First Kiss?

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Chapter 10: First Kiss?


The excited whispers and laughter filled the school's hallways, as I dodged in and out through the student body traffic. Ugh! I hate when its like this! People being all preppy and happy. It bugs me to no end.

Whoa..... I think my Dad is starting to rub off on me.

"I hope we win tonight!"

"I think Coach mentioned something about college scouts being there!"

"Now way! Seriously? Dude that's awesome!"

"Maybe some of us will get picked for a scholarship? We just need to impress him with our game."

I overheard the football jocks. Ducking my head low, I quickly walked past them. Ever since I had that huge accident with the bin, whenever I would pass one of the jocks, they'd call out, 'YO TRASHY!'
Its majorly embarrassing.

As I continued on my way, I couldn't help but compare my grumpy mood to the rest of the students. I couldn't help but feel like I was some kind of walking storm cloud in the middle of the sun. But then again, I always feel like this when it comes to football season.

Don't get me wrong! I don't hate football or anything. I just don't like the atmosphere that surrounds it. Everyone gets so hyped up! The cheerleaders patrol the school in their skimpy uniforms, annoying everyone in their path with those stupid cheers, people running around with paint all over their faces for some.... odd--reason I can't explain, and what not.

I just..... don't like it. It creeps me out. But that's just my opinion. Although the reason for me not liking this supposed joyful event, might have something to do with the cheerleaders and all the populars picking on me, on these particular days.

Today is the first game of the season. Even though the game doesn't start till late this afternoon, everyone seems to be too excited to wait to celebrate.Of course someone, cough cough, me!, Cough. Wasn't invited to the after party. I can't say I'm not surprised though. No one at this dreaded school would ever want to be caught dead with me.

The school bell rang, popping my mini bubble of irritation. Coming to a hault, I threw my head back and groaned.

Oh cripes! Why is it that I can never make it on time to class?

With re-newed annoyance and determination, I shoved past the on coming traffic of hormonal monsters the world will forever know as teenagers. That last part should be insulting to me, since I'm a teenager as well.... but it isn't. Cause un-like the rest of my kind, I am special.

Wow. I just called myself special...... Anyway! What I meant by special was that I'm super! Huh..... Maybe I should get my own theme song? How awesome would that be! Chasing a bad guy with a speaker on my back that's blasting;

'Dananananananananana HOO-OOOD!'

Wait..... that's Batman.....

Now sprinting, and I think we all know this is a VERY bad idea, I raced towards the gym. Skidding, I rounded the corner to collide with a brick wall.

Pancaked out on my back, I winced, "Ow..... If my memory serves me correct, there used to be a hallway there."

"Mother F*$KER! Who the hell..... Oh. Great. I was bulldozed by a midgit." A familiar snarky voice grumbled.

Lifting my head, I shook of any dizziness and as gracefully as I could, stood up from the ground. Holding out a hand, I waited for him to take it.

"I don't need your help!" Rhyden batted my hand away and stood up by himself. "I think you need to get your eyes re-checked, cause those wind-shields seem to not be working."

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