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Chapter 28: Date


Oh my god! Oh my god! It's happening. This is really happening. This isn't like one of my many dreams. This. Is. Real. Oh my god. This is real.


Since when do I get the guy? I can't believe it. Just like one of the many, many books I have read, this Nerd is getting the hot guy and going to live happily ever after. Well..... maybe not the happily ever after part.... but I'm sure we'll get there eventually.

As you can probably tell, I'm kind of freaking out. Tonight is the night I am going on my very first date with Cody. Scratch that....... tonight is the night I'm going on my first date..... like EVER.

So far I have no idea what I'm going to wear, how I'm going to do my hair and make-up or just...... How I'm going to do anything!

For the millionth time this evening, I try to stop myself from Hyperventilating by breathing quick, deep breaths into a paper brown bag.  This thing has been permanently attached to my face for the past four hours, people could mistake the bag for my new best friend.

My first best friend.

Pacing back and forth, my thoughts race about inside my head, mapping out all the possible things that could go wrong with tonight. What if he doesn't show up? Should I cancel before that can happen? Yea! That's what I should do! Then it will give me time to study for the date. So I'll have some clue on what to do and say.

Picking up my phone, I was about to dial Cody's number when Mum came inside my room. Raising a thin eyebrow, she sent me a questioning glance. "What are you doing?"

Taking a deep breath, I explain, "I'm calling Cody and cancelling our date."

She went into panic mode and she dove for the phone in my hand. Performing a ninja roll, she stood back up on her feet with my phone in the palm of her hand.

"Hey! I need that!" I tried to swipe the device back from her, which she so rudely stole. Slapping away my outstretched hand, she took another step, backing away from me. "Ow! What are you doing?"



"Sorry. Mini mother tantrum. No why are cancelling your date with Cody?" She asked while folding her arms across her chest.

Sighing, my shoulders sagged and I slumped onto the edge of my bed. Standing tall my mum stared down at me with and open expression, waiting for an answer. "I'm not exactly cancelling, I just want to postpone it."

"Why would you want to postpone going out with that attractive hunk of meat?"

"Mum!" I exasperated.

"What?" She threw up her hands. "If I were you I would have been all over that ages ago."

I face-palmed myself. The woman that gave birth to me ladies and gentlemen. She is quite the hormonal thing. "I wan to postpone so I can study."

"Study? Honey? Your school grades are fine, I think you can give studying a break so you can go and have one night of fun."

"No Mum! I want to study for the date!" I said in a 'duh' tone.

She laughed and came and sat beside me on the bed. Placing a sympathetic hand on my shoulder she gave me a side-hug. "Oh sweetie! I know your nervous but you can't study for a date. Just be yourself."

"But what if being me is not good enough?" I asked. What Clarissa and Rhyden have said has gotten to me and continues to echo inside my ears like a broken record stuck on replay.

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