Bonita's Secret

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Later the children were playing together as Bonita stopped to watch the sunset. "Whoa....."

" Beautiful huh ? " asked her primas and primos as they sat down next to her, Bonita nodded but noticed Pablo. She looked up at him sadly but then he said to her surprise."You know, Bonita, many people think that when you're blind, that all life is sad, but it's not true, if I'm born again I would like to be born again like this, I see the world as I imagine it and see all what the others say, I can only imagine a sunset so beautiful that the people who see it can no longer take the time to enjoy something like that because their eyes see other things. .Lucía fell silent and put down the three books she was reading, and Abel took his brother's shoulders, and smile sad.

All quiet and smile by Pablo's nice words and how he puts it but still they feel sorry.

"Besides, I'm much better at running races or tag games than these 'snails' here! .he said and grinned all but Bonita gasped and glared at him playfullly.

"Snails!?" asked Manuel and stood up.

"Oh friend, now you've started a war" Lucía and straightened her braid.

."C'mon let's go like always!" said Pablo, jumping up his cane with his foot and snatching it out of the air.

"Be nice to each other!" Emily exclaimed as Abel, Lucía, Mara, Manuel, Gabriela, and Pablo ran, and Pablo was way ahead of everyone.

Later in the evening everyone got ready for bed "Where should I sleep?" asked Bonita.

Alma, Julieta and Agustín sigh " Come with me.

The four walked in front of a door that said Mirabel on it.."This is your m8other's room" Bonita looked surprised "I thought Mamá had grown up in the children's room?" ." She did Corazon but after she left and the villagers helped us rebuild Casita, we did it that for Mirabel " " Hoping she'll come back....." Julieta said sadly and opened the door. .

The room was big with beautiful multicolored decorations and a bed with butterfly's on it, their were butterflies like lights on the walls and ceiling and the colors matched Mirabel's dress.

Later Alma went to Bonita's room with a sad face when she heard her great-granddaughter talking. ."Of course I see you but who.....oh no not again. What you are -" "Bonita?"

Alma opened the door but only Bonita saw in the room "Who are you talking to?" "I talked to myself" Alma looked confused but nodded.

Alma sat down next to her and looked sad "Are you okay?" "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life," she said suddenly and Bonita looked at her confused, but listened carefully.

Alma began to tell her her life story when she was finished, Bonita looked at her and almost cried at the story.

"I was given a miracle and I was so scared of losing it that I forgot who our miracle was for. And.....the only think I wish is that I can't say sorry to Mirabel, she was the real gift, but I was to blind to see what for a wonder Mirabel was, we, she never hurt her family and we break apart because of me".

She look sadly down, and Bonita look to her sadly as she look to the wand and nodded. " Bisabuela ? " Alma look up, and Bonita holding infront of her her hands.

" I can understand you " Alma take her hand " You have to deal with so much, you lost your lost everything, yes you make mistakes but...who didn't do that not?. Just because of you the family was saved, only thanks to you this miracle was given to this family, and nothing can break down in a family so much that you can't fix it, together as a family.

Alma smile softly by that " I ask my Pedro for help, Bonita. " she take her cheeks. " He send me you " she hug her.

Bonita smiled by that, but she look worry and think. " Bisabuela? " " Yes ? "

Bonita sigh and explain " I'm not sure if that's can be really happens...but i promis never to tell someone of that but since I was a little girl I think I- " she sigh.

" I think I am born with a Gift "

Thanks to Ruuubby12

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