Stacks on Blaire

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Chapter 11: Stacks on Blaire


The showers warm spray glided down my aching muscles. All the dirt and grime being washed away with the pain of my injuries. As I stood under the scolding droplets of water, I couldn't help but let my thoughts linger on tonights fight.

How was that man able to land a hit on me? Never mind several. I'm not saying that I've never been injured or punched before, or that I'm invincible in a fight. It's just a bit.... odd. Yea. That's a good way to describe it! Odd.

I've been punched and kicked many times during my life as a superhero. Its kind of expected. I mean, I was TERRIBLE in my first fight. But what do you expect? Nobody is ever good in their first fight. Quite often you get your ass handed back to you on a silver platter.

I sure did.

Until I grabbed that silver platter and bashed the guy senseless with it.

No. That man's moves had been quick. Almost as quick as me. Which is impossible! Since I have heightened senses. Ugh! What am I talking about? That guy was probabaly hyped up on adrenaline. Stuck in fight or flight mode.

His fight mode, was pretty viscious though.......

Scrubbing my scalp visciously, I tried to turn my focus away from fighting, and onto scrubbing all the blood that had crusted dry onto my skin. After I watched the cops cart away the gangsters, I decided that a shower would be a good idea.

Luckily for me, the boys football lockers were available. They have everything in here! Showers, spa's, a weights workout room, vending machine, flat screen T.V........actual bars of soap.

Some guy even had Shampoo and Conditioner in here!

Pantine. A bit girly, but all the more helpful for me!

The room was swamped with steam. More steam than should be considered normal. After the drops of water hit my skin, it instantly evaporated, turning into steam as my skin burned. Taking relaxing deep breaths, opened up my ribcage. That guy really done a number on me.

None of the jocks would be in here for at least another thirty minutes or so. The game hasn't ended yet, so the players would all be on the field.  

The shower gel's scent wafted inside my nose, as I washed its soaking bubbles from my smooth skin. Tilting my head backwards, I raked my fingers through my hair. Under the water, the colour was pitch black, but still managed to glow like embers on a burning fire at the ends.

"Uh..... This is so nice! I wish my bathroom had all this stuff at home." I sighed. Leaning down, I closed the shower's gel lid and spotted a box of condoms. "Well, except that."

Why in the world would a guy have something like this in here?!

Wait. Don't worry. I just answered my own quesiton.

There guys.

What I really want to know, is why would they think someone would even do something like...... THAT..... in a bloody shower of all places.

For a moment, my mind flashed back on to a scene in the movie Pitch Perfect. The scene between Becca and that red-headed character...... Chloe! That's it! Where they started awkwardly singing naked with each other in the shower, and then out of no where that guy just appears.

It only takes one brain cell to figure out what they were doing.

Feeling a little bit wary, I cautiously peered around my shower stall for any signs of another naked girl mysteriously appearing, wanting to have a singing throw-down. Relieved to know it was just me, I continued to rinse out the conditioner.

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