The choose to return home

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The family came in and sitting down on the table.

Hugo sitting infront of Agustín and look a little nervous but smile " Well um, is really nice to meet you Senior " he say and open his hand.

Agustín smile and take his hand and shook it " Is alright Hugo, no need for pleasantries you're part of the family please call me Agustín. " say Agustín friendly.

Hugo look relived and shook his hand with a smile. " I'm happy that my daughter find someone who is so nice like you, you have treated her well did you?. " the last part sound could and he squeezed Hugo's hand more.

Hugo look worried but try to make a brave face " I love her more then anything- " but before Agustín can answer Mirabel came and glared at him and separated the two hands " Is alright Papa he is a lovely man " say Mirabel and kiss Hugo.

All sitting down together " And how feel you so " " Good the baby is doing fine " " In wish month are you " ask Julieta with a smile and touch Mirabel stomach" Just starting with the 9 month ".

" What do you think will be the baby this time ? " " Thats not important for me and my opinion changes all the time anyway, sometimes i think it will be a boy sometimes i think it will be a girl. " " Is like by me some time I want a little girl again and in other times I want a boy" say Hugo.

" What about you Bonita, do you wanna have a little brother or a little sister " Bonita shrugged with a smile " Well I would to like have twins or triplets " Mirabel glared at her playfull, Hugo smirked and Julieta and Agustín laugh a little. " So I can have then a little sister, and two little Brothers " " It's really possible that Mirabel could have more then one baby, because my mother in law have triplets ". When Mirabels Abuela is mention she look sadly down and sigh, but try to cheer herself up again " Well I was by the doctor and he told me that I only get one baby " Bonita look shocked but growled a little disappointed.

" Bonita did you ride right away to the madrigals or did you was visiting first Rodríguez ? " ask Hugo.

Bonita quiet suddenly and didn't look at her parents " No I ride right away to the Encanto ". She drink what " I'm tired can I please go sleep ? " " All quiet look confused " Of course Corazon " Bonita stand up and smile. Give her parents and grandparents a kiss on there cheeks and go in her room.

Now the Adults was alone, as Mirabel ask " How how is the family and the Encanto ?...." " The Encanto is fine again like the family, but all miss you really very much Miraboo ". " Really ? " ask Mirabel look shocked. Agustín and Julieta nodded " Your sisters, your Prima and Primos and Tio Felix, Tia Pepa and Tio Bruno - " " Tio Bruno ? " ask Mirabel shocked. Agustín and Julieta nodded with a smile.

" He was coming back after a few days you was gone, Mira " Julieta take her hands softly. Agustín looking at Hugo " Hugo could you let us please alone for a moment? " Hugo nodded but before he go he went again to Mirabel " Is it okay for you if I go " Mirabel nodded with a smile, Hugo kiss her lips and go.

" Mira " Julieta take her cheek softly as a tear rolling down. " We all miss you so much, your Abuela to " " Abuela? " " Yes, she regrets what she say for all this years ago, she miss she have all nightmares and her only wish is that you come home ". Mirabel look sadly up as tears fall down.

" I missed you to, so much....but is all my fault...I blame Abuela for everything and because of me is the miracle gone...." " Mirabel the miracle is not important to us " " You the true miracle and nothing was your fault, you our miracle and the whole family know is true" Mirabel look sadly.

" Mirabel you are the miracle that's why Bonita is born with her gift " Mirabel look shocked up " You know it? " the nodded. " She saw your Abuelo " Mirabel look shocked " Mirabel we all think the reason is, you didn't get a gift because is you have your own Miracle inside, and you was supposed to be to take Abuelas place if she is one day not here anymore. And even your Abuelo and Bonita are agree with that, we just want you back....".

Mirabel look up to her parents she whimpering and hug her parents.

Later she talk with Hugo. " Hugo....could you imagine to move with our children and me to my Family?". " Mira, you know that I would move with you to every please in the world, is no matter for me where I life, the main thing is that you and the children are with me. " Both smile and kiss each other.

To the same time was Bonita try to sleep as she sigh stand up, and put out under her bed a box, she open it and take a photo out with her and her best friend Carmen. A few tears fall down on it before Bonita whimpering and cry more and hug her legs tight.

Encanto: What if Mirabel was gone Where stories live. Discover now