Bring It On!

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Chapter 12: Bring It On!


Just one minute left.

One minute left until I can walk out of here and hunt that son of a rhino down. He is gonna pay for making the whole world think that we are secretly dating! I mean, seriously. Come on! My life isn't like all the movies! I don't fall in love!

Well, at least not with HIM!

No. I refuse to be like all those characters you see on T.V. Making googley eyes at the guy they once hated, but then end up crushing on them. I like Cody.



Not gonna change.

So my plan is simple. As soon as the school bell rings, I am going to race out of here like there is a pack of wild hyenas on my tail, and Hunt. Him. Down. When I find him, he is going to wish his parents had never done the deed.


Ah...... Revenge is sweet.

My leg bobbed up and down endlessly. My shoe tapping a tune of impatience. I licked my partially dry lips, as I stared un-blinkingly up at the old class clock.

Come on....... And three..... two..... one.


A malicious grin slid onto my face. Bag already packed, I swung it on top of my shoulder, and zoomed out the door. Thankfully, no accidents. I couldn't afford to be clumsy at the moment if I want to make a clean get away.

I didn't sprint, so I could avoid drawing attention to myself. The last time I sprinted down these halls, was this morning. Again I was late to class. I had slept through my alarm, my body too busy trying to catch up on all the energy I had spent last night.

It only took one very tempted jock, to stick his foot out as I ran by. It's safe to say that I now have a skid mark on my forehead. Hopefully, it should clear up by later this afternoon. Speaking of injuries clearing up! All of mine from last night have officially..... disapeared.

Superheroes tend to heal faster than normal humans, thanks to our altered genes. But if we break a bone it does take a bit longer. My skin is once again smooth and blemish free!

Ducking and diving through the student body, I kept my eye on the prize. The front doors were calling my name! Finally, after what feels like centuries, I reach the front doors. Shoving them open, I jump down the front steps and immediatly eye my next target.

I just need to get through those gates and Ill be......

"I don't think so." Clarissa stepped in front of me. Blocking my pathway to freedom and the road to revenge on Ghost. She had her arms folded across her fake chest, and her cold, blue eyes, pinned me to the spot.

Uh oh. I hadn't planned for this. What do I do? Do I smack her up-side the head and knock her teeth out? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH BITCH BARBIES! I NEVER PLAYED WITH DOLLS AS A CHILD!

I played with fire and the occasional grenade.

"Your gonna pay for what you did last night."

What I did last night? Oh my gawd! She knows about the showers and about her boyfriend, Satan, sought of, helping me!

"You made me look like a fool!"

How the heck did SHE look like a fool? I had my head stuck in a drum and am now labelled as a pervert!

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