Fevers. Crushes. Hallucinations. What next?

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Chapter 16: Fevers. Crushes. Hallucinations. What next?


My blood burned beneath my skin with an un-bearable heat. Hot lava racing through my veins. My skin felt too tight. Too clammy. Chest heaving, my breathing laboured, my lings desperately seeking for oxygen to clear the smoke that smothers me.

My eyes did nothing but dart back and forth, dazed and confused. Although my lids lay partially open, I did not see, as dreams of dancing fire consumed me. Terrible, yet a beautiful sight behold. My fingers clawed at a surface I could not identify, as I screamed eternally inside my head, left to my own thoughts at the deepest corners of my mind.

A short, sharp, cry for help scratched past my throat, as I relived a part of my past I don't remember. A raging fire taking over me completely.


Six year old me looked up and tugged the end of Uncle Lark's coat. His glinting silver eyes snapped down to look at me, no expression covered his face. His face reminded me of a blank canvas, just waiting for some artist to come along and bring it to life.

"What are we doing here uncle?" My sweet voice chimed, so hesitant and quiet, that it could almost drift away with the wind.

We stood across the street from a nature reserve. Just staring out at nothing but the vast green that forever continued to grow.

I stared up at him expectantly, willing to learn as always. Just wanting his approval. That's all I ever wanted, was for him to see how great I can be. Crouching down, his hands gripped onto either side of my small and fragile frame.

"You see that forest over there?"

I nodded, my glowing, firy, ringlets, bouncing crazily with my head.

"I want you to burn it."

Six year old me's eyes widened. "B-burn it? B-but why?"

His voice took on a hard edge. "Blaire. When you grow up to be my guardian, will you always question my orders? If so, I have no use of you." Standing up, he moved to walk away from me. Reaching out, I clung onto his coat.

"W-w-wait!" My scared voice shook. He looked back at me. Taking a deep breathe, I turned to look at the nature reserve. Focusing, my eyes began to glow brighter. It was almost blinding the light they eminated.

An explosion errupted across the street, tossing cars and pedestrians. Nothing was left untouched by my burning fire. My eyes dimmed back down to there original glowing state. I watched on with no emotion as people screamed in terror, chaos taking over the atmosphere. I gazed at the destruction I've created.

Uncle Lark's large and cold hand landed on top of my head caressingly. "Well done my little Dragon. Seems I do have use for you in the future after all." He ruffled my hair affectionately once before taking his leave, "Come my guardian, there is still so much we must do before I drop you back home to your parents."

I stood there for a second longer, a sunlit tear leaking down my cheek. Wiping it away, I obediantly followed Uncle Lark.

-End of Flashback-

There's not much I remember about my Uncle Lark. I have so very few memories of him. So I have no idea where this one came from, cause I don't ever recall this happening.


I would never set a nature reserve on fire!


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