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Chapter 21: Unravelling


The early morning sky was still painted with an endless black, the last of the glittering stars slowly fading away, as I sat on my houses rooftop. Knees tucked under my chin, gaze un-focused, left to thoughts dancing to a fast beating drum.

My eyes twitched with the need for sleep, rubbed raw from the many hours I have spent just sitting and staring into space. I didn't bother to cover my mouth as a yawn escaped my throat. Didn't have energy left in my arm, or anywhere else in my body for that matter.

Aw... aren't you just a sad sight.

Shut it Dragon.

Ugh. Again with the creepy voice! I've long come to terms that I was losing my mind, I just didn't think it would come with a mind of its own...... or materialise into a real Dragon and save me from a bunch of creepy eyed, human monsters. 

Not being able to catch a wink of sleep isn't helping the situation. I thought that when my head hit the pillow, I would fall into a deep slumber, but was sourly mistaken. Like a kid on coffee, my body refused to shut down. So I've been up all night, wasting away into the early hours of the morning, just waiting for the sun to rise.

The memory of last night taunting me, begging for un-known answers I haven't figured out yet. Instead, more questions continued to pile on top of each other, almost to the point that I fear I will explode. Flashes of glowing red eyes, fill my mind, taking over any other thoughts. The monsters that I have now encountered twice and barley escaped with my life in tact.

A slight trickle of warmth tickled my toes. Half an hour till sun-rise. I should stop wasting my time out here and start figuring out the answers to my questions. I've spent too long sulking in the shadows, its time I started acting more like the superhero I am and took charge. There's a mystery to solve and it needs to be done fast.

Lives were at stake.

Most likely mine.

Another image of the red eyed monsters flashed before me. I'll take that as a sign to start there. They were un-naturally strong and fast. Almost like my heightened senses. Its as if someone has taken there DNA and manipulated the structure to match ours (i.e. Me, Mum, Dad, Ghost, Red).

But what could have turned them into such brainless creatures?

Oh gee, I don't know genius..... how about those red syringes filled with that red liquid?

Shut it you winged lizard! Wait.......

Well would you look at that..... she's thinkning.

OH MY BANANA HOLDER! The Dragon's got it!

Bravo. Really. Are you sure your not related to Einstein?

Hey! I didn't know Dragon's could be sarcastic? Anyway.... shut your fanged gob! I'm losing my train of thought.

What if the Dragon's right? It would make sense. The red liquid in the syringes has been at all the places the monsters have been. Plus! That gangster with the breifcase was carrying viles for it and tried to inject himself with it to stop me. It must be some kind of new drug that can alter a normal human beings DNA!

I've got to get my hands on a sample.

Just above the tree-tops the sun began it's ascent into the sky, powdering it with a light blue. Darkness began to fill my vision, blindness reutrning. Scrambling of the roof, I slipped in through the window to my bedroom.

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