Chapter 24

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"Hello everyone." Misty said walking in with Noah, Crimson, and Justin.
"Oh hello Jackson, didn't expect to see you here? Abyss introducing your boyfriend of 7 months I believe to the family?" Misty asked.
Abyss nodded.
"7 months? This thing has been going on for awhile? When did it start? Your first date? Your first time?" Quinn asked.
"Well yes, 7 months like mother said, January, Olive Garden, and immediately after we met." Abyss summed up their lives in one sentence.
"You have sex with a person you just met? Did you even know his last name! His ins and outs."
"Well I guess you can say I knew his ins and outs.  But, I knew his name Jackson, and his age. I knew he was Canadian, and a dead pure angel. I wasn't the one who ask-."
"Oh you're full oh shit. I asked if I could give you a blowy and you asked if I could incorporate some sex into that."
Abyss huffed.
"I would have got to that, eventually."
Quinn crossed her arms.
"Listen, if you died a virgin wouldn't you wanna try something new?" Jack asked.
A few people nodded.
"Bull, you were having gay panics in high school. You were a gay bitch in an all Christian academy."
"Says the man who begged me for sex all weekend. horny bitch." Jack whispered.
Abyss's ear twitched.
"Fuck me you sexy angel~." Abyss purred in demon.
Jack licked his bottom lip and sighed.
"Alas my dear, I cannot seem to believe that there is a secret place in this house."
"Okay you two. I've heard you guys bang for two days, I do not need to hear any more intercourse." Devastation growled.
"Two what now?" Quinn asked.
"Listen we will be having a lot of relationship endeavors father. I say you get that dick outta your mouth and stop being a bitch." Abyss huffed.
Misty was covering Crimsons ears. Devastation rolled his eyes.
"Misty cursing in front of your children is inevitable. Abyss turned out just fine."
"Yeah, it's mostly the sex talk that I don't want my young son to hear."
Abyss bit softly into Jack's neck and smiled at his parents. First base was probably as far as he would be able to go.
"Oral sex would-"
"No." Jack interrupted his boyfriend, "I give you waaaaay to much oral."
"What's oral?" Crimson asked Misty.
"Something you don't do unless you're older or married young man!" Misty yelled.
She shot glares at the two guys on the couch.

An hour went by and everyone settled down. Well you could hear Devastation and Misty arguing but what was new. Same old argument.
Abyss gasped and hid his blush. He was not ratting on a handjob, plus they were in a separate room from everyone else, Their fault entirely for leaving them alone together.
"I will defiantly put something up your ass later, albite what it will be just might depend on what you're down for." Abyss purred and bit his lip.
The demon let out a small moan but immediately covered his mouth. Demon hearing could be the death of their sex drive.
"If your sex drive is that bad we could always you know." Jack purred crawling on top of the demon.
"What happened to "there goes my sex for the week"." Abyss mocked.
Jack huffed.
"Fine if you don't want my ass, I'll just." Jack bit his lip and grinded on the demon.
Abyss choked on air and grabbed Jack's hips.
"Oh lovely, I may be interested."
The angel was promptly gagged and tied up, he was flipped on his stomach with Abyss actually locking a door for once.

Devastation heard a squeaking and thumping noise, but no moans or sound, just the soft banging of a bed frame on a wall.
"Damn." He said.
He kept it in the dark, he could do something about it later.

Abyss bit into Jack's shoulder like his life depended on it because it did. If his mother or his grandmother heard him moaning it would be the death of him. Jack had a gag and a pillow, Abyss didn't have such things. He liked being tied up, but being gagged was a whole different ball park for him. Speaking of ball parks, they went from first to grand slam real quick.

Crimson wondered around the house. It was easy for people who couldn't teleport or know where they were going to get lost. Luckily for him his brother walked out of the bathroom at the right moment.
"Abyss?" Crimson asked.
Abyss looked at his brother.
"Why were you in the bathroom? And what are those purple things on your neck?" Crimson asked.
Abyss covered one of them and blushed.
"Crimson, bud, lets not tell mom about this and I'll buy you anything you want." Abyss said.
Crimson tilted his head.
"Abyss don't bribe children." Jack said following Abyss out of the bathroom.  He kissed Abyss's neck.
"Abyss give me $100 and I won't tell mom you were in the bathroom alone with a boy."
"We did a lot more than be in the bathroom alone." Abyss laughed in demon.
Crimson crossed his arms.
"Okay here. Remember under the table funds?"
"Remain anonyms. Got it." Crimson said running off with his brothers money.
"Something tells me this isn't the first time you bribed Crimson."
"Nope, there is so much shit. But sworn to secrecy. Sorry babe." Abyss said quick drying their hair and walking away.

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