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Later the family and the town people looking for Lucia and Emily.

Gael, Luisa und Bonita look around

" What actually happend? " asked Bonita.

" I had told her that Lucia is missing, I turn then around for one moment and she was gone, uhhh typical I should have know that. " " Emily try always to help others people and animals and umm, could sometimes get in trouble" say Gael.

" What do you mean with that ? " " Mama ! " " Hola Luisa, Hola Gael ".

The see a woman came with Emily, the woman have a smile on her face, shoulder long curley hair.

" Mami " Luisa hug her " Emily where was you ? " ask Luisa and hug her.

" She told me that Lucia is missing, so she wanted ask me and  Carlos for help, Carlos went right away to look for her too, so I thought it would be better I bring Emily back to you so you don't have to worry. "

Thank you very much Paula " said Luisa

" Your welcome I will right looking for Lucia too, I hope you will find her soon " Paula said with a smile and go.

" Do you know this woman Tia Luisa ? " " She is the Wife from my es husband Carlos " " Oh I'm sorry to hear- " " No it's alright, Carlos is a good man he is it still, you know after your mother was missing, I feels so bad, Carlos and I knew each other even before, but we never had talk much.

When he saw how sad I was he wen to me and talk to me. Soon we became friends, and after a while we fall in love, you know that was even the first time that a boy got feelings for me. " " What do you mean with that " asked Bonita confused.

" Well, I was maybe really not, one of the pretty's, creative, or talented girls in the family, not like Mirabel, Isabela or Dolores, my Gift was really the only thing I was good. " " Tia Luisa that's not true you are more then that. "

Luisa smile " Carlos  said that even all the time, and he fall in love in my personality. But after the years pass away, my love wasn't anymore like how a woman a man love, it was more like respect for him.

Later it comes out he was feeling the same, so we divorced us " " Oh...I'm so sorry Tia I- " " No it's okay we both totally fine, the kids can every time like the want see him, like I said it's totally fine. Two years after he moved out, he meet Paula, I was first though she was a mean girl, because she didn't talk much with Gael and Emily and seems to wanted to get out of their way.

But when we talk ones, she told me that she can't become own children or that it can't be hard. She love children over all, but she didn't wanted take my role as mother from me, because thats not what she wanted do.

I talked with her, and let her make sure that's it's totally fine when she want spend time with my kids, and Emily and Gael like her very much too, they didn't see her as mother the see her as friend from the family.

To the same time walk Mariano and Dolores around, Gabriela behind them with a sad face.

" Where could she be ? " asked Dolores worried

" Dolores mi vida it's okay " said Mariano and hug her.

Pablo walk even around with his father to search for Lucia to " Bobo!" The hear Isabela call.

Pablo look angry and feel how his mother run to him and hug . " Isa " " Bobo please I have begged you that Pablo stay with me in the Casita. " Pablo look more angry.

" Papa can I please talk alone to Mama for moment " " .....of course Hijo ".

Isabela look confused, " Oh Pablo mi bebe, you know that I don't want you go outside in the night it's to - ".

Encanto: What if Mirabel was gone Where stories live. Discover now