Introducing My Crush

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Chapter 6: Introducing My Crush


I still sat there on top of him, frozen in shock. My mouth hung slightly agape, my muscles, no matter how much I begged, wouldn't move.

Holy fried mammoth! I just saved Rhyden! Rhyden! My ultimate arch enemy and bully!

Rhyden still lay flat on his back, his emerald eyes wide as he stared up at me. Trailing his eyes downwards, I followed his gaze. My cheeks flamed, I leapt up off him quickly as if he had a contagious disease.

Still embarrassed, I coughed awkwardly into my fist, "Uh...."

I was lost for words. I mean, what exactly DO you say once you've saved someone you have hated your whole entire life? Well, whatever your supposed to say, I sure as heck wasn't saying it!

My lips were too numb to force a single word past my lips. Shuffling my feet, I tilted my head down. My glowing, fiery hair, cascading over my shoulders.

What am I doing? Why am I acting shy all of a sudden? And most importantly, Why am I not spouting a corny hero line like, 'Is it just me or is it HOT in here?!' and then flying off into the distance? Or well in my case, teleporting off into the distance.

I am not the shy, geeky, ridiculously clumsy, Blaire. Right now, I am Hood. Hot! (literally), Dangerous, sarcastic, cool, collected, intelligent, brave and most importantly..... Heroic! I shouldn't be intimidated by Rhyden! Especially since he doesn't know its me, I can say whatever the heck I want.

Finding a new streak of confidence, I lifted my head and stared at Rhyden calmly. My fiery gaze burning into his two green orbs. Folding my arms across my chest, I waited for him to make the first move.

Rhyden stood agape, staring at me with open curiousity and disbelief. Trailing his eyes over my body, he then looked straight into my eyes. He flinched, slightly unnerved by the fact they were glowing...... and orange.

"What? Never seen a superhero before?" I snapped, impatiently.

Startled by the sound of my voice, his eyes widened. "Ugh..... No. Well, I mean, I've seen you on the news and.... stuff..... b-but y-y-your a girl?!" He shouted. Not quite believing what his eyes were presenting him with.

I rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic round of applause, "What a genius! Your telling me my gender! If I didn't know any better, I would say your a pervert."

 Taking on a blank facial expression, he says, "You know, for a superhero, your very sarcastic........ not so nice either." He muttered that last part under his breath.

I glared at him. "I think it was pretty 'nice' of me to save your life! And for your information Mister........" I pointed a finger at him, "My sarcsam is one of my greatest superpowers thank you!" Smirking, I flippped my hair behind my shoulder, "Its gotten me out of many situations. Even one including an elephant, a hand grenade and a fire extinguisher. So suck it!"

Man! It felt good to say that to him! Why haven't I done this before?! Oh wait... I know...... I'm a nerd that Rhyden's made a personal vow on making my life hell on earth. I could already feel the nerves kicking in if he ever found out it was me under this hood.

Rhyden looked at me with shock, "Do you always talk like this to the people you save?"

I snorted in a very un-lady like fashion, "No! Just the people I don't like. If you want an example, just look in the mirror."

He glared at me, "Did I do something to piss you off? Cause I don't remember ever doing something to you!"

Oh you did absolutely nothing Rhyden...... just you know...... humiliating me in front of the whole school, laugh at my clumsyness, remind me of my nerdiness everyday, broke my glasses seventy three times (Yes I counted), tripped me over, shoved me into a locker, picked on me and tease me on my looks.

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