Family Chaos

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The Madrigal's family sat outside at the dining table as they chatted. Lucía looked nervously at Bonita, who gave her a staring, pleading look. Lucía had problems, she doesn't want to tell on them, but the way she started her, she put pressure on them, squeaked a few times. .

"Tell me Bonita -" began Mariano, who lsitting next to her, "you look so familiar to me, have we met somewhere before?" "oh no, that must be a coincidence, I keep hearing that, I just look like other people, hehe. ..." she.laughed nervously.but then Luisa looked at her more closely "You look a bit like my little-" she wanted to say, but her gaze changed to Emily "Oh Emily, mi vida don't touch that that's too heavy and too hot, wait, I'll help to you. .Emily did exactly what Luisa said, sat down and smiled as always. "Thanks Mama"

Bonita sigh in reliving " But Bonita " suddenly speak Alma. " You look even familiar to me, your face your eyes....maybe we meet your Family " " Oh um, no ! Hehe that can't be, the are really shy and don't get out so much " she say nervously. Suddenly was water spat out of her, all look shocked to Felíx and see that Lucía what have whispering what in his ear. " Sorry ..." he cough and look shocked to Bonita.

Alma look to him a little angry " Well but artless can I know the first name of your parents?. " Um my Father names is Hugo but - " she quiet as she see how Felix whispering to Pepa's ear, she look shocked to Bonita " Umm my mother's name is....Huh Amadeus no !! " she stand up as her horse eat the salad on the table she stand up and bring him away. As she see how Pepa whispering to Bruno and Antonio " WHAT ??!?" " Bruno what's wrong?! " ask Alma.

" Bonita is owww! " Agustín threw a spoon on him. " Agustín!, enough what's gonna into you to you all !? And what...." she stop as she see Bonita's dress " these embroideries......"

" Bonita? " " Seniora I'm sorry I promis that will never happen again- " but Alma stop her. " Bonita is your mother's name...Mirabel....are you her daughter?. " Bonita quiet, Alma look to her hopefully, and the rest of the family in her in shook and confuse, she didn't want to lie so. " Umm, yes...." she sigh " My mother is Mirabel Madrigal " all gaps and look to her in shock, she smile nervously. " Um...surprise...." but then she quite and look to all nervous.

Again thank you to my friend Ruuubby12 ❤❤ I hope you enjoy that chapter, when you have ideas or Asks just sand me them right here, then I have what to read 😂😂😂, well then Adios, we see us next time 😉😉.

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