jack said showing the blank google screen on his phone.
"My house my rules Jackson.  I would like to go through your texts and photos."
"Abyss open a portal to hell real quick."
Abyss shrugged and opened a small portal with a flick of his wrist.
"Oh no, my phone has seemed to have gone to another dimension." Jack said throwing his phone in the portal.
Abyss teleported it somewhere safe. 
"Oh then I can just look at Abyss's texts from you." Wes said.
Abyss let out a plume of fire and his phone was gone.
"Great now we can have family bonding time!" Wes said, "And what made you both think I would want to see anything from either of your sinful phones.  God I don't even want to touch them."
"I mean, unless you wanna see a lot of your son in... compromising acts.  Don't touch at least mine."
"Your gross." Jack huffed.
"Says the guy who-."
"Okay how about we talk about other relationship things." Wes said.
Jack picked Abyss up and then pulled him in his lap. 
It was a good time to mention when the whole conversation started that Tammy, Sasha, Cara and Sara all left.
"So..." John said, "Any names you've chosen for the baby?"
"Mary and Johnathan."
"Jack I'll call your brother Nathan!  And confuse the fuck outta him." Abyss said being chaotic.
Jack smirked. 
"You're lucky your as cute as you are dumb." Jack plopped his head on Abyss's hair. 
"I'm a pure genius."
"Says the blonde."
Abyss fake pouted.
"Uhm, Abyss uh what do you come from I guess?" John asked.
"Hell.  I'm a demon."
"Oh, I mean kinda cliché?  An angel and a demon?" John asked.
"I mean, not really.  My great grandma was an angel, that's really the only "demon angel relationship".  We don't talk about others." Abyss pursed his lips and avoided eye contact.
"Others?" John and Wes asked.
"It was like 2000 years ago.  It's highly illegal now.  And now angels and demons if they want a relationship with each other have to get assessed by the arch angels.  It was a whole, what humans call, a scandal."
"Oh, but in other news I gave you two a box of condoms.  What happened?"
"Ha, Abyss can't tie a balloon you think he can tie one of those off without spilling it everywhere."
"Jackson!  Lying is such a big sin also a turn on for demons, but what your son is trying to say is, he's just bitch in bed and likes what he likes.  Besides celestials don't need to worry about human diseases.  Plus I'm pretty sure we were both virgins so." Abyss shrugged. 
Jack blushed and didn't even retaliate. 
"My nephew, are you a top or bottom?" John asked.
"Bottom." All three responded.
John cleared his throat.
"Jackson there comes a time in every man's life to, grow a pair and dominate a much smaller person than them, with consent.  So both of you get up, Jack I want you to try and successfully pin this small demon." John said standing them both up. 
Abyss stood against the wall and made a fainting wall pose.
"Oh I'm so ass horny." Abyss purred, "plus Jack gets all the good orgasms anyway."
"Okay Jack, what you wanna do is pin his movement.  Like hands and legs.  You grab both wrists and pin and put you leg between his."
"Uncle John I don't know." Jack said pushing forward and using his weight against the demon.
"Oh baby, it's a nice effort." Abyss twisted Jack and pinned him to the floor pulling his waist to meet his with his knee.  Pinning his head down and one hand restraining both wrists behind his back.
"Oh kay." John said. 
Abyss let go of the angel who would probably start going into his fuck me mood set, and helped him up.
Abyss's bright green eyes locked with John's dull brown eyes.
"Whatever he tried I'll counter." Abyss purred.
Jack thought for a moment as Abyss tormented them at the idea.
"Abyss, Amelia is always saying we should switch.  Would it fancy you one switch round?" Jack asked.
"Uh gross.  First, you wouldn't like the orgasm.  Second, you'd be very inexperienced.  And third, no." Abyss said crossing his arms.
Jack had never blinked at the idea of being on top before.  Until his family got in his head.
"Jackson baby, you are what you want.  And if you so happen to love a certain body part up your ass, who are anyone to judge.  Tall people can be bottoms." Abyss purred, "be fucking sides your more of a power bottom.  I think it's sexy."
Abyss was purring.  He wrapped his arms around Jack and smirked.
"No." Wes pulled Abyss away from Jack.
"You two had intercourse last night.  For awhile.  I'm surprised with the way Jack was talking he'd be walking at all!" Wes yelled.
"Well, this is about lunchtime, and you kinda put us in really good positions for quality rub off time.  I'm just not a moaner."
"Psh when I suck your dick you change that attitude real quick." Jack crossed his arms. 
"Yeah head will do." Abyss purred grabbed Jack's shirt and leading him somewhere else.
Wes and John looked at each other. 

At diner Abyss offered to go home but Wes declined.
"Uhm, I also wanted to ask, like what type of priest isn't allowed to have sex?" Abyss asked, "cause like, I though Catholic priests can't get married."
"Well me and Sasha were married before I became a priest.  It-."
"When did y'all have Jack?  You guys are 39, no?  Is he a outta wedlock baby?" Abyss asked.
Jack smacked Abyss's head.
"No I wasn't you dumbass.  My parents were marri-.  Oh my god did you have a shotgun marriage!" Jack yelled.
"Jack, well it's complicated."
"Haha and your preaching about no sex before marriage." Abyss said giggling.
Sara looked up at the demon.
"What's the longest game you've played?" She asked.
Everyone's attention turned to the child.
"Two days of "filling taxes.".  Sexy, sexy taxes." Abyss purred.
Wes threw up in his mouth.
"Mhm best game of taxes I've ever had.  Demon taxes are so." Jack covered his mouth and blushed.
Every time he talked about their good sex, he sometimes moaned. 
"Well how big is his demon form?" John asked.
"Thick, and unexpectedly long, approximately-." Jack purred biting his lip.
"Jack, I think they meant my height, but I'm about 7 feet tall I'm an unfortunate American.  I failed the metric system 5 times."
"He's 213cm." Jack added, "height wise."
"So about 30ish cm taller?" Tammy asked.
Jack nodded.
"But he's thicker, he weighs a lot more.  I underestimated how..." Jack cleared his throat, "don't underestimate a demon."
After an awkward dinner. Jack pulled Abyss to his room and sat him down on the bed.
"Any particular reason I'm sitting down?" Abyss asked crossing his ankles.
Jack huffed.
"Is it bad to be horny again?" Jack turned around.
His face was a blush, he was biting his lip, and pulling at his pants.
"Not at all." Abyss purred reaching out and pulling Jack in his lap.
Abyss bit softly on the angels neck.
Jack ran his fingers through Abyss's hair.
The demon looked up and tilted his head.
Jack purred and pushed Abyss down so he was on top.

Jack crossed his arms. Abyss smirked at the angel.
"I'll let you top for your birthday baby." Abyss kissed Jacks cheek.
Jack huffed but grabbed the demon and cuddled.

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