Like Mother Like Daughter

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Agustín gently pulled her away from the embrace. "Do you want to come in?" she nodded.

Both went into the newly built casita when Bonita sat them down on a chair in the kitchen. ."Wait here corazon" she nodded and stayed seated, a few moments later Agustín walked in with Julieta, she looked shocked and had tears on her face. "Bonita?....." Bonita got up and looked shocked as well. "Abuela?....." .Julieta burst into tears and ran forward and hugged her, and Bonita hugged her back with tears.

Julieta took her face in her hands. "You look so much like your mother." They talked for a while.

"Tio Agustín, Tia Julieta I we shall you for's - oh hola" a couple of children stood in front of the door. "Everything okay Abuela? .said a girl who must be 4 or 5, Bonita looked shocked but smiled realizing that the little girl must be the daughter of her Tia Isabela or Tia Luisa. "Oh yes, yes" she wiped her tears. ."I just chopped up some onions that's all," Julieta said, carefully taking Bonita's shoulders and leading her to the other children.

" Kids this is Bonita, a little friend of mine " " Hello! I'm Emily! .said the little girl. "Hi..."Hi""Hola Bonita" "Hey Bonita" "Hey" "Say the rest of the children with a smile.

Can you please ask bisabuela if Bonita can eat with us?. ' asked Augustin

" Yes Abuelo! .." said Emily and ran. " but she was hardly gone for a moment, she was back. "She said oh and Lucía, Dolores and Mariano tell you to leave your books in your room.

Lucía groaned and close her books " " I wonder still how you can read two books to the same time! " " say her sister what did you know ?! " say the 12 years old Lucía to her 8 years old sister as all left.

When all the kids went out when Julieta went to Bonita with an apologetic smile " sorry mi vida I didn't say anything it's just..." ." It's okay Abuela, I wouldn't have reacted differently, we have to wait for a suitable moment. I mean what to say?, " HOLA mi familia !!! .I'm Bonita and Mirabel's daughter!!, " suddenly all three heard a hum, they froze and looked at the door, Lucía came back for one of her books that she forgot. " I know ...." she hummed and ran away. ." Please don't tell me that she's is Prima Dolores daughter " " She is ..." said Julieta" " Not again..." Agustín said miserably.

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