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Chapter 22: Side-kick?


Walking home from the Stadium alone, gave me some time to get my thoughts in order. WAY too much time. I had originally planned to ask Cody if he could drop me home, but he said he had some place to be.


Anyway, back to my brooding, over the top thoughts.

My brain feels like its about to explode! Lighting Rhyden's butt on fire......... was a tad bit awesome, but that's not the problem. The problem is this friggin Dragon!

You know I can hear your thoughts right? I'm inside your head.

Shut it butt lighter! I'm thinking some private stuff here! So butt out! Haha! Get it? Butt out?

Ha. Ha. Truly. Your a true comedian. Can't believe I haven't bought tickets to your show before........ I'm stuck with an idiot.

You know I can hear you as well right? This is MY head after all.

I know.

Well then!

Hearing the truth hurts doesn't it?

What truth?

That your an idiot.

Oh what would you know! Your just some old, fashioned, speaking, Dragon, stuck inside my head!


Truth hurts doesn't it Dragon.

It felt good to throw that back in its face.

Did you just refer to me as an 'IT?'

I thought we were done talking!

That was until you called me an 'IT' instead of the firece warrior I truly am!

Sigh. Do you see what I am dealing with here? My once upon a time bully, has transformed into a semi decent person, and has now been replaced with an uprgaded Dragon. My life is like some magical tragedy!

On the topic of Rhyden........ Finding out his tattoo is an exact match to Red's symbol........ There's a possibility that Rhyden could be Red....... Oh god.

I'll admit it. It has shaken me. It all makes sense. First the tattoo, the symbol, the conveniant timing, and then earlier on today when he got angry...... It was no trick of the light. I know what I saw. And what I saw was a flash of glowing Red eyes. An exact match to Red's.

You know there's an easy way to make sure Rhyden is Red.

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