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Chapter 13: Friends


Dazedly, I walked to school. Pfft! If you could call it that. I probably resembled closer to a high, zombie, with all it's limbs paralysed, while having a seizure. Yes. That bad. My spinning thoughts kept me up ALL night. I didn't catch a wink of sleep.

Between trying to figure out what that syringe meant, and that stupid kiss! I had no chance of getting any sleep. Nope. Instead of snoring out drool, like the rest of the world, I spent those dreary hours attempting to forget about Ghost's lips.

The way they had felt so warm on mine. Just thinking about it.......... made me want to puke.

Why him?! Why did HE have steal my first kiss! Now I'm scarred for life.

I spent four hours, scraping the inside of my mouth with soap, almost gurgling detergent, went swimming in a pool full of sanitizer, and scrubbed my face raw. To anyone else, it probabaly looked like I was trying to rip my face off.

I should have actually. Maybe then I wouldn't be thinking of him so much. Then I could put this all behind me. But there was something bothering me about that kiss. Like, why'd he do it? And why did it make me feel all...... weird.

I'm probably coming down with something. Tiredness IS a symptom for a head cold. I think. Well, at least I hope so.

Stretching my arms above my head, I yawned. I just can't believe how tired I am. And it's all thanks to one guy.

Stupid. Mother. Fluffing. Ghost.

That's right. I said motherfluffing.

My shoulders were hunched forward, as I slouched down the streets like a sloth. Sighing, I closed my eyes. Just for a second. I'm sure it won't hurt. As my feet kept moving with my eyes still sealed shut, I couldn't help but think, 'See? Nothing bad has happened. No harm done...-'


My forehead collided with a steel post.

"Ouch..." I rubbed my head. "Stupid pole. Why couldn't you just move?" I growled at it.

People passing by, gave me weird looks, as they overheard my conversation with the pole.

I glared, "What? Nothing to see here!" I turned back to the pole. Wagging my finger in a scolding manner, I said, "As for you. You stupid metal cylinder. I shall get my revenge!"

"Mummy? Why is that strange girl talking to a stop sign?" A little girl asked as she tugged on the bottom of her mothers sweater.

The woman pat her child wearily on the head. "I don't know sweetie. The girl must be someone very special."

I glared in her direction. Not appreciating her sly comment. Her eyes widened as she was caught, the little girl just stared ar me in innocent curiousity. The woman sheilded her child, by her turning her in the opposiite direction.

"Don't make eye contact sweetie."

"But why-"

"I said don't!"

Huffing, I rolled my eyes. Geeze! The public these days. Freaking out over a girl talking to an in-animate object. What's with that anyway?!

Peering up at the sign, I realised that it was in fact, a stop sign. Two more steps with my eyes closed and I would have become road kill. Hitting my head on this pole, was a sign. And I don't mean it just literally.

Shaking my head, I rid myself of any left over dizziness, and shook off any tiredness. Come on Blaire! You can do this! Just get yourself worked up and you should be alert and awake in no time!

With more positive thoughts, I already felt more awake then two seconds ago.

- Three hours later/ Cafeteria-

My gentle, lion, snores brushed past my lips. Exhausted from...... I don't remember....... my head rest on it's left side. Face down in something warm and squishy. The sound of giggles and laughter reached my ears.

"Is she actually a sleep?"

"Yea!" Someone snorted.

"This is hilarious! And disgusting...."

The voices caused me to stir. Slowly, I cracked my eyes open. The world was side-ways and the laughing faces made me realise something.

I fell a sleep face-down in the lasagne I had bought for lunch. Had I known that I was going to use it as a pillow instead of eating eat, I wouldn't have bought it.

Embarrassed, I sat up straight, and snatched up the napkins that were sitting on the side of my lunch tray. Furiously, I scrubbed off the tomato suace, meat and pasta.

"Nice one nerd!" Clarissa called from across the canteen.

Another round off laughter sounded. My face went beet red, hot to the touch. Standing up, I ignored the cat calls. Dumping my tray, I decided that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go to class early. I'm sure the teachers would be glad. Finally I would be braking my late track record.

I stopped in my tracks, one comment hitting a nerve.

"I bet she was trying to use her pasta to cover that ugly face of hers."

I took a deep breath.

Just ignore it Blaire.

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