Back by La Familia Madrigal

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And so it was decided Mirabel would come home to the Encanto but she would first wait until her baby was born which will happen in a few weeks, Julieta had decided to stay with her and Hugo to help with the birth while Agustín and Bonita stayed behind travel to Encantoso that Bonita could spend more time with the rest of her family and get to know them better.

" Goodbye Bonita, we see us in a few weeks " say Hugo and hugged Bonita. " Yes  Papa and watch Mama " " I will " Bonita go to hug Mirabel " Have a nice time by our family mi vida " " I will mami, you sure you will be okay? " " Yes don't worry mi vida, your Papa and Abuela will be by me don't worry " " Alright, and you come soon so I don't have to so long wait at you and Papa, Abuela and Mama " say Bonita to her sibling, and Mirabel laugh little.

" Adios Abuela " say Bonita and hug her Julieta and smile. She went to Agustín kiss him and hug him, as he go to Mirabel. " Goodbye Miraboo come soon home " " I will Papa " she smile. Hugo smile and wanted shook Agustín's Hand, he just patted him on the shoulder and smile.

Bonita helping Agustín up on Amadeus back " Bye Mama, bye Papa, Adios Abuela los amo a todos " say Bonita.

" Nosotros también te amamos Bonita " say the three together.

" O- okay Bonita, but not so fast this time " " Okay Abuela Amadeus please not so fast this TIIIMMMMEEE!!! " But to late Amadeus run faster like the wind.

After a day when the sun was almost down, was Emily in her room sigh sadly. Since two days was she almost every hourer in her room and looking out of her window and waiting for her Grandparents and her Prima.

But suddenly she notice what, when she recognize it she smile and gaps happy.

She run in the whole house around to tell the family everything. " Bonita is back!! " yells Emily happy, she knock on Luisa room Door. " Mama Bonita is here !! ". She run to the room of the boys . " Pablo, Manuel, Gael, Abel Bonita  is back !! " " Emily, I'm blind not deaf, you don't have to scream " say Pablo with a smile. " Oh yeah " " And don't slap the door so hard a - " but with a loud slap Emily close the door and run to the doors of the rest of her family.

To the same time was Lucía with her parents in the living room and talk about them about her different books. " Did you know that the eat in France prepared naturally, snails are eaten. " " Uhh Lucía that sound very interesting but you - " wanted Mariano beginn " Really !!, good because here a few other interesting things " said the 12 year old excitedly and picked up a stack of 9 books, Marinano and Dolores look shocked and Mariano make a ' kille me ' and Dolores a ' help me ' face.

" Did you know that I give the theory that we humans actually are the descendants of monkey's, or that turtles can become 100 years old !! Or - " Emily run in " Hey Bonita is back, oh sorry did I disturb you ? " " Yes - " wanted Lucía beginn " No, no Emily you don't " " Well then we go out, but that was really interested Lucía " say Dolores and Mariano and run out " But Mama Papa I!- " Lucía sigh sadly and close her book.

All children run out but as Pablo wanted run down Isabela run to him. " Pablo be careful, you know that I don't want that you run up around " say Isabela worried she wanted take his arm to help him down " " Uhh, Mama !! " he say angry and loosened his arm from his mother. " Mama, I can maybe not see good, but I'm not dump I know where the steps are! " he sigh and shook his head and walked down.

All came out of Casita " Hey guys " say Bonita as she jump down from Amadeus back, as suddenly Luisa run to her and hug her tight. " Hey sweetie is good to see you again " Bonita breath and by the  hard hug " Hi Tia Luisa....." she said struggling in to breath a little.

" Hello mi vida " say Alma with a smile " Hello Bisabuela " say Bonita and hug her. When Bonita was talking with the Adults Emily look confused around. " Where is Abuela? " Oh um, Emily your Abuela decided to stay with your Tia Mirabel until your new Primo or Prima is born. " Huh ?, oh uhhh okay..." say Emily sadly.  " Don't worry she is soon back. "

Later in the night was the family together and laughb" Wow Mara did you drew that ? " Bonita ask her 7 years old cousin and take a painting from her " Yes, since Mama is in the Encanto she love to think out Story's, and Tio Mariano help her with Read and write, and Papa make her always laugh when he play one of her characters. " " Uhh that's sweet " " Yeah...and I like it to paint mamas Story's, that's my hobbies " " " Yeah, yeah we know your hobbies, well I like more too play hiding, and like it really to watch the people from my hide, and to scare them in the end " say Gabriela giggels. Bonita looked at her a little scared. " Oh hehe " Lucía roll her eyes and read one of her books again.

" Well like Prima Sierra I like it to think out Story's and Manuel write them " say Pablo, Manuel look shy up from his paintings " Shhh " but Pablo smile. " He is so good in write when you read one of his Story's it feels like you really in the story. " Woah Manuel, can I read maybe one of your Story's " U- uhm, um I...I don't know if you will like that..." " Umm okay " Pablo sigh sadly.

Later when Bonita was in her room someone knock on her door " Yes? " the door open and Antonio came in. " Hey Bonita " " Oh hey Antonio " " Can I come in ? " " Yes of course " he came in and but Bonita raise a eyebrow what happene to your hands ?!. " Antonio fingers was full with bandage and flap. " Umm, yes close your eyes please for a moment. " " Umm okay " say Bonita and close her eyes.

" Can you please open your hands? " he ask, Bonita do that confused. She feel that he put what on her hands she open her eyes and gasp when she saw a self-made bracelet. " Wow did you made this for me ?! " " He nodded with a smile "" is absolutely beautiful thank you " " Your ,

Antonio smile a little " You know your mother was really my best friend when I was a kid, but since she's gone....I part of me is gone....I miss her so much. " Bonita look sadly and hug Antonio from the side. " Hey she is soon back, I know that didn't change what all happend in the last 13 years, but the important think is, that she is coming back. " he sigh " " Yes your right, and Bonita " he touch his shoulder " I want that you know that you always can hang on me, and that I'll will always be here for you like Mirabel was it for me, and...I know that you try what to hide." Bonita look shocked up and try to say what " You don't need it to deny, I see it on your eyes, under your smile you try to hide what, sometimes what didn't want let you go and is hanging you on your heart. I can understand that you want to keep it for you because you think you can no one tell it. But what ever it is you can talk with me, believe me it is not good to keep secrets and inside pressure for you, it just happend bad things if you held it so long. " Bonita sigh sadly before she hug Antonio tight.

" Thank you so much, but I wanna wait for wait for the right moment first if that's okay....I can't talk it about it know " she become tears when she hug Antonio. He rubbing softly her back. " Shhh, is okay just let it okay.

Later in the night wake Bonita up when she get fursty, she walk down to the kitchen to drink what, she turn around and almost scream but she calm down when she saw that it was just Bruno. " Tio jeez...." " Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I couldn't sleep and so I was gonna make a walk. " " No is okay, is just like by me, when I was little I'm even walk almost every night around the house " Bonita giggles a little by the memory " Mami and Papi call me always a ghost " the both laugh a little.

" Hey, if that's okay when I ask that what was actually from you all your gifts? " ask Bonita curious. Her mother was tell her family was full with magic but she never really mention what was from all of them their gifts and she never really ask that even.

" Well I could see in the future, your Tia Luisa was super strong, your Tia Isabela could grown plants, Dolores could hear a pindrob far away, Camilo could shape shift, Antonio could talk to Animals, your Tia Pepa could control with her feelings and imotions the weather and your Abuela could heal people with her food. "

Bonita nodded and understand " Do you think....that the reason I'm born with a Gift is because the miracle is in my mother?. " " No I believe not the old miracle is in her, I believe her own miracle is in her, but about your question yes it would be wondering if not, that would explain so much, but in one think I'm absolutely sure, your mother is the real gift in this family and the real wonder. "

Thank you to Ruuubby12 for the help 🤗🦋🦋😉😉❤

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