Sweet on Him

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Chapter 24: Sweet on Him


I gasped for air, desperately trying to gulp down some oxygen to my lungs. Ghost's mouth was set in a determined line. The determination to fore fill his masters orders.

The order to kill me.

Is it just me or do people keep trying to choke me to death today? No just me? Ok then. It must be the boys favourite killing technique then. You know, for once, I think it would be nice if they tried something else, like I don't know..... a nice stabbing or something or even killing someone with kindness!

I mean, who WOULDN'T want to die that way! It seems a pretty nice way to go. I think I would even pay to see someone get killed with kindness. How often do you see someone walk up to another person and say, 'You are the most amazing person in the world,' and then that person just drops dead?

I think it would definitely be a step up from being choked to death.

But no...... it seems that this is my destined way to go. Choked by the boy I like. Yes, I admit it... to some degree I actually have a crush on Ghost..... I can't help it! He just acts so Cody like! How can I not like him? Plus, its just further proof that Cody is the one behind this helmet.

Which means....... Cody is currently choking me to death.

Great. Looks like we have skipped the whole lovey, dovey relationship part and straight into the lovers quarrel.

Oh well..... this is a sad, sad time.

But I am glad it is at the hands of the boy I like. I say like because if its not Cody under there then it would be really awkward since that would mean I have swapped spit on two occasions now with a total stranger.


But damn the boy can kiss!

In fact, staring at his lips now, I think that as my final act, I would like to go out with a bang! So.... here it goes! I mean, what do I have to loose? Other than my life of course.

With my final dying (choking), breaths of life, I reached a hand up behind his neck and crashed my lips onto his. A warm tingly sensation, tickled my toes, his mouth soft.

So....... imagine my surprise when all of a sudden, Ghost stopped choking me and instead, slid his hands around to my back so he held me, and freakin deepened the kiss.

In fact, I was so surprised that, I bit his tongue so hard that he dropped me on my butt.

"Jesus woman! You got a set of fangs on you?! Dammit!" He yelled.

Wait a minute.....

"How did you break out of Red's persuasion?" I asked.

"Umm......" Realisation seemed to hit him. "I have no idea actually. I seemed to only have snapped out of it once you kissed me."

I gave him a disbelieving look. "Really? That's your answer? That I have some kind of magic kiss that breaks compulsion?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed, "That is so cliché!"

He just shrugged his large shoulders at me. "You got any better ideas on how I did it? Cause all I can remember is being held down by those monsters, and then the next thing I knew I was kissing you! Which by the way, I thoroughly enjoyed," he smirked at me and held up an 'a-okay' sign.

Flipping back up onto my feet I growled, 'Well, I didn't."

Another smirk and chuckle, "You know you loved it!"

A shrill, and very girly scream, broke out in the middle of our banter, stopping our conversation and making us turn towards where Red stood, or rather floated. We gazed upwards in shock, while we had been arguing Red had gone and grabbed one of the hostages.

And guess who that hostage was......

Friggin Bitch Barbie!

I should of known SHE would be out shopping on a day like this. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if she went shopping everyday of the week.

So there she was, Barbie dangling over an evil version of Ken's shoulder. Holding out my hands, I spoke calmly.

"Red, what are you doing with the bottle blonde girl?"

Bitch Barbie screeched in her annoying voice, currently forgetting about her current situation, "I. AM. NOT. A BOTTLE BLONDE! THIS IS ALL NATURAL!"

"Pfft! Sure it is," I pshed.

"Enough! You two are gonna let me walk out of here, free and clear or the girl get's it!" Red glared.

Ghost and I looked at each other dumbfounded. Looking back at the floating man, Ghost asked the question that was on both our minds.

"The bottle blonde girl gets what?"


This time it was all three of us that psshed, "YEA RIGHT!"

This shut her up.

Red then smirked, but it was dark, very dark as he brought out a red, liquid filled needle.

"Or she gets this!"

My muscles froze as I carefully kept my eyes on the needle.

"No deal-"

"Deal!" I cut Ghost off.

He turned and shook my shoulders, "What are you doing?"

Staring at him, I said seriously, "Doing what I was born to do. To save the innocent."

No matter how un-innocent they may actually be.

Releasing me, he nodded his head in understanding. The people come first. No matter how much you just wish that person would get eaten by a shark. There she was, the girl I really, REALLY, don't like, in the jaws of a shark.

But..... personal feelings aside, I cannot let her be fish bait.

Acting casual, I said, "Drop her. "

Red looked shocked. "What?"

"What?!" Ghost echoed closely behind.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I said I don't care, drop her."

Re-gaining his villain composure, he also shrugged. "Okay then."

He then proceeded to drop Bitch Barbie. Flashing out and back in again, I caught her mid-fall, teleporting us safely back onto the ground and away from Red. Red's jaw dropped.

I laughed, "I can't believe you were stupid enough to just do that!"

Instead of dignifying that with a response, he flew upwards and smashed through the glass window pane. Ghost lunged for me, covering both us in his green glow. Shards of glass came raining down us, but simply passed through.

Holding tightly, he cradled me. It was only when the tinkling sounds ceased, did we open our eyes. We gazed at each other, both refusing to be the one to look away first.


The shrill squeak made us both snap our attention towards the TOTALLY bottle blonde girl. I had to stuff a hand inside my mouth to stop the laughter that so desperately wanted to escape my mouth. Ghost copied my actions, flipping the switch on the side of his helmet to cover the smirk that covered his face and somewhat smother his deep chuckles.

"Are you....Ha! ok?" I bit out.

Her icy blue eyes, snapped towards my fiery ones in a piercing glare. "Does it look like I'm ok? No! I'm not ok?! I need an ambulance!"

"I think your overreacting. Its just hair," I folded my arms across my chest.

"Just. Hair?!" She waved the bottom half of her, that was cut off by a glass shard, in her tiny fist, shaking it at me.

Ghost stayed out of this cat fight, choosing to watch on instead while bent over in silent laughter. Rolling my eyes at her dramatics, I looked towards my own glowing curls at the bottom of my brown hair.

"Yep. Just hair. It'll grow back."

"Grow back?! Do you know how long it took to grow my hair this long?" She screamed.

"Probably about as long as it took to rip open a packet of blonde hair dye."

She growled at me, ready to defend her fakeness. Ignoring her stormy looks, I saw that the once hostages had seemed to have also broke free from there compulsed state. Most shared confused and relieved looks, loved ones running towards each other and embracing.

Happy with how the situation has ended, I smiled. However it didn't last long, as Bitch Barbie strutted her way to Ghost and placed her well-groomed, manicured claws upon his arm.

"I'm Clarissa by the way," she purred.

I wanted nothing more than to create her own funeral pyre.

"Thank you for saving my life handsome."

I faked being sick. Turning she glared at me, "Excuse me?"

I waved a hand, "You heard me. Blah! And excuse me! But I believe I'm the one that actually saved you! I mean, I am the one that caught you when you fell!"

She scowled, "Well, you catching me gave me a bruise! Do you know how ugly those things are and how long they take to fade? I'd rather fell." She stuck her snooty nose in the air.

I smirked. "Fine. Next time I'll just let you fall and brake your bony ass."

Pulling her hand off of Ghost, I pulled him away with me as I turned to walk towards the exit. Mid leave I chucked one final comment over my shoulder.

"Do you know how long THAT would take to fade? I heard plastic surgeries are pretty pricy these days, but you would already know all the prices wouldn't you? I mean that nose of yours look great don't get me wrong! But I think the Doc missed a spot."

'"What?! Where?!"

"He forgot to stitch your mouth shut!"

She gasped. Startling me, Ghost slipped his hand in mine. Leaning down to my ear he whispered, "I want to take you somewhere."


"It's a surprise!"


"You brought to an ice-cream van. Really?"

Ghost told me to 'Ssshh! and his hand began to glow green. We were currently hidden behind the whippy man van, for god knows what reason I can't comprehend. His glowing hand passed through the back wall of the van.

"What are you doing?" I couldn't help but smile even as I asked.

"I am..." He trailed off. His hand came back to our side with two ice-cream cones in hand. "Getting us an ice-cream!"

I laughed, "You can't just take them! We're supposed to be the good guys remember? This is stealing?"

The bottom half of his helmet was open again, so I could see the cheeky, and childish smile the filled that half of his face.

"Who said I was stealing?"

I don't where he kept it, but pulled out some cash out of his suite, and passed it through the wall again.

"If anything, I'd say we left him a large tip!"

Passing me one of the cones, I couldn't help but wonder. "How did you know rocky-road was my favourite?"

He shrugged an licked his own cone, which happened to be strawberry flavoured. "Don't know. Lucky guess?"

Looking around I glanced up at a skyscraper, a statue was placed on top. That would have a nice view. Grabbing Ghost's hand I told him, "Close your eyes this time. I hope your not afraid of heights!"

"Why do I need to-- Not this again!"

In a blink we were now sitting next to the statue that sat on top of the tall skyscraper. Casually sitting down, I licked my ice-cream and watched as Ghost once again, emptied his insides onto the people walking by below.

Protests and cries of disgust filled the air, and I just watched on in amusement. When finished hurling, he came and sat beside me, our feet dangling over the dizzying height. Avoiding my amused filled gaze, Ghost sighed.

"That was disgusting."

I agreed. "Yea. Yea it was."

"I hate teleporting."

"Too bad."

"Why?" he questioned, scared. "Why is that too bad?"

"Because I am going to be teleporting with you a whole lot more now that we are partners."

"I'll close my eyes next time."

I pet his helmet. "Good boy. Your learning," I cooed at him. Slapping my hand away he growled.

"I am NOT a good boy!"

I chuckled and stuck my tongue out at him, "Sure you are!"

Dropping his cone of the side of the building he tackled me backwards. I yelped and un-like his ice-cream, mine fell and smooshed across my face. He burst into laughter above me, knocking foreheads with mine which caused us both to groan in pain. Clutching our heads we sat up.

"Oh my gosh that hurt!" I groaned out.

Ghost laughed over-coming his pain, "Come here."

He tilted my head to face him. Moving me this way and that. He lightly touched my head and I winced.

"I don't know why you would be the one in pain. Your the one with the helmet dummy! Isn't that thing supposed to protect you?" I tapped the box on his head and laughed, and he laughed with me.

Leaning away from me he said, "So... tell me something about yourself... Partner."

"Umm..... well, let's go with a classic. My favourite colour would have to be..... red!"

He threw his hands up in the air playfully, "Oh my god! I would never have guessed it! Really red?!"

"Alright what's YOUR favourite colour, I believe this is how the whole bonding thing goes." I joked and nudged his shoulder.'

Nudging me back he said, "Well the colour like most would have to be..... obvious."


That's not actually a colour is it?

"Well it should be obvious," he gestured to his suite.

"Oh! Your favourite colour is green! Not obvious!"

He face-helmeted. See what I did there? Well, its not like he can actually face-palm.

"Alright what's your favourite....." A pigeon flew by, "Animal."

"Oh well that's obvious!"

"This isn't like the colour thing right? Obvious isn't an animal. Right?"

He laughed and ruffled the top of my hoodie. "Cute and innocent, I love it! And no, my favourite animal isn't the obvious, whatever the heck that would be."

I waited for his answer, but it seemed to be taking forever for him to answer. I waved a hand in front of his face, "Hello! Your favourite animal?"

"Women of course!" He smirked.

I scrunched my nose up. "How are we animals?"

"Two words that changed my mind..... The Bedroom."

I gagged in disgust, "You are one sick and twisted boy Ghost. Sick and twisted."

I couldn't help but keeping shaking my head. For the obvious reason, disgust and the second...... because that was such a Cody thing to say. Secretly perverted and all round outrageous.

But this was nice....just hanging up here with Ghost joking around and just..... talking. he's not so annoying.

He just shrugs his shoulders and smirks, "Primal nature baby. Talking about kissing and what not..." he glanced at me, "I believe YOU little Hood... kissed ME."

A furious blush covered my face, "Uh well you know..... Shud up!"

"Do you want to know a secret?"

"Um... sure?"

"You're the first girl that has ever dared to kiss me first. Never mind I was choking you! By the way.... sorry about that."

I waved a hand, as if to wave away the subject. "Don't worry about it. You weren't yourself. "

Even though there was a cool breeze blowing, my face still hasn't calmed down from the furious blush that seems to be permanently stained across my cheeks. Looking up at the night, I realised that I should probably start heading home. I have school tomorrow.

Standing up, I brushed off my tights and looked down at Ghost. "I gotta go. This was..... fun."

I smiled, and he smiled back at me.

"I had fun too," Standing as well, he leaned towards me. Nervous I closed my eyes. A warm kiss was pressed to my forehead.

"Hey... do you need a ride home?" My body started to flame.

A queasy grimace greeted me. "Uh.. no thanks. I think I'm just gonna take the stairs," He pointed to the stairwell behind him.

Laughing, I told him 'Bye!' and jumped off the roof, teleporting onto the ground. I walked home that night with a smile on my face and a small skip in my step. Deciding to take a small short cut, I cut into the small ally way to the left of me.

It was dark and gloomy, shadows dancing back and forth. What I didn't realise until it was too late and the cold pricking sensation of a needle, and the cold liquid filling my veins, was the second pair of footsteps that followed behind me.

"I hope you are ready my little Dragon. It is time for you to become my Guardian once again."

It looks like the stranger has finally returned.

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