School? Um.... I think you mean Hell!

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Chapter 2: School? Um.... I think you mean Hell!


The crowd that had been gathered at the bottom of the building, cheered. I patted the man I had just saved on the back, "Are you ok?" I asked, blocking out everything else.

The thirty something year old man had just fallen over the sixtieth floor balcony. Luckily for him, I was walking by when I heard him scream. Flashing out, I snatched him from mid fall. Now that I had flashed us back down onto the ground safely, I could see just how shaken up he is.

His hands shook and his eyes were wide as they took on a glazed look. I repeated my question, "Are you ok? You like your about to be..." He threw up where I had been standing. "Sick." I patted his back from my new position.

Thank god I teleported onto the other side of him!

I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the stench. My eyes snapped to his just as they rolled to the back of his head. With lightening fast reflexes, I caught him before he hit the pavement.

I seem to be doing a lot of catching today.

Dragging him to a random audience member, I handed him over. The guy squeaked in surprise, "Take care of him for me will ya?" I sent the guy a cheeky grin before flashing out and into my bedroom.

I let out a heavy sigh as I  collapsed onto my comfy bed. It's about time I got to sleep. I have a speech to do at school tomorrow morning. My limbs dragged with fatigue as I changed into my pyjamas. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.


I peeled open my eyes at the sound of my alarm clock going off.


Ugh! Shut. Up!

Slamming my fist down, it instantly went mute.

That's better.

My sharp vision, scanned my surroundings. I gaze at the familiar red walls of my room, the white desk that sat in the corner covered in sketches of weird symbols and the rock band posters that stuck to my doors.

It was still dark outside, my glowing fiery hair and eyes being the only source of light. Chucking the covers off my body, I stood up and made my way to the windowsill. Pulling the curtains aside, I climbed out and onto the roof. The morning chill nipped at my bones.

Sitting down, I wrapped my arms around my legs. As I leaned my head on my knees, I looked at the skies. I had the perfect view from up here. Nothing but the sounds of nature greeted my ears. A slight breeze tousled my hair, I smiled slightly.

I do the same thing every morning. I get up at five and come out here to watch and listen. Most people would mock me and ask, 'Why the heck would you want to do that?'

But they don't know what its like to live with only half of one of your main senses.

When its dark.... I can see.

Sure I can also see things in daylight but that's only because of specially engineered glasses. But even when I wear those, I'm not really seeing. The glasses I wear send signals to my brain, forming images. I can't see the intricate details of things or people.

For an example;  Everybody around me can see the amazing designs and masterpieces of Picasso that is the world, while I've got some idiot techno guy sending me texts of stick figures.

Well, that's what I feel is happening.

When I wear the glasses, I can see shapes, colours and the main features of a person but what I do manage to see is still slightly blurry. It's like looking through a crack in the wall. A glimpse.

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