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Agustín, Julieta and Mirabel looking shocked and just standing infront of each other for a moment, for 13 years.....for 13 years the have no contact and didn't see each other and now the standing infront of each other again.

All came tears in the eyes " Mirabel " " Mama " say Julieta and Mirabel as the beginn to cry and hug each other very tight. " Oh mi bebe, mi bebe...." sobbing Julieta on Mirabels shoulder and rubbing her hair gently. " Miraboo " say Agustín happy cry even of happines and holding even Mirabel tight, so much that he was scared that, that was just a beautiful dream and he would wake up in the next moment and his little girl is gone again.

" How, how did you....I far you didn't want me " " Mirabel how could you came on that idea? " ask when he rubbing his tears away and holding still Mirabel tight. " We love you so much of course we want you " say Julieta happy, but then she notice what on Mirabel, she look dowm and gaps as she saw a baby bump " your.....your preagnet ?! " ask Julieta shocked. " Yes " say Mirabel happy, and then came Julieta more tears of joy.

" Mama ? " the all look to Bonita who look nervous with a smile " Please don't be angry I just wanted....." Mirabel hug her tight. " Thank you so much mi vida, that reunion me with our family " " So you not angry? " " more then you think but I am very happy to mi pequeña Ratón". She say and hug Bonita.

Mirabel is everything okay I  hear you, what ?, Bonita what are you doing here and - "  Mirabels Husband Hugo came out, he smiled as he see his daughter who he was expecting to see her in two weeks again but he was confused about the strangers who was even here. " I feel never be better before Hugito. " say Mirabel happy.

I hope you liked that chapter even it was short, and guess what Mirabels second child will be 😉. And send me a few comments so that I finally get what to read😂😂😉.

Encanto: What if Mirabel was gone Where stories live. Discover now