Who are you?!

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Chapter 8: Who are you?!


"HOME RUN!" Mum screamed. Running over to the flaming ball I had just hit, she extinguished it.

Casually leaning against my backyards fence, I asked, "How many points do I have now?"

Its been one week since I gave Rhyden the security gear he wanted from me, and am now currently playing baseball in my backyard with my parents.

Sad? I know.

But what else is a girl with no friends supposed to do on a Sunday afternoon? When somebody finally Googles the answer..... let me know.

Mum checked the scoreboard. Turning to face Dad and I, she shouted, "So far, Blaire is in the lead with 56,732 home runs and sweetie...." She sent Dad an apologetic smile, "Your on 21. Sorry!"

Dad threw down his mitt angrily. "BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!" Stomping his foot like a little kid, he points an accusing finger at me, "BLAIRE KEEPS CHEATING!"

Mouth falling open in shock, I stood straight, and shouted, "WHAT?! HOW AM I CHEATING! It's Superpower baseball...... YOUR SUPPOSED TO USE YOUR POWERS!"

Pouting out his bottom lip, he whines, "It's still not fair. You always score a home-run."

I just shrug my shoulders, "Well, its not my fault that I can teleport straight to last base. "

Glaring at me, he whispers threateningly, "I will beat you one of these days."

I couldn't help but snort, "Yea. Right. Dad, the day that YOU beat ME at baseball, will be the day you die. You know, since death is the last base of life and all....." I trailed off.

"That's it!" Throwing down his mitt, he came charging at me.

Flames danced inside his pure golden eyes, and his hands started to glow a startling red. Not impressed, I stood still and shared a look with my Mum. Sighing she picked up the extinguisher we'd been using, and disappeared.

Right before he was about to reach me, out of nowhere, a cold white mist was sprayed in Dad's face. When the frosty fo evaporated, it revealed a shocked, white, and shivering cold, Dad. Blowing out a breath, he opened his eyes.

"Thanks honey. I needed a cool down."

She smiled and pet his cheek. "Your welcome hot stuff."

Letting out the breath I was holding, I calmed myself.

I'm not pissed at him for almost cooking me.

Looking at me sheepishly, he shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'Oops! Didn't mean to try and kill ya.' Rolling my eyes, I waved a hand at him.

"Yea, yea. Whatever. I know how easy it is for you to loose your temper. Just next time....... TRY AND INCINERATE SOMEBODY ELSE!"

Ok...... Maybe I'm a little pissed.

Stomping over to where Dad threw the mitt, I picked it up and said, "Ok! Time to redeem your sorry butt Dad. This time your batting and I'll....."

The familiar sensation of my hands burning, and my stomach churning made me stop mid sentence. Looking up from the grounds luscious green grass, that now had circle shaped burn marks from where the ball landed, I gave my parents a meaningful look. They nodded their heads in understanding.

Teleporting myself inside my room, I stripped and changed into my black leather hood and leggings, stepped into my charred combat boots and slid on my blood red fingerless gloves. As I swiped the red line across my eyes, my pupils retracted, revealing my burning orange irises, and my dragon birthmark on my right arm began to glow a blood red.

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