A crack in his walls

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Chapter 18: A crack in his walls


We sat in the car in an awkard silence. I sat in the passenger seat of Rhyden's car, nervously tangling and un-tangling my fingers together. A nervous habit of mine I'm only just coming to recognise. Darting a sneaky glance at Rhyden, hoping he wouldn't catch my stare, I studied his profile.

Not only five minutes ago, had I blown up at him and completely lost my shit, and he's just sitting there calmly driving me to god knows where. His reaction to my outburst kept replaying over and over again in my mind, un-able to place the puzzle pieces together.

Why isn't he angry at me? It just doesn't make sense! If it were any other day, he would have my head on a platter lickety split. I don't know, maybe he's on his man period or something. At least THAT makes some damn sense.

Gathering some courage, I asked, "W-w-where are you taking me?"

Without taking his eyes of the road he replied, "I've already told you."

Has he? When?

Rolling his eyes he said, "Obviously you weren't listening as you were too busy cussing me out. However I feel some genorousity coming on so I'll repeat. For the second time." He emphasized on the word second.

"I am delivering you to my brother."

"So.... I'm going to your house?" I questioned.

Glancing at me with a raised eyebrow he said, "That's what I said. Do you have any other problems I should know about beside your lack of confidence, like brain damage or something?"

Snapping my gaze away form his, I felt my cheeks grow hot. Whether from embarrassment or charegn , I have no idea. The car took a sharp left, throwing me against the window. I shot a glare in Rhyden's direction, but he just smirked instead of acknowledging my heated expression.

Rubbing my cheek, I hoped a bruise wouldn't start appearing. That's the last thing I need, to be painted black and blue. It was until we were turning up into a long driveway, did I realize what part of the neighbourhood we were in.

Jaw slack, I gasped. "Wow....So this is where the rich huddle," I muttered under my breathe. Rhyden chuckled, surprising me that he had heard my comment.

"Yes nerd. This is where us rich people 'huddle' as you so eloquently put it."

The car came to a stop and the sound of the engine being turned off, made me open the door. Stepping out, the late afternoons sun caressed my face in a loving warmth. My attention was then drawn to the house that stood before me.

Wait, did I say house? I meant freaking Buckingham Palace! This place was huge!

It's polished, white structure towered over me. Sturdy pillars guard the front entrance, two fountains that could be the fountains of youth by the looks of it, were placed on either sides of the stone gravel driveway.

My mouth flopped open with an unattractive flare. Completely gobsmacked, I couldn't believe this is where Cody and Rhyden sleep. There living like kings! I haven't even seen the inside yet and I'm already saying it!

Keys swinging around his fingers while whistling an unfamiliar tune, Rhyden strode towards up beside me. Catching my facial expression, his tune faltered and turned into a laugh.

"Don't look so surprised. Our 'father' owns a proffessional motorbike racing team. With Cody and I being the number one racers we heap in the cash. So of course we live in a mansion."

I slammed my mouth shut, not missing his hesitation on the word 'father.' Crinkling my brows, I couldn't help but wonder why he would say it like that.

"Are you gonna come in or just stand there like a weirdo?"

Rhyden's words snapped me out of my daze as he stood waiting inside the archway of the front door. I looked down at my feet and silently, trudged my way past him. Just as he shut the door he murmered, "But then again you already are a weirdo."

Slamming the front door shut, he stretched and cracked his knuckles. I couldn't help but peek, as his football jersey had risen up, revealing the world's most yummiest v-line. Yes. Rhyden the ass has one. Why are all the assholes in the world gifted with such muscles?

Before he could catch me drooling, I snapped my gaze away, choosing to take in the insides of the house instead. This time, I controlled my reaction. A chandelier hung above the front foyer were we stood. Marble floors so clean you could eat off of it, beaneath my feet.

"Alright I'm gonna take a shower. Cody should be home in another hour, in the mean time you can just... I don't know." He grew suddenly irritated, "Do whatever Nerd's do."

Not sparing me another glance, he jogged up the staircase to his right, and vanished on the second floor. Shuffling my feet, I stood around waiting for.... what? I have no plucking clue.

I looked around, searching for someone that could maybe give me something to do. I mean, these boys live in a mansion for crying out loud! Surely, they have maids or servents or something! Seeing no one, I decided to take matters into my own hands and do a bit of exlporing.

"In the mean time you can just... I don't know. Do whatever Nerd's do. Hahoooww!" I mocked Rhyden.

Walking down straight ahead, I found myself in a long hallway. Rows and rows of doors on either side of me.

How many rooms does this place have? And this is only the first floor, I could only just imagine the second. Why would somebody need this many rooms? Curioustiy won me over and I decided to have peak into one of the rooms.

Wrapping my hand around the handle of the door to my right, I shoved it open with only a small creak. I winced as it sounded like a bomb going off to me. I admit, I'm snooping, but you can't blame me. This is Cody's house! Of course I'm gonna have a look around.

I took a look inside. It was a simple and plain room with a bed, and night stand. Closing the door, I opened the one on my left. The same thing lay inside. Opening the next few doors down, they all had the same layout. All of the rooms were just guest bedrooms, like some kind of mini hotel. The place is certainly big and luxurious enough.

Not opening any more doors, I walked further down the hall until I finally got to the end. Unlike all the other doors that were painted a dark navy blue, this one was painted a dark red. Picking my interest, I went to open the door. I twisted the handle, but the door wouldn't budge.

"That's strange. Why would all the other doors be open and this one be locked?" I said to myself.

A strange gut feeling made me step away from the door. Deciding it would be best for me to follow this feeling, I backtracked my way down the hallway until I was back to standing inside the front foyer. Back to square one, what to do.

The foyer continued to the right, leading me into a huge living room, which then lead to the dining room and then the kitchen. Everything looked all high class and proper posh. I feel like if I lean on anything I'm gonna taint it, or leave some kind of dark smudge behind.

And I'm not talking a bout leaving a period stain. That would just be the end of my life! But I guess I've probably already jinxed myself. So that settles it, I'm never stepping foot inside this house when I have my period.

Standing in the middle of the living room, I looked for something to entertain myself with. "What to do.... What to do? I muttered to myself in complete boredom.

Spotting a cabinet beneath the large Plasma screen, I walked over to it and crouched to open the doors. When I saw what was inside, a wide smile brightened my face. Pulling out the box in excitement, I walked back over to the couch and plonked me and the gameboard on it. Staring down at the game in my lap, brought back many happy memories for me about my childhood.

I laughed to myself, "I was such a master mind at this game."

When I was nine I became obssessed with the game Scrabble. In fact, this game taught me so much, its part of the reason why I'm so smart today. It broadened my vocabulary, dazzling my parents. Yea.... little ol' me walked into the living room while they were sitting and watching tv. The next thing they knew, I was sprouting words like exponential and diaphragmatic.

I remember clearly, Dad turning to look at Mum and saying, "I didn't even know such words exhist."

Ah..... good times, good times.

I continued to stare at the game with a loving fondness, when I heard the pitter, patter of bare feet. Turning to look at the archway, I almost died of a heart attack right then and there. Walking boldly and without a care, Rhyden didn't even glance at me and walked towards the kitchen.

Wearing absolutely nothing else but his birthday suite.

I screamed and fell off the couch. I covered my eyes in a despearte attempt to stay sane. "My eyes! My poor innocent virgin eyes!"

"Your a virgin?" Came from above me.

Startled at how close his voice was, I made the mistake of uncovering my eyes. Rhyden stood above from where I fell. All tanned, muscled, eight packed, butt naked, Rhyden. Screaming again, I slapped my hands back over my eyes.

"Don't be such a baby, its not like you haven't seen these body parts on science posters."

"That's alright for you to say! Your a guy! However it might shock you, but girls don't wanna know!" I stressed.

His instant reply to that was, "The girls I know don't mind."

"That's becasue the girls you know are all skanks!" I snapped. Reaching for a fallen pillow, I tossed it at him. "Now cover yourself and go puts some clothes on."

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "Or else?"

Pushing through my stutter, I removed my hands from my eyes and gave him my most heated stare. "Or else your most 'precious' body part will be severed and put inside an incinerater."

To say he was shocked would be an understatment and dare I say it..... maybe even a little bit scared?

Holding the pillow to himself in modesty, he backed away from me slowly and around the corner till he was out of my sight. Dropping back to the floor, I sighed. "Thank god."

A blush then covered my face as the image of his body sprang instantly back to the front of my mind. I slapped myself. Stop it! Bad Blaire! Cooling down, I got up of the floor. Rhyden came back into the room, finally wearing clothes.

A maroon t-shirt covered his muscled chest and strained across his broad shoulders, this was also paired with a pair of snug black tracksuite pants. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is the good enough for you?"

Reverting back to my nervous ways, I just nodded.

"Good. Becasue I am not fucking changing." Taking his phone out of his pocket he glance at it and frowned. "Cody texted and said he's gonna be another hour or so."

He glance up at me, "You don't have a curfew do you?"

I shook my head, 'no.' Sighing he tossed his phone on the couched, the followed, taking up the entire couch. With his head buried into a pillow he groaned. Awkwardly, I just stood there. Rolling over he looked up at me with an annoyed expression.

"You don't have to stand there you know. You can fucking sit down."

Clearing my throat, I quietly said, "Um... the couch is the only place to sit."


Even more awkward, I mumbled, "Your kinda taking up the whole couch."

He gave me an amused look. "Are you calling me fat?"

My face paled and my throat felt too dry. "N-n-no."

His amusement faded into confusion, "What's with the stutter? A minute ago you could talk fine and clear."

I avoided looking into his eyes and chose instead to stare at the lamp across the room. "I stutter when I'm scared or nervous. Its a problem I've had since I was little, my parents don't know what caused me to develop it."

And why the freaky chicken did I just admit that to him?!

I looked at him for his reaction. Rhyden now sat straight up on the couch, a frown on his face causing his eyes to crinkle at the sides.

"And what are you now? Scared? or nervous?"

"S-s-scared." I admitted quietly.

His frown deepened, "Why are you scared? I'm not doing anything."

"It's more WHEN your going to do something."

I thought I saw a bit of sadness creep onto his face as his shoulders deflated. "Oh. Yea.... I gues I can see how you feel."

A sudden stab of guilt pierced me. I don't like the sad expression on his face. It was just too weird. Hesitantly, I sat down beside him.

"Plus, it didn't really help that I saw your willis and doodle berries," I joked. Surprisingly my attempt at humour worked, as he burst out into a loud guffaw of laughter.

"W-what T-the fuck?" He looked at my face and I blushed, earning another round of laughter.

I don't know what clicked for me in that moment, but I began to understand something about Rhyden. He was just a boy with large stone walls guarding his heart. A charade that puts on a smirk and a bitter attitude to hide himself. Cause in that instant, I saw a familiar look in his emerald eyes. It was the look of someone, who's waiting for another to actually try and get to know him. To see what's behind the popularity. Just waiting for someone to break down his walls.

I know I shouldn't feel sympathy for him after all the bullshit he's put me through, and will most likely continue to put me through, but I could't help but feel that small spark of understanding. I hate that I'm so nice sometimes.

"So, what do you wanna do nerd?"

So hate that I'm being so nice!

I think I shocked him, as I matched his own devious smirk, with one of my own. That's right Rhyden, Nerd's can smirk too. My gaze darted to the fallen gameboard that lay on the carpeted floor.

"How about..... a game of Scrabble?"

His smirk deflated and his eyes stared flatly at me. "Not just no, but fuck no!"

Ignoring his protests, I grabbed for the gameboard and starting walking to the dining table. "Rhyden get your flabby ass of that couch and play a game of Scrabble with me."

"Did you just call my ass flabby?"

"Is your ass still glued to the couch? Then yes. Yes I did."

I could tell Rhyden wasn't used to me being all confident, cause his eyes kept flashing with surprise everytime I mad an un-stuttered sentence come out of my mouth. Peering at me over the couch, he spoke.

"You seem different. Are you feeling ok? I never knew you were this..." He waved a hand in the air, as if conjuring a word. "Sassy?"

I lowered my eyes with a small smile, taking off the lid to the game and beginning to take out some of the pieces. "Well Rhyden, that's because you don't know much about me."

I looked up at him then, a challenging gleam in my eye. "Now, are you ready to join me in this amazing game?"

I waited. He stared. Still waiting. Still fucking staring. Then......


He laid back down on the couch disappearing form my sight. I growled. And idea tinkled at the back of my head. I know just how to play him. I exagerated a sigh.

"I see. Your ego won't let you admit it, but I see."

His head popped back over the couch. "You see what?"

And the rabbit is snared.

"Oh.... just that your scared to virse the nerd because you'll most likely end up losing and looking stupid."


What do you know.... a rabbit roast.

I tried to keep the smugness out of my voice. "Ok. If you really want to."

***********************HALF AN HOUR LATER***********************

"Bubbalousess is not a word!" I shouted.

"Is too!" Rhyden argued back just as fiercly.

Our scrabble game had turned out into a full on war. I was winning thanks to my use of massive vocabulary and Rhyden doesn't like it. So.... he started to making up words ot try and get ahead. The big idiot.

So far on the board, Rhyden has managed to create the sentence, 'Lick, My, Toned, Ass.' I thought it was only right that I reply. So I created the sentence, 'Only, If, You, Kiss, My, Bunion.'

We had both laughed at that, but that's when it got hella serious cause Rhyden realised I had taken the lead. Taking us to this moment in time.

"Bubbalousess is so a word!" He glared at me from across the table. Being a lady I returned it. Perring down at the board and the letters I had left, I smirked.

"Fine. Bubbalousess is a word."

He sighed and fell back inot his chair. "Thank you!"

I perked up and smiled. "My turn." Grabbing my last letter I placed it on the board, making me win the game and sen him the perfect response. "I win!"

"What?!" Rhyden shot forward in his seat and looked at the board disbelievingly.

Filled to the brim with smugness, I leaned forward. "That's right. Read the board." I spelt my last words out for him.

"Fuck, Off, I, Win."

Rhyden chuckled at my message and sighed. "Alright. I give up nerd. You win for the fifth fucking time."

I threw up my arms in celebration and whooped. To my embarrasment, in the middle of my whooping, my stomache growled. Immediatly, I dropped my arms and crossed them over my tummy. Rhyden held amusement on his face.

"Someones hungry."

"Oh gee.... I wonder why? Maybe its because I was picked up by the football team before I could grab my lunch." My voice was heavily laced with sarcasm.

Rolling his eyes, he stood up and went to the kitchen. Not close behind, I followed him and leaned against the counter.

"Would you like a milkshake?"

I grinned like a chubby kid with candy. "Hell yes! I haven't had one of those in ages!"

Rhyden smiled a real smile and it blew me away. Not a smirlk. A smile. Teeth and all. Shaking my head I got rid of the awe I was feeling.

"Your helping me make it though," Rhyden said.

Thinking that it was only fair, I moved around the other side of the counter. "I'll pass you the ingredients."

Nodding, he actually complied with me and went to go stand in front of the shake sunbeam machine. In a commanding voice he said, "Milk."

I went and grabbed the milk from the fridge and handed it to him.


I handed it over.


"Chocolate or strawberry?"

He thought for a minute. "Both!"

I handed both over with glee.


I looked around the kitchen, "Ugh...."

"Its over by the window, you should know what sugar looks like, its white."

Following his instructions, I went over to the window and looked inside the jar that sat there. The colour white greeted me. Smiling I ran it over to Rhyden, eager for the milkshake. He dumped it in and pressed a few buttons on the machine.

A gurgling sound greeted our ears. Rhyden frowned. "That doesn't sound right." He peered inside and his frown deepened. "That doesn't look right." Muttering curses to himself he started tapping the machine with his hand.

I got a sense of de ja vu, and thought back to when I was in cooking class. "Uh oh...." I whispered.

Running back over to the window, I picked up the jar and turned it around. My eyes widened.

'Self-Raising Flour.'

Definite uh oh!

"What's wrong with this stupid thing?!" Rhyden growled.

"Uh.... Rhyden? I may have accidently--"


I coughed when the white mist cleared and wiped my glasses. Rhyden and I were tossed onto the floor on our backs. The entire kitchen was covered in milk, flavouring and a doe like substance. Coated in white Rhyden and I just lay there.



"What grade did you get in cooking?"

"Um.. nothing. I was kicked out of the class."

He sighed and laughed. "And I thought you were a fucking nerd.

Authors note:

I am on a roll peoples!!!!!!!

Anyway my beautiful pelicans Please vote and comment! I lov to hear what u guys think!

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