Strange Revealing's

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Chapter 25: Strange Revealing's


- Flashback-

The younger version of myself screamed in fright. Men in black protection suites came storming in, guns at the ready. But I wasn't the one they were after. It was the older man in the lab coat holding a red vile.

Uncle Lark shouted in outrage, "What do you think you are doing?"

One suited man took charge, yanking Uncle Lark's arm up behind his back and cuffing him. Law enforcers, Secret serviceman. That's who they were. I had seen them at Anthony's office before. Since he was the president, I wasn't too surprised by the security he had.

I just never thought I would ever see them here.

In the Lab.

As my Uncle was forced onto the floor, he shouted towards me, "Guardian! Protect me!"

I hadn't even meant to when my arms flew up and the dark voice inside my head took over.

'Kill them now!'

Against my will, streams of fire blasted from my tiny fingertips. Many of the uniformed men caught on fire, but that didn't stop there assault.

Thank god.

Their protective suites were fire proof. So they were warned about me. About the Dragon. But who told them? But I guess it doesn't matter now.

Is this it? Am I finally free?

Tears streamed down my pale cheeks, unsure of what to do. Body in shock, I couldn't move. Just standing there, I watched as my Uncle was arrested and taken into custody. Not once did anybody ever check to see if the little girl strapped to the chair in the corner of the room was okay until the battle was over.

A cleaning crew came into the room, sweeping up the broken viles and needles that had shattered across the Lab's floor. A small whimper escaped my mouth. Finally taking notice of the small, broken child, a tall man strode towards me, cutting free the straps that restricted.

Scooped up into the man's arms, in a commanding tone called out, "I found her!"

In an instant, my parents came rushing into the room, tears streaking and staining there faces. I was practically ripped from the man's arms, as Dad cradled me, Mum sobbing and kissing my head.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Dad continued to cry over and over again as he rest his head upon mine. "I will never let my brother come near you again. He's going to be locked up far, far, far away from you and will NEVER be able to use you again."

'Our master may not be here. But I am.'

- Flashback Over-

My eyes slowly begun to flicker behind their lids as I gained consciousness. Choosing to keep my eyes shut, I took note of the condition I was in and where I could possibly be. The last thing I could remember was walking home after being alone with Ghost.

That's right!

I had stupidly ignored the feeling of being followed, and by the time I thought it was a good idea to pay attention to it, it was already too late. I was pricked with something.... A needle?

'I hope you are ready my little Dragon. It is time for you to become my Guardian once again.'

That voice..... I know that voice..... But where had I heard it before?

The stranger! It was the strange man in the hoodie from the warehouse! He had pricked me with a friggin needle again! What is up with that guy and needles? Seriously, it really creeps me out that he keeps doing that!

My bones felt heavy and muscles weak, I felt.... Drained. It took effort just to stretch my fingers and feel whatever the heck I was lying on. Actually, I take that back..... Whatever I was sitting on.

Trying to lift my arms, a small sweat broke out across my forehead. Pushing past the physical barrier I seemed to be facing, I found that I couldn't move my arms any higher than an inch. What felt like leather, held my wrists to the arms of a steel chair. Attempting to move my ankles, I found the same situation.

The restraints gave no budge or room to attempt escaping. No, these straps were sealed tight, completing the job of keeping me from breaking free. But maybe if I can get a look on my surroundings, I could find some way out. Deciding that this would be a good course of action to take, I creeped open my eyes.


That's all I saw.

Nothing but and endless sea of pitch black darkness, planting a seed of fear inside. A fear that the darkness will soon swallow me whole.

Great. It's friggin daytime and my powers are down. I now know why I feel so drained, because my powers are literally drained, not enough energy to even spark a light, let alone someone's cigarette.

But that's ok.

I don't smoke.

But it does mean, until I get my energy levels up or until the moon comes up, I am thoroughly screwed. I can't see. Have no powers. No energy. And have no clue on where I am and who I am with.

That's right. About two point three seconds ago, I sensed a disturbance in the force. Another human being is in the room with this currently tied down chica. And I have a very bad feeling, and not the kind of bad feeling I get before my Dad lets one rip, I mean a BAD feeling. A feeling so bad, my gut is wrenching.

"I know you're awake."

I froze. My eyes twitching side to side, trying to pin point where about the stranger is standing, and how close. I hope it's not too close, because something smells really funny in here, and I wouldn't put it passed this guy that, that smell is most likely emanating from him.

It smells so bad, I think my nostrils are attempting to permanently take up residence inside my face, they are receding that much. But no matter what, I am still being smothered by the weird gas.

Hopefully there is an air vent or something, to clear the room a bit.

"Where am I?" I asked. Surprisingly, my voice came out stronger than I expected, but still held a subtle quiver.

"I'm surprised you don't know where we are. I thought the familiar smell would bring back some more of your memories."

I have been here before? Then where the heck am I? Cause it sure as hell doesn't smell like Burger King or Subway. Reaching far back into my mind, I scrambled for any piece of information or some memory of ever being in a place that smells this awful. It was with another twinge from my nose that I recollected something.

That dream......

I don't think it is so much as a dream now, but a far away memory that I had lost some time ago. Speaking my mind, I asked, "This is a-" I cut off. Too afraid to confirm where we are. A lump the size of Texas swelled inside my throat. Swallowing down the dry feeling, I continued.

"This is a Lab. We are in the Lab."

The stranger did not speak, but i didn't need to hear his chilling voice to know that I was now trapped inside the Lab I had spent so many days and weeks being brainwashed as a little girl into the perfect weapon. But.... How on earth would this stranger know about this or me unless......

"I'm sad to see that your skills have gotten a bit sloppy while I have been away." He sounded closer. Loud, deadly foot steps closed in on me. On instinct, my muscles tensed with the sense of danger. A small flame flickered within my veins.

My powers! How come I didn't think of this sooner! The feeling of danger is triggering what is left.

My slack hands tightened into fists. Closer and closer he stalked. He stopped in front of me. A tensed silence burned between us. Just as I was about to burst from the awkwardness, he moved and slid solid frames onto my face.

Suddenly the dark world I was emerged in, brightened. Colours, shapes and light was brought into focus. My special glasses, I could see! But unfortunately, with my sight came the image of the strange man before me.

"Uncle Lark."

The darkest smile whipped across his face at my recognition. Reaching out, like the many times he had done once before, he grazed his fingers lightly across my cheek, a strange admiration and utter look of awe, tinting his soulless grey eyes.

"I have returned my Guardian. It is time that we took our true place in this world."

Swivelling my head to the the side, I did not want his grubby hands touching me. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, all I could think about day and night, was getting this man's approval. But like I said...... That was a long, long time ago. When I was naive and didn't know the difference between wrong and right.

Good and Evil.

That's why I work so hard today, to make peace and justice. To make up for all the bad things this horrible man has made me do. To make up for all the sins I have committed in the name of Uncle Lark.

More memories of Uncle Lark and I began to resurface. One after the other, they replayed across my mind. The one time he showed me how to kill someone. How to torture using my powers in any way. How to blow up buildings.....and on and on the they went. Like a never ending horror movie, they played.

Clenching my eyes closed, I shook myself. Anything to end them, to stop the gruesome images of my childhood. And then finally, last came the memory of when I first met Uncle Lark.

- flashback-

I was only two years old when i first met him. So full of life and childish laughter. Always up to mischief around the house, playing with my loving parents as they watched on adoringly.

I was in the living room when Dad walked in a strange man with small similarities to himself. Dad smiled as he watched mum tickle me on the ground, my laughter spilling out in small giggles of joy.

"Meet your niece.... Blaire." Dads smile never faded from his face.

The strange man stared at me, his focus narrowing instantly on my blazing orange eyes. Still laughing, I crawled closer to him. Wobbling, I stood up on my two small chubby feet, using the ends of the mans pants to help me. Gazing up at him, I smiled a shy smile and spoke in a small voice.

"A-are you my U-uncle Fart?"

Dads face blazed crimson as Uncle Lark faced him. "I see your already teaching her some of your own tricks?"

Dad laughed and held out a fist to the tiny, two year old me, and like any normal child, I fist bumped him.

"Good one sparky!"

Little me beamed with pride. Uncle Lark noticed this, as I shined at my fathers approval.

Little me pierced him with burning eyes, "Daddy said you w-were coming today." I held out a small hand for him to shake, "it's nice to m-meet you."

Stunned at my little show of safistication, he shook my hand and asked Dad, "How old is she?"


"And why do you call her sparky?"

"You'll see."

What happened next, sparked a spiral of actions, experiments and my need for Uncle Larks approval. And believe it or not, what started my dark childhood was one, giant, big, fat......


Fire came flying out and turned half the living room to ashes. Dad sighed.

"Not again."

-End of flashback-

After that first meeting, Uncle Lark manipulated me with my need for approval. Also telling me stories about Kings and their Guardians that looked over them. Like I said, I was naive and only a child, so I believed all his stories and believed him when he told me that he was one day going to become a king, and I would be his Guardian.

That one sneeze was enough to impress him with the amount of power I contained.

As I grew older and realised that what I was doing was wrong and evil, I acted out, trying to get away from him. But then one day another voice started speaking for me. A much darker voice. One that filled my head with thoughts of killing and obeying only Uncle Lark.

Suddenly, my body wasn't my own, doing and saying things I would never do. Obeying the one and only Uncle Lark. One day noticing my strange behaviour, my partners notified Dads best friend the president for back up, together they figured out what Uncle Lark was doing to me and what was happening inside of me.

Uncle Lark was locked up and put in jail, just like my Dad had promised........ So how is he standing before me now..... And why have I never been able to remember all of this until now?

"From the expression on your face, I see that you now remember." Uncle Lark smirked at me, moving over to a metal slab across from me. Tools, needles and viles of different liquids stood in lines, exactly like a small army.

"How come I'm only remembering you and everything you've done to me now? Why now?" I questioned, my voice now weak.

For years I could barely remember anything about him, and now for the past couple of weeks I kept receiving flashes, glimpses into my past with him. So why now? And how did I forget?

With his back facing towards me, he said, "I assume your dive under the ice when you were eleven would be the reason why. I was sad to hear about the accident. To hear that you had lost almost all your powers.... was devastating. All that power you contained.... Gone. I'm glad it was only your eyesight that was permanently damaged."

Barely controlled fury, sizzled beneath my skin. Adding to the small spark of power I was holding onto. "Oh yes. I suppose it would have been devastating for YOU. Since it would mean I couldn't be your Guardian or whatever."

"Yes. But never the matter, your powers are back and growing stronger. You have that little side affect of your powers to thank for that."

Side affect of my powers? What the heck is he raving on about?

'That would be me.'

Dragon? Where the hell have you been?

'Waiting for my master to return of course.'

Oh.... Yay! Why does that sound as bad as I think it does?

'It is time we took our rightful place in the world.'

You sound like Lark. Why are you on his side?

'We are his Guardian. We must protect him.'

He called you a flipping side affect! He is evil!

'He is our master.'

And that pretty much ended our conversation. Great. The thing that I now know is a side affect of my powers, that lives inside of my body, is firmly got their claws on the side of evil.

YAYA! I'm a superhero with something evil inside of me. Why do I feel like I'm in some kind of bad movie?

Alright. It's time I do some snooping. If I'm supposed to be this whack jobs Guardian, hopefully that means he can trust me enough with what his evil villain plan is.

"What do you mean by taking our rightful places in this world?"

Uncle Lark played around with a couple of the viles on the table, "Well, if I'm going to become King, I need to have the world beneath my feet. And for that to happen, I'm going to need an army. But not any kind of army!"

His face came to take on a crazy sought of look. A wild and dark un-tameness amongst the swirling storm of grey that are his harsh eyes.

"Oh no. My army would be full of super powered humans. Just." He stalked closer to me and leaned in towards my face, "like. You."

Snapping back to his straight position, I couldn't help but roll my eyes behind his back. "So basically...... Just like every other cliche villain.... You want to rule the world."

At my sarcastic and obviously enthusiastic tone! Not, he smirked. "Blaire, it seems you don't believe I have the power to create this army."

I snorted. "Not in the slightest."

A chilling feeling grew deep into my bones..... Unless. Realisation dawned inside of me.

"Unless... You've already done it."

Eyes wild, they gazed at the familiar red viles that have been sitting on the metal slab this whole time. Images of the red eyed monsters flashed before my eyes. Super powered villain soldiers. Panic took over.

I have to get out of here. Now!

I didn't need to find out why he kidnapped me. The evidence behind my theory is all here. The viles and his insistence that I become his Guardian is enough.

He wants me to become one of his mindless monsters.

Well, to hell like I'm gonna let that happen!

While he had been talking, Uncle Lark had gotten out a needle. At the moment it was empty, but I knew that soon he would fill it with the drug and try to inject it inside me. Thinking quickly, my flickering gaze caught sight of the window on the far wall behind him.

I have a plan. It's a long shot, but its the only chance I have.

With his back turned as he prepared something, I slowly released the energy I had been building up while talking to him. Slowly, the heat found the metal buckle on the leather straps, melting it. Wiggling my wrists, I loosened the straps, but didn't try anything yet. First I have to wait till he is near me.

Hiding the needle behind his back, like I hadn't seen it already, he strode towards me. "Your contribution to my cause will be very helpful."

He leaned towards me.... Now!

Ripping my wrists free from their restraints, I grabbed him and flipped him onto his back over the chair. Quickly, I jumped in the chair, breaking the legs and freeing my ankles. Using the last of my energy, I sprinted across the room and towards the window. Rolling over the table, I grabbed one of the viles and ran full speed to my escape.

Not caring about what awaited below, I braced myself and smashed through the glass. Free falling two stories, I had no energy left to teleport. Flailing around my arms and legs, I came down hard. Landing awkwardly, I felt my right ankle twist beneath me. Flying forward, my shoulder scraped across the ground.

Vile in hand and powered by fear, I got up onto my feet and ran for my life, glass crunching underneath the souls of my boots. I set a heart staggering pace, as I got further and further away. Not once did I ever look back to see where I had been held captive or to check my surroundings to see where I was.

I just kept running.



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