Family in different ways

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Alma looked at her in shock. " What ? mean ". Bonita sigh and beginn everything to explain.

Since I was a little girl I was different from other children. When I was 4 or 5 I go ones out and meet a few nice town Kids I playing for them for a while, but when we meet each other the was a little strange and ask something ' like you can see us ?'. I was far the make just jokes, but when we was playing, I notice that a few People looking at us with a confused face.

Later came then my parents I show them the children, but the couldn't see them, and was confused, and my parents just thought I would make up imaginary friends what everyone else thought.

I was so confused as Mama and Papa wanted then go home with me, I try to explain that I was playing with that children but when I was say the name of the children, my parents froze.

My parents then bring me home and explain that in the last week, after a big storm, a accident happend on a bridge and the children with them I was playing was that Children who have the accident.

My parents was shocked and then the tell me about Mami's family and all what happend, the begged me to keep my Gift as secret, the problem is I can't the living and deaht people differentiate, so becaue of that it happend sometimes that I was talking with someone who is not anymore by us. My parents understand my problem and didn't blame me, and help me so much the can, that's why I become a umm ' Loner person'. Well except with my best friend Carmen and she and her parents was even the only one who's know my secret and was helping me often when we walked around town she helped me to tell people apart. " Alma look shocked about what her Bisnieta was tell her and wasn't sure what she should say.

" Are your parents think you are by Carmen ? " Bonita look up with a sad face but try to smile " Yes " she nodded as she grab in her bag and she took a photo out with her and her parents.

Alma smile softly, but look a little confused " What is that Bandaged around your father's eye".

" Papa have as child a accident under the bandaged he have a scar on his face. When he was little some people was scare of him and he was mocking from other children. He was gonna run away from his home if he wouldn't meet mami. She loved like he is, and so is it by Papa. " Alma smile softly " I'm happy that Mirabel find someone who she deserves. " she look a little sadly.

Bonita looked at her sadly and hug her" Bonita? " " Hmm? " " Can can you maybe see if your Bisabuela here ? " Bonita look up to her before she look to the ghost from her Bisabuela who is sitting next to Alma, she looked at him asked, Pedro smile and nodded.

Bonita sigh and  smile " Bisabuela he is here in this room " Alma gaps " he's sitting next to you ". Alma turn around and react her hand out " Pedro? " he smiled softly " Mi amor.... " he try to touch her hand but he's hand went through at her's. Bonita looked sadly but have then a idea. " Bisabuela, Bisabuelo please close both your eyes " both look confused but do what she say.

Bonita take from both the hand and bring the two together, and both could feel the hand from each other, both gaps. " don't open the eyes or it will not work anymore " say Bonita and still touch the hands of the two.

Both nodded and couldn't even believe that that was happend right now. Both rolling tears down on their closed eyes.

But suddenly went both hands throughs from the two from each other again. But suddenly the hands went through the other's again even if Bonita touch the two still. Bonita gasp and try to bring the Contact back. " I'm - I'm sorry - when I do it the last with the pa- uhh I mean it just work for a few moments but - " " Is alright mi Vida " say Alma and touch Bonia cheeks with happy tears and hug her" Me to " say Pedro and hug her.

Later go Alma and Bonita with a smile down. " Hey Pablo " say Bonita " Hey Prima " Bonita smiled she like it really when someone call her that, even it unfamiliar.

Later all was on the dinner table " Hey Bonita how is your father so ? " all look to her curious and but Agustín made a strict face and raised a eyebrow.

Bonita smiled " Papa, is really the best father in the world, he is funny, kind and softly and he love Horses ". She smiled " You know like he did years ago with his horse Amigo, we two find for a 3 year on a walk my Horse Amadeus. " " and why I haven't such a luck !? " say Gabriela angry and shook her head, and put her head on the table.

Lucía who read again a book and sitting next to her, looked at her annoyed and rolled his eyes. " Gabriela please sitting down right " say Dolores strict.

Gabriela groaned and sitting down right, Lucía smirked at her " Lucía how many times have we said no books at the table please put it away" say Mariano, she groaned and put it away, and Gabriela smirked.

" What do you read actually for things Lucía ??." Ask all look shocked and give Bonita worried faces and shook their heads. Lucía looked at her, shocked " You seriously interested on that? " " Yeah when you read so many books then you have a reason for that sure " say Bonita a little confused. Lucía look exactit and look like she waned scream.

" Lucia but please first after the dinner " say Alma, Lucía make a anyound face, but smile to Bonita exatict.

" What's the name of your father? " ask Camilo. " Hugo " Sierra and Hugo suddenly stop to eat and look surprised and shocked. " Hugo ?, Hugo García? " now Bonita look shocked and confused " Yes ?, umm, also he's last name was García before he married Mama and take her last name but how do you know him ?. "

Later after dinner Sierra was in her and Camilos room, as she look around in her things as she took out a photo from her as little child out and next to her was Hugo as child but before he got his scar on his face. " Hugo and I was the best friend, in our childhood....but one day when your father was 8 and I'm 7 years old my father and mother ......didn't allow to play with him anymore, I didn't see him anymore then. " Sierra look sadly and sigh " I was having....really many.....troubles in my home with my Parents and when it was get worser I run away when I was 14. I'm walking 3 days around in the jungle until I  find the Encanto, I was scared but Mariano find me, he was really nice and he was like a big brother for me " say Sierra and smile a little by the memory. " And soon someone fall in love the beautiful, shy heartfull girl in the Encanto " say Camilo, grabbed his wife's hopped and pulled her to him, and hugged her from the side. Sierra smile happy " Thanks to Cami, Mara and the rest of the family I get really happy " say Sierra and kiss him, Bonita smiled. " Wait think mention you to, but he call you Sisi. " " It's my nickname " she smile.

Later when Bonita was in her bed she was thinking on what something. Until she stand up and go to her Abuelas room and make a choose.

Two days later

In a village far away from the Encanto came a young preagnet woman out of her house and went to her Gardening and watering her plants, she stopped at a plant that had long since dried out, she bent down as best she could to pick up the flowerpot as suddenly. " Mirabel? " the woman let shocked the flowerpot fall down what make a loud smash loud, as she turn around. " Papa ? " she ask shocked, her father, next to Agustín standing Julieta who have like Agustín tears on her face " Mami ? ".

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