Family problems

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In the next day walk Lucía, Pablo, Emily with Bonita around as a few town people looking at Bonita shocked and she notice how all whispering.

" Why did all looking at me so " Lycia raise a eyebrow" Pablo, did you tell someone about Bonita " " No, I didn't " " Emily " " Si ? ".

" Did you tell someone about Bonita or about your Tia Mirabel " " No " " Okay, good " Lucia just look confused.

" But Gabriela did " " What ?!?!" " Yes, but she said, that I can't, but she is allow to do that ".

" What!?!, no Emily uhhh!! this little sneak uhh!! " " I'm sorry Lucía " " No,no you did nothing wrong, but never believe what Gabriela say okay, she always lying okay ? " Emily look confused " Okay".

" Hey you Mirabels daughter or ? " three Teenager came to Bonita. " Oh umm, yes hi " " Hey nice to meet you, I'm Alejandra, that's Cecilia and the guy with the Coffee cup is Juancho".

" Nice to meet you Bonita " Bonita smile.

" How is your mother doing, is.....long time that someone saw her here in the Encanto. " " Oh well she is fine, she is in my home town, with my father and my Abuela,she become soon a baby, and that's why she have to wait " " Oh that's great" " so you will be soon a big sister " Bonita smile brightly " Yes".

" We have know your mother, you know " " " Yes, when we all was little, she play, sing and dancing with us around, that was always so much fun. " " Yes we was confused why she didn't get a gift like the rest of your Family, but we still like her a lot. "

They sigh sadly with a sad smile " It was sad for us as she was gone " " Yeah...".

Bonita smile a little, she fell sorry for Juancho, Cecilia and Alejandra and the other people but she also smile when she saw that the town people was really like her Mother.

When she was little and her parents was think she was outside or sleeping she could hear her mommy cry and hear her talking about that, that she wanted see her family again, but hear her also talking about that she know that her family and the whole Encanto would blame her for everything and didn't want to have her anymore.

" Well we have to go, it was really nice to meet you Bonita " say Cecilia " Yes you all to " say Bonita.

The walk more around as Lucia was about too buy herrself 11 new books, as she all holding to the same time " Did you need help " ask Pablo " No than- ahhh !! " one of her books almost fall down but Pablo grab it in the last moment. " Thanks " say Lucia.

" Your welcome " Pablo reached his hand out to fell where the books are as he take two more.

" I wanna help to !! " say Emily.
" Emily the book are to heavy for you " " But also for you and I don't want that you hurt yourself " say Emily.

Bonita, Pablo and Lucia smile by her nice words " Alright but just one alright?" Emily nodded exatict.

When they go back home, talk Lucia and Bonita a little " I'm so happy that you interesting on my books and my interest, you see is actually always just me and my Books. Well okay Abuela and Abuelo like to listening to me. " " And Mariano and Dolores?, they must be like to, to hear your Story's and your interest or not ? " Lucia smile suddenly was gone and change to sad face.

" Pff yeah sure if they would even notice me " " What do you mean with that ?" ask Bonita.

" My parents have just eyes for Gabriela and sometimes for Manuel, well okay I don't blame Manuel, he always nice to me, and he is a little angel like Emily, and he really deserves our Parents attention, he's the perfect little brother. But Gabriela, sorry if I have to say it, but Gabriela is a little beast and brat. " " Lucia... " say Bonita shocked.

Encanto: What if Mirabel was gone Where stories live. Discover now