Pedro Madrigal

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                      Before 63 years

Pedro wake up and groaned, he stand up and touch his chest, there was no blood or a wund, and nothing is hurting. How could he that survive?".

He see infront if him many big mountains who grown, he look behind him and see his wife, who was on her knees holding her baby's close and crying.

he sighed in relief and ran to her "Alma mi vida I'm fine, See I  -" he wanted to hug her and his children but....he walked right through her.

He made a horrified face, no...that can't be he turned to Alma.

" A- Alma?..... " he ask worriedly.

Alma stand up crying, pick the candle up went through Pedro as she and the villagers walked on.

Suddenly build on the place where Alma standing, the miracle a house, a Casa, a Casita.

This was Pedro's chance, he touch the house and the window wink.

Alma smile softly and wink back. Pedro was never really gone he was all the time watch his family, until 50 years later the miracle died, and Casita break and he lost the last Combination possibility with his family and Mirabel run away.

But still he never left, no matter what mistakes the family make, exactly Alma did his love for them is always stronger as his anger.

But one day happend for him a Miracle, 63 years later after his deaht, and 13 years Mirabel was missing. Came Bonita, Mirabel's daughter...his Bisnieta came to the Family Madrigal.

As Bonita was in Mirabel's Room what the Family make for her, to get ready for the bed he sitting down on the bed and watch her with a smile.

When Bonita brush her hair she look suddenly shocked as she look in the mirror and turn around. " Huh who are you?!, how did you came in here ?!!?".

Pedro look shocked and look around, but the only person who was in the room was Bonita and....he.

Can't that be...

He standing up " Bonita....can can you see me ?! " " How do you know my na- wait see ? Are you....Bisabuelo" Pedro look shocked but smile he nodded, Bonita smiled before it disappear" Oh no not again. "
Bonita groaned, before she look again to Pedro, who look confused.

" I'm sorry Bisabuelo is just....okay let me explain, since birth I'm....different as other Children. I see people who have died. But I can't tell the living from the dead. When I was little people used to think I was crazy and Mama and Papa also said to make sure I keep my gift a secret.

Pedro go to her and touch softly her cheek " Bonita " as he cry tears of joy, and hug her tight. How long he wait for this moment, finally to hug and hold tight one of his family members in his arms, after he was think he have to wait after one of them have to follow his way.

Bonita look confused but hug him tight back and smile.

" Bonita? " her door knock and Alma came in.

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