Chapter 16

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My Axolotl babies!  I was told they look creepy af

Abyss's uncle Tony showed up first. His wife and their son followed after him. The baby was a deer human mix, with Tony being a human and his wife, Trixy, being a deer person.
Tony smiled at his nephew and hugged him.
"Your favorite uncle is here!" He said.
"You're my only uncle." Abyss said chuckling.
Tony smiled.
"Oh Tony, Noah smokes too, so he smokes out on the back porch."
Tony nodded.
"Oh I don't think you've met Dameon." Tony said setting his son on the floor.
Abyss smiled at the child, but softly panicked. Human children freaked him out. Baby demons were cute, ate semi solid food, and could easily survive alone. Human children needed constant attention.
"Oh yes a child." Abyss said.
"Abyss you need to have children." Jack crossed his arms.
"The bloodline ends with me." Abyss said.
"Oh my gosh. Byssal it's required."
Abyss let out a pained sound, but put himself together.
"I'll only have demon children. Human children get yeeted." Abyss said.
Jack rolled his eyes.
"Fair enough."
"Oh Abyss who's this?" Tony said noticing the angel.
"The saint." Abyss joked.
"Jackson, but everyone calls me Jack."
Tony tilted his head.
"Abyss's boyfriend." Jack said.
Tony nodded.
"You're gay?" Tony asked Abyss.
"Yes and we shall never speak of that again." Abyss growled.
"He was homophobic in middle school." Tony said.
Abyss huffed.
"Say ironic please." Abyss growled.
Jack giggled.
"Glad you unstraightened your act." Jack joked.
Abyss laughed.
"You're an idiot."
Misty turned to her brother.
"Krista?" She asked as Jack and Abyss were being gay.
Tony shrugged.
"Really hope she doesn't come." He said.
Abyss frowned.
"She doesn't belong here.  But the only valuable thing I have here is Jack." Abyss purred, "and my car, but for romance sake just him."
"Krista wouldn't steal a 50 dollar car." Misty said.
Abyss blinked at her.
"Okay maybe she would."
"Wot?  A 50 dollar car!  I'm even more terrified now!" Jack said. 
"Well, when we go home you can teleport."
"Yes, your car will break apart on the way home and I'll get frightened."
"Jack I've Tokyo drifted into another lane with oncoming cars on ice and didn't get hit.  I'm fucking skilled." Abyss said.
"When was this!" Misty yelled.
Abyss smiled.
"Two years ago.  Justin was with me."
Misty growled.
"Besides it's just a car crash, why be so worried." Tony said, "you both can't get critically injured."
Abyss could easily get a new car if he wrecked his current one.  But Jack looked terrified.
"Cars suck.  They're dangerous, I can't with them." Jack put his hands up to his throat.
Misty had made Abyss put makeup over the hickeys. 
A memory flashed of glass slashing into his throat and Jack started to panic. 
"Jacky!" Abyss yelled.
He shook the angel.
"You're already dead!  You can't die again!" Abyss yelled. 
Jack shook his head.
Tony blinked at Abyss and Jack.
"Jack is a dead pure angel.  He died in a car crash." Abyss said, "if he didn't have makeup on you could see the scars.  But mother told me to hide the hickeys."
Jack nodded.
"Technically glass and blood killed me, but cars are the main responsibility.  Abyss what happened to the other guy?" Jack asked.
"He didn't die I'll tell you that.  You'd be surprised what a drunk body could withstand.  But Jack it's a happy day my love.  Let's not talk about gruesome endings."
Abyss kissed his angel and smiled.
Frank saw Tony and hugged him.
Abyss took that as his room was empty so him and Jack went up there to be alone.  Not fuck though, just passionate kissing.  Tongue and all.

Nelly was the next to arrive.  Her husband ,Tad, and her four children filled in.
Abyss hugged Nelly on his way down to get something.  Then headed back upstairs.
"Why is he so embarrassed about his family?" Nelly asked watching Abyss shut the door to his room.
"He's got a boyfriend."
Nelly looked up at the room.
"Are they?"
"No, I made that pretty clear, but their car was wiggling this morning." Misty said.
Nelly giggled.
Crimson tilted his head.
"Why was their car wiggling?  And why is it funny?" Crimson asked.
"Uhm the wind dear."

Jack made his way downstairs and was swarmed with looks.
"Uhm, hi." He said to the six people
"Who the fuck are you?" Tad asked.
"Jack?  Who is you?"
"Oh sorry aunt Nelly, this is my husband." Abyss purred.
"Boyfriend Abyss." Jack blushed.
"Husband boyfriend.  Same thing."
"We're not married."
"But we will be one day and I can wait my love." Abyss purred.
Krista opened the door and looked around.
"Sup mother fuckers!" She said.
Abyss winced.
Krista, unmedicated was crazy, like actually crazy.  She hurt Abyss once, and Devastation almost murdered her.  Aka she successfully harvested his kidneys and tried to sell them off, but of course demon organs aren't compatible with human bodies.
"Hey Abitch boy." Krista giggled.
Jack huffed and pulled him closer.
"She's drug addicted, don't let her get near you.  Also she's actually crazy af.  She'll harvest any organ she can get her hands on." Abyss whispered to Jack.
Jack shivered. 
"Who's this hot boy?" Krista asked.
Everyone watched Abyss go off.  He paced in circles and his limbs started to crack.  His ankle joints getting longer and skin changed to scales.
Misty growled at her sister.
"You need to leave." Misty said.
"I only want to see my family." Krista said.
"No, Abyss call your father." Misty said.
Krista looked at the 3/4th demon at this point.
"Fine." Krista said leaving, but not before kicking the glass out of the car doors.
"BITCH!" Abyss hissed carefully and fastly running out side and chasing her off the property in his full demon form.  Roaring curses in demon and casting spells.
"Oh he's, he's damning her to hell, and banning her from this household." Jack explained.
"Mind filling me in?" Jack asked.

After Abyss got back inside he was half demon walking in with an animal control officer.
"I could've done this myself!" Abyss growled, "I'm the prince of hell get this off!"
The rabies pole was loosened and Abyss walked over to Jack.
"He'll be taken to the shelter next time."
Misty crossed her arms.
"That's my son, the future king of hell.  Do you really want to piss off someone who could easily change your fate?" Misty asked.
The guy backed out and ran away.

The family finally got on with their family function.  Jack was still confused on the whole Abyss hating his aunt Krista.
The children playing with little eggs in the backyard, while the adults chatted.  Abyss was in the weird intermediate area, he softly sipping a shot of alcohol.
"Byss?" Jack asked coming inside.
Abyss looked up.
"Are you sure you don't want children?" Jack asked.
"Human children.  They're atrocious.  They die.  Demon children, can be chill.  What I want is demon children." Abyss said.
He blinked outside.  Watching the adults and children.
"I can't do that." Jack blushed.
"Magic dumbass.  Can give you parts, or use magic on something."
"Feels kinda wrong to magic a child."
Abyss shrugged. 
"So, what do you want?" Jack asked.
"Hmm never had a partner so didn't think about it."
"I think one of each would be nice." Jack said.
Abyss nodded sipping water.
"Just to be even."
Misty walked into the house and smiled at her son.
"You two okay?" She asked.
They both nodded.
"We'll if you need anything we're outside."

Jack rested his head on the window and watched the trees pass.
They pulled into the garage, there were several cars already here so Abyss thought the girls were home already.
Abyss stretched and opened the front door to see Bucky sitting on the couch with Amelia.

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