Royal Rhyden. My Ass!

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Chapter 17: Royal Rhyden. My Ass!


I stepped out of my bathrooms shower and walked into my bedrooms wardrobe. Steam from the hot water cascading into my bedroom, coating everything in a fine, foggy, mist, turning my room into a winter wonderland of sought.

Scanning my closet, I chucked on a flowy, black, singlet top, and my baggy, dark, grey, hoodie. Glasses sliding down my nose, I stepped into my navy, blue, sports trackies, and pulled the strings tight, so they wouldn't slide down my waist.

I was returning back to school today. My fever had magically disappeared and I was more than greatful to get out of the house. After Cody's appearance, my parents thought it would be a good idea to 'talk.'

I think we all know how that turned out.

I shuddered with the memory. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I laced up my worn down converse. Silently in my head I spoke the child's rhyme, 'Over and under the loopty loop, and threw the bunnies cave.' The mention of the bunny reminded of Uncle Lark, as well as the strange dream I'd had about us while I was sick.

It didn't take much thinking for me to rule it off as a hallucination. Simply something that my mind cooked up out of boredom. Moving on to more important things, I need to figure out how Ghost knew where I lived.

A strange itchy feeling, prickled at the back of my neck. Unconciously, my gaze was drawn across the room to the vase, in which Cody's white lilly bouchee stood proud. A smile pricked at the corners of my lips. He's so sweet Cody, checking up on me and bringing flowers as a gift.

In fact, I wonder how he knew lillies are my favourite flowers?

Another thought startled me.

How did HE know where I live?

Its not like I'm the kind of person to invite friends over for tea parties and what not, or even hand over my address! The answer to that is because I don't have friends, and I don't hand out my address. To ANYONE. It's a danger to me and my family.

You could almost hear an audible 'click!' as the cogs in my brain started turning. Cody and Ghost are the only two guys who have been to my house.

And lived.

I silently added. I was still impressed that Cody had the guts to kiss my cheek, right in front of my Dad and my Mum. But then again, they were a bit busy argueing over the imaginary scenario of me being impregnated.

Gotta love my parents! And teachers ask me why they never show up on parent teacher meet and greet day. Could you imagine what would go down? I could already feel myself slipping into a coma at the thought.

But anyway, could Cody possibly be the boy behind the helmet? My mind flashed back to when he and I were in the coffee shop down at the stadium. He had to leave as soon as I did. My heart rate instantly picked up at the thought. I lifted a hand to gently touch my lips.

If Cody is Ghost then..... we've already kissed.

It was with that thought that I came crashing down from my hope.

Nah! No way Cody is Ghost! For instance, Ghost is way too crude, annoying, mean and...... just plain ol' stupid! While Cody's nice, sweet, charming.... I mean, sure! Every now and again he'll make the perverted joke, but that's it.... he's JOKING!

Waving my hands away from my head, I let out an annoyed breath. I don't have time to focus on who Ghost's identy is, or how he and Cody both knew where I lived. I need to focus on the bigger picture. Stopping Red and finding out how he created those red eyed, demond, monsters.,

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