Hannah Montanna Had It Easy

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Chapter 9: Hannah Montanna Had It Easy


"Hahaha- Ok, ok, wait, watch this."

Another piece of scrunched paper hit the back of my head.


Rhyden and his friends burst out into fits of laughter; for the third time this lesson. But, again, I just ignored them. Normally any other day, I would be bothered by this, but today my thoughts belonged somewhere outside this dreaded classroom. On Someone.

I couldn't get him out of my head! And no..... I'm not talking about Cody.

For once.......

Instead, my thoughts remain on another boy in-particular. One that prefers to wear a ninja suite. And hide behind a helmet. And walk through walls. And annoy the shiz out of me.

If you still haven't got it by now..... I suggest you go see a surgeon. Maybe have a smarter brain implanted.


You know...... Mysterious, (althought I hate to admit it) saved me, very smirky sounding......

I bet all those people who forgot are all going, 'OH YEA! HIM!'

Yea. Him.

Ever since last night, I couldn't get the image of him driving off out of my head, and the way his fingers had dug into my chin gently as he whispered his name. But the one thing that replays behind my eyelids the most, was the eerie green flames he'd left behind;

'Your not the only superhero in town.'

All morning, I have been trying to figure out some clues as to who this guy is. No such luck just yet. Releasing some of my nerdiness though, doesn't the guy know anything about grammar?

I mean, come on, seriously, who doesn't know that when your referring to someone in the way he did, that 'Your,' is spelt 'You're'.


Too focused on my thoughts, I didn't have time to notice the pencil flying my way. I hissed in pain, as the sharp tip of lead grazed my left shoulder. Instantly, my right hand went up to cradle it, as I hunched forward in my seat.

Rhyden snorted from the back of the room. "Whimp."

My veins felt like lava, as my eyes saw red.

And no, my superpowers weren't kicking in or anything. Rather disappointing though.

Closing my eyes, I released a frustrated breath. Choosing to focus on my wound instead. Peeking under my grey jumper, small droplets of scarlett began to seepe through the gauze that covered my bullet wound.

Looking back to the front of the classroom, I gazed upwards at the old clock that faintly, ticked. Only five minutes until class was over. Then I can re-clean my wound. Keeping my hand on my shoulder, I made sure to cover any blood that appeared on my sleeve. Just hovering over it carefully, enough not to put too much pressure on it.

"Hey. Hey Nerd. Nerd. Hey. For fucks sake...... Blaire."

The sound of Rhyden ACTUALLY calling me Blaire, shocked me. Not being able to ignore him this time, I swivelled towards the back row. My glasses slid down my nose. With one finger I slid them back up the bridge of my nose and nervously looked at Rhyden and his friends. His friends sat lazely sprawled across their chairs. Rhyden with his legs kicked up on-top of the desk.

Not looking at me, he studied the ends of his shoes. "So Nerd-"

I should have known it wouldn't last.

His emerald eyes snapped up to mine, "Why, oh why, was my dear brother talking to the likes of you?"

I inwardly groaned. Really? He wants to know why his damn hot brother chose to friggin open his mouth and speak to me?

Oh gee..... I don't know.... Maybe he has mental issues, I don't bloody know! He's YOUR brother! Although I have no idea how, since Cody's so nice and your just...... blah!

Knowing he wouldn't like that answer, I chose to keep my mouth shut. I really didn't need any trouble today.

He raised his eyebrows, un-impressed. "Really? Not gonna even answer me? Wow. Real mature."

And chucking things at the back of my head is?!

Opening my mouth, I decided to let him have it.

I can't believe it. For the first time in history, I Blaire, am going to stand up to Rhyden.


Un-bloody believable.

The bell rang.

Not waiting to hear what I have to say, Rhyden stood up and picked his bag up off the floor. "Oooh.....never mind. I'd say it was nice conversing with you, but then again, I don't even like seeing your face. Adious! Nerd."

I sat there, as he stormed past me. Waiting till everyone had left, I heaved a tired sigh. "Yep. Just another day," I whispered.

Standing up, I grabbed my bag from under my desk, and placed it on-top. I took my time shoving my books inside. Not bothering if the pages got folded. Slinging the heavy thing onto my good shoulder, I adjusted the strap and wen to head out of the room.

"Blaire? Do you mind coming to see me for a moment?" My teacher asked.

Startled, I jumped slightly. I hadn't realised anyone was still inside the room with me. She chuckled lightly at my shocked expression. Motioning for me to approach her desk, she pulled out a piece of paper.

"You weren't here last lesson, so I need to give you this now."

Reaching out, I slid the paper from her slim fingers. Her nails were a stark contrast against the white paper, as they glistened a dark pink.

Glancing down at the paper I now held in my hands, I asked, "What is it for?"

The corners of her mouth lifted in an earnest smile. "Its your assignment, and its due by the end of this week, so I suggest you get a move on. The others have already had a couple days head start."

Giving her a gracious nod. I thanked her, and quickly left the room. An assignment?! No! That's so not what I need right now! And to make matters worse its due in two days. How the heck am I supposed to get this thing done in two days?!

Disgruntled, I shoved the paper inside my jeans back pocket. Living a double life is not easy. Especially if your a superhero. Its not like you get holiday leave or anything. On one side of my life, I'm the school's biggest nerd, and in the other, I'm a crime fighting super powered freak!

I definitly do not have the best of both world's.

Hannah Montanna had it easy.



I dangled the Thug over the edge of the roof.

Scared, he whimpered. "I.... I DON'T KNOW!"

I let him slip from my grasp a bit more, and he screamed. "Tell me the answer and I will pull you back up."

I'd caught the guy trying to brake into a nursing home. For god knows what reason!

"Tell me!" I shouted impatiently.

I spotted tears running down the dirty man's cheeks, "I DON'T KNOW I SWEAR!"

I shrugged. "Ok then."

I was holding him by the ankles now. Another scream, "OH GOD! PLEASE NO! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!"

"Let me answer that for you. One, you tried to brake into a Nursing home. Two, you then tried to stab me. Should I go on?" He shook his head and continued to cry. "Ok then. Now, since I was so nice as to answer YOUR question....... WHO WAS THE PRESIDENT IN 1987?!"


I smiled. "Thank you!"

I dropped him. Before I could forget the answer, I penciled it down onto the piece of paper I was using for my research assignmnet. Smiling, I only had two more answers to go until I was finished. I could still hear the Thug's screams as he plummeted.

Flashing out, I teleported onto the pavement below. Looking up, I cracked my knuckles and proceeded to stretch out my arms. My heightened senses kicked in, giving me more strength. Easily, I caught the Thug in my arms.

Almsot instantly, he stopped screaming bloody murder. Opening his eyes, he looked into my glowing ones. I smiled. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he sagged in my arms.

I stopped smiling. "Great. Now, I'm going to have to carry him all the way to the station."

Flippping him round, I transferred to carrying him across my shoulders; fire-man style.

"Gosh your a heavy oath!" I grumbled. Even with my heightened strength, I stumbled a bit at his weight.

Trudging out of the alley way, I carefully manouvered my way around the people on the side-walk. Muttering polite, 'Excuse me's,' and 'Thank you's.' I moved the Thug slightly, as my back began to throb a dull ache.

"This is rediculous," I huffed.

Changing my course, I walked out into the middle of the road. A taxi came to a screeching halt, stopping right before it would have smashed into my knees. I stared right into the driver's eyes, and watched him gulp.

I ignored the freaked out look he had on his face, and moved to the back seat's door. Practically ripping the door open, I bent down, about to shove the guy onto the back seat. I paused in my movements, as an open-mouthed Rhyden and Cody stared at me.

Blinking, I did a double take of how awkard this situation was. Here I was. Standing as Hood, in front of the bully I had saved and my crush...... With and unconcious man slung across my shoulders.

"Ugh....." I didn't seem to be capable of saying anything else at the moment.

Luckily, Cody said something, "Oh wow. Your Hood! I can't believe it! I mean, I saw you when you saved my brother down at the race track, but never this close! Your a girl!"

I blushed, my cheeks almost matching the colour of the ink spread across my eyes. Rhyden less awe-struck, recovered quickly and gave me a small glare, "Don't get so worked up Cody. I've already met her and trust me, she's not that nice."

Snapping my eyes to his, I narrowed them. How dare he try and make me look bad in front of Cody!

To my delight, Cody ignored his brother and refused to look away from my face. This also caused another furious blush to cover my face.

"Ignore him. He's just bitter about being saved by a girl. A hot one at that." Cody smiled.

My heart fluttered, and I ducked my head to hide yet ANOTHER blush!

Rhyden snorted, "Yea. Right. I could have saved myself. I don't need some freak chick to help me."

Cody smacked him up-side the head. I smiled as Rhyden yelped. Growling, he glared at Cody. The Thug released a small moan, bringing me back to business.

Switching him to cradle position again, I asked them, "Look, I know this is inconvenient, but this guy is waking up, and I would like to get him to the police station before he wakes up and tries to kill me again."

Cody's eyes widened in concern. "Kill you again? What does that mean?"

"Oh uh...... Nothing. Just that this guy tried to stab me. That's all." I shrugged, "No biggie."

"No biggie? I'd say almost getting stabbed is a Big Biggie!" Cody gaped.

I was taken aback by his concern for me. Shaking my head, I gave him a small smile, which he returend shyly.


I think Cody and I's voices were too loud, cause the next thing we knew, Rhyden looked panicked, and said, "Ugh.... Hood? I think he's waking up!"

"Huh? Oh! Don't worry I got this."

As soon as the man's eyes opened and spotted me, he let out a girly squeal, his eyes rolling back again. His head dropped backwards to its original sagged position.

Looking up, I grinned, "See? Nothing to worry about."

My smile faded again though as I spotted Cody's slightly uncomfortable expression as he looked at me eyes for the first time. A stab of sadness hit my chest. This is what I mean by freak. Everybody avoides me when I'm Blaire because I'm too shy, stutter and a nerd, but everybody avoides me even when I'm Hood. People are grateful when I save them, but are scared of me.

Everything's fine until they take one look at my eyes and go running scared.

Stiffening my shoulders, I put on a blank face to hide my feelings. "Look, I'm going to have to use this cab, so if you guys don't feel comfortable go now. I don't know how long this guy will stay unconcious for."

Rhyden scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "Can't you just teleport him?"

Tired, I explained, "Unfortuately no. My energy levels are very low at the moment, so if I tried to teleport with this guy now, there's no telling what could happen."

Lie. I do know what would happen. I could still remember the five year old me, learning how to use my powers.


My Uncle Lark had handed me a soft white rabbit. My tiny hands clutched the baby to my chest. Lifting its tiny head it nuzzled my cheek. I giggled.

Frowning, Uncle said, 'Picture our backyard. Close your eyes. Now... Do what I taught you.'

Me being the sweet and innocent little girl, did exactly as he said. I felt my body burst into flames. Every molecule in my body turning to ash and then snap back into place just as quick. The stuffy heat from inside the house, was replaced by a summer breeze.

Opening my eyes, I stared at the sun. Smiling I looked down. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and the rough hand of my Uncle fell onto my shoulder, 'Teleport when your tired and this will happen to you and anyone you travel with.'

I sobbed and fell to my knees.

What have I done?

Unlce Lrak snarled, 'Get up. Stop crying. Crying is for the weak.'

I didn't listen. Irritated he said, 'When you decide to grow up come inside. Your Father and Mother are waiting for us. Tell NO One Of this lesson.'

As he stomped away with the leaves snapping underfoot, I sat there cluthing the bloody rabbit to my chest until the sun had set.

-End of flashback-

Shaking my head, I rid my mind of those dark memories. Fixing the two boys with a determined glare, I asked, "So, what's it gonna be boys?"

Matching my glare, Rhyden crossed his arms firmly over his chest, and sank back into his seat. "Well, I already paid for this taxi. There is no way in hell! I am getting out before I even reach my destination!"

I quickly covered a snort. Obviously I didn't do it so well, as Rhyden sent me a heated look. Rolling my eyes, I then looked to Cody for an answer. At least HE wouldn't throw a tantrum.

Shrugging his massive shoulders, he nodded, "Yea. I'm cool with you tagging along on our ride."

I gave him a gracious smile before I smirked at Rhyden. He only pouted like a small child that had been scolded by their mother. Stretching, I swung the unconcious Thug over my shoulders and into the taxi, on top of Rhyden. "Here! Hold the body."

"Ah! Hey!" I smiled evilly in satisfaction at Rhyden's yelp of shock.

Tilting my head to the side, I cracked my neck. Releasing all the knotted, and stressed muscles that had cramped up from carrying the guy. Sliding into the taxi, I slammed the car door shut.

"Uh...... Where to Miss. Hood?" The old taxi man asked. His voice quaking in fear.

"The closest Police Station thanks!"


"And be as quick as you can. I don't want this guy to wake up again and try anything stupid."

Slumping, I relaxed into the black cushioned seat. That's when I realised I was squeezed against Cody. His side burning into mine. Peeking out from underneath my hood, I glanced at his face. Startled, I found his sea-green eyes to already be looking at me.

Snapping my gaze away from his, I stared down at my hands. I fidgeted with my red, fingerless, gloves. Slight burn marks, fraying the edges. Risking another look at Cody, I blushed as he was still looking at me. We shared a small smile. His friendly. Mine, filled with love.

But its not like he would know that.

Someone harshly cleared their thraot. "Uh.... Hello?! Dead body still on me!"

I looked towards Rhyden and ended up bursting into hysterics. Rhyden's face and body was smooshed against the cars window, the Thug's mouth was open against his cheeck, drool and spit bubbles, dribbling out.

"He's not dead! Just unconcious. Stop being such a baby Rhyden!" Cody snickered.

"Oh yea! Well, I'd like to see you with a fat stranger lying on top of you! His breath smells and his drool is running down my neck!" Rhyden shouted with rage.

My shoulders shook and tears leaked out the corners of my eyes. This was priceless! This is by far the best day of my life! Rhyden getting slobbered on by a sleeping Thug is just too good! Huh. What do ya know. Santa does come early.

Cody rolled his eyes as his brother continued with his rant. Mesmorised, I watched as he ran a hand through his shaggy black hair. He gave me a curious look as he caught me staring. Embarrassed about getting caught, I looked out the car window.

The taxi came to a screeching halt at the sudden stop. Cody and Rhyden jolted in their seats, thrown from the sudden force. Not having being moved an inch, I threw open the door and stepped out. The late afternoon breeze tousled my glowing fiery hair. Ducking my head back inside the taxi, I gestured for Cody to pass the Thug over.

"About time. He farts in his sleep." Rhyden more than gladly, shoved the guy off his lap, his face screwed up in disgust.

Under my breath, I muttered, "And I hope it smelt like rotten eggs. You deserve every last burst of gas that passed from that man's cheeks."

Slinging him over my shoulder, I said, "Thank you for letting me ride with you. Now, I don't want you two to be late to..... Wherever! Your supposed to be going!"

Cody smiled. "The pleasure was ours. Its been a dream of mine to meet a hero, and now I have. So thank you!"

"Yea! Thanks for flinging a dead body on me! Its been a REAL pleasure!" Rhyden's sarcastic response called out.

Cody sighed in exasperation. "For the second time.... He wasn't dead!"

Chuckling lightly, I gave them a smile and kicked the door closed. As soon as the door had shut, the yellow taxi sped away, not being avle to leave soon enough. Stalking towards the station's front doors, I shoved them open with my foot.

I waved at a few familiar Officers before borrowing a pair of handcuffs, and cuffing the Thug to a chair in the interrogation room. Dusting my hands off from a job well done, I strutted calmly out of the police station and back onto the streets.

A whistle sounded from above my head. "Well aren't you the busy superhero! Carrying Thugs like they were your handbag."

I groaned. Turning around, I tilted my head to look up at the roof. "What can I say. Criminals are my favourite accessory!"

Ghost sat with his legs dangling off the edge of the roof, as if he was lounging about in his own house. If it weren't for the faint green glow, you wouldn't have been able to tell he was there, with his all black ninja body suite and that helmet.

"What are you doing here Ghost? Are you stalking me?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

He snorted. "You wish! A handsome man such as I, would never stalk a lady such as you."

I smirked. "Your forgetting one detail. How would I know if your handsome or not? I can't see your face! Since you keep wearing that dang helmet. I bet your just some ugly little boy, desparatly wanting to hang out with me."

I watched as his helmet shook with his head. Slowly, he began to glow a bright neon green. As if he were thin air, Ghost sunk down through the roof and landed perfectly on his feet in front of me.

Whoa. That was really cool.

As if he knew what I was thinking, he chuckled. Narrowing my eyes, I scoffed, "Cute trick." Swivelling round on the balls of my feet, I turned my back on Ghost, and started walking away. As FAR away as I could get from HIM.

I heard him exhale in annoyance, making me smirk. "Cute? You call THAT..... Cute?!"

"Yep!" I popped the 'p'.

"For your information Misssssss Hood! THAT is not cute! My powers are all masculine, thank you very much!" He huffed.

I snorted a laugh. "Masculine. Oh please! So you can walk through walls and sink through roofs. Big whoop!"

"Not just that! I can go through any material! Nobody can catch me."

"I stand corrected. I apologise. The man can walk through everything but his own ego." I chucked a smirk over my shoulder at Ghost, and he stomped his foot in agitation.

Oh...... poor wittle Ghost is getting angry at Hood.

"You are so frustrating! But then again.... So am I. Do you really want to start a match of who can be the most annoying?" He asked.

Coming to a sudden stop, Ghost slammed into my back. I was furious. No, I was beyond mad at this guy. Just as he was about to hit the pavement from running into me, I grabbed the color of his suite and teleported us onto a tall buildings rooftop.

His feet hovered in the air, as I choked him. My hand that was clenched into his suite, lit on fire. The Heat responded to my anger, burning with passion.

"Is this what this is? Some kind of game to you?!" I growled. He gasped for air in my tight grip. Glowing green, he slipped easily from my hold. Shocked, my flames went out, and I stared at the hand I was once choking him with in amazement. "How.... Oh....Right."

I could hear him smirking as he said, "I told you. Can't be captured."

Confused, I studied my hand again, looking for the answers to questions I thought I would never have to ask. I didn't hear him approach. Carefully, he tucked his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up. "I must say, that little display there was kinda cute. But next time you want to choke someone, make sure they can't get out of your hold."

Looking past the helmet, I imagined staring into his mysterious eyes. "Who are you?"

"I told you. I'm Ghost."

I rolled my eyes, pushing his hand away from my face. "I know that dummy." Deciding to go with a different question, I asked, "Why are you here? Why are you talking to me? Or I believe the better frasement of that question would be, Why are you bugging me?"

"So many questions," He groaned. "I'll answer.....one. I'm here to save people. At least that's what I've heard superheroes are supposed to do."

Tilting my head to the side, I studied his character. Obviously someone who is an athlete, young, about my age, popular I would believe with that attitude. I sighed. "Why would you want to be a superhero? Why now? Why not start young?"

He snorted. "Cause when I was young, I had a life. Its called lego. Damn that shit was amazing. As for your second question, can't I just be a superhero?"

"No. What do you think makes a superhero? Brains? Powers? A suite? Maybe a cape? The looks? Having the charm and witt?," He nodded as I took slow, deliberate steps towards him. "Strength?"

He flexed his biceps, "Have you seen these bad boys?"

By now I had reached him, and was standing directly in front of him. Placing my hand against his chest, I leant towards him. He tensed in anticipation beneath me, "If you think those are the things that make someone a superhero..... then you obviously aren't one, and never will be one." I shoved him, Ghost fell to the floor.

Turning my back on him for the second time, I stormed over to the edge of the roof. Stepping up onto the ledge, I gazed down at the traffic below.

"Wait!" I turned my head. He stood with his fists clenched. "Lets see who's right about what makes the best superhero. Whoever saves the most lives is right."

I shook my head and gave him a disgusted look. "See? You don't get it. I will never agree to such a thing. You don't play games like that when it comes to someone elses life." And with that said, I jumped off the roof.

Play with somebody elses life or plans, and you get burned.

I should know.


Authors note;

Heyyyyyyy! Long time no see! Anyway..... soz for not updating in a while. Schools been crazy with school reports due and tests and assignments to do and what not.

So anyway..... You like this chapter you say? THEN PRESS VOTE! You have questions you want answered u say? WELL COMMENT!

I'm expecting both just so u know.......

Next chapter I promise to b awesome! More Ghost! *Sexy whistle* More Rhyden! *Blaire punches Rhydens gut* Cody! *Blaire fangirls and fainst in authors arms*

Author; ........... Shiz....... What did I do. I shouldn't have wrote that...... Ghost! * Chux Blaire's body to him*

Ghost; What?! u take her! *passes Blaire back to author* *Author passes back again* What the fu.... *Throws Blaire towards author but author ducks and Blaire goes flying out the window*

Author; *Winces* well there goes my mine character.

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