Save the World

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Chapter 30: Save the World


Smoke engulfed us as we landed inside my house. Curling over, I fell to my knees on the floor. Gasping for breath, my lungs felt constricted. Teleporting had taken its toll. Exhaustion clawed at my insides, begging, pleading for me to give into a deep slumber.

But sleep would have to wait. The battle was far from over and the war had only just begun. Cody and Lark wouldn't waste their time, won't wait for Rhyden and I to get our acts together.

We had to act, and quickly.

"Blaire?" Rhyden crouched down beside me, sleep was clearly pleading with him as well, as bags had formed under his eyes. His arms came around me, slowly and gently he lifted my sagging form up from the tiled floor.

Leaning against him, my eyes continued to droop. "You should get some rest." He started to lead me towards the stairs.

Sluggishly, I tried to pry his hands from me in protest, but was too weak. Gripping my shoulders, he turned me to face him. "Rest. You need your sleep. "

"No," I tried again to protest. "We need to plan. We need to-"

"We need to sleep. We are no help if our eyeballs are hanging out of our heads." A small smile tilted his lips.

Hanging my head in defeat, I let him drag me up the stairs and towards my room. Rolling back the covers, I was picked up bridal style and placed beneath the warm sheets.

Rolling over to tell him good night my eyes widened in shock. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Rhyden paused with his suite halfway off. His glorious eight pack on full display before me. I mean, I'm not complaining, the view is fantastic, but it would be awkward if he noticed my drooling. Hesitantly, he replied with a question, "Getting ready for bed?"

Shooting up into a sitting position, ignoring my aching bones, I whispered, "Bed? What bed?" I pointed to the aforementioned possession I was currently lying on. "Wait. THIS bed?!"

Smirking, he folded his arms, arm muscles bulging. I gulped silently starting to grow sweaty with nerves. Knowing the affect he was having on me, he crawled on top of the bed towards me. My eyes widened in the same way that cartoons do.

"Yes. This bed Blaire. Do you have a problem with that?" Lazy green emeralds scanned me.

By now, I had lost interest in the conversation and was too busy trying not to poke the tanned, sculpted muscles in front of me. I tried to swallow the saliva that had dried up inside my mouth.
"M-muscles.... pretty.... a-a-abs." I lost the battle to my inner thoughts and started to shamelessly poke Rhyden's arms and stomach.

Rhyden chuckled in amusement before lightly gripping the hand that was poking him. "Maybe I shouldn't be sleeping in the same bed as you. I'm starting to fear for my virginity."

I raised my eyebrows and snorted, "Please. If you walked into a convent the nuns would point you in the direction of the nearest brothel."

He faked offence and placed a hand on his chest. "Excuse me your offending my right of virtue here." I burst into laughter and fell backwards onto my pillow. No he really did look offended, but his eyes still held the glimmers of humour. "What's so funny? Believe it or not but this mind used to be innocent."

"Emphasis on the USED TO BE part!" I cackled holding my guts. Coming even closer than before, Rhyden hovered above me, his arms the only thing keeping him from crushing me. I stopped laughing and stared at him. "Do you really likey likey me?"

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