The past and the future

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Bonita sleep still as she suddenly feel the warm sunbeams on her face.

She stand up from her bed and yawning, she go down and saw Antonio.

" Hey Antonio " " Hey Bonita " " Hey about yesterday, I think I can talk to you now "

Antonio smile and nodded
other and after Antonio listening to everything, both quiet for a moment and he hug her then.

Bonita notice what " Why do you have so many patches on your finger " " Um, I pricked myself " Pricked how did you ? - " " Umm doesn't matter, I will explain later " " But- "

Suddenly feel Bonita something cuddling what on her back, she turn around and saw a leopard " Ahh!! " " Hey Bonita wait ! " " Run ! " Bonita wanted run away but as she turn around she saw the leopard cuddling to Antonio.

" Is okay that's Parce, he is one of my animal friends, remember I tell you about them " " Oh yeah right ".

Bonita came careful closer Antonio smiled at her. " It's okay, come here " Bonita reached her hand out, Parce sniffle before he snuggled his head under her palm and let her pet him and snuggled up to her.

" You know, since I lost my Gift, I walking here in the near, and one day Parce and a few of my other animal friends came to me. I can't maybe not understand them anymore, but it's  good to have friends on your side, exactly if you can't sometimes not talk with your family.

He sigh " I know what's wrong with Lucia, she didn't wanna say it, but I know she thinks sometimes that Dolores and Mariano doesn't love her as much as Gabriel and Manuel, but it's not like that, they love her very much, just like Manuel and Gabriela. You should hear with how much love, they talk about their children".

Bonita smile softly by that, what Antonio have tell her.

" I hope just me and my little brother or sister will never have a fight. " " A little fight can every sibling sometimes have. You should have see your sister and mama when I was little " he say sadly.

" I never have understanding that until I  was older " he smile then to change the theme.

" What do you think will the baby be " " I don't know, me and Papa and Mama wants that  the baby is heathly ".

" Well after we find out Mirabel expecting a baby almost all make a bet.

Bonita raise a eyebrow " You too ? " " Weeellll yes, I think you will have a little sister. Sierra, Dolores, TioBruno, and Mariano too, but Camilo, Tio Agustín, Papa, and Isabela think it's a boy.

" Well we will see what it is soon ".

" Hey Bonita, Hey Tio Antonio! " yells Mara happy.

" Hey Mara " Antonio open his arms but Parce run fast to Mara " Parce no! " " Ahh! " But Parce, push Mara already happy on the ground and licked her face.

" Uhhh! Haha Parce no! Tio Antonio!" She yells and laughing, as Bonita laugh hard too.

" Parce ! ¡quítate de ella! " he say laughing and push Parce softly away.

" You okay Mara? " ask Bonita giggles.

" Yeah, it's not the first time he licked my face " say Mara and rubbing her face " I wanted with you play, if that's okay and ask what you think of my new story". Say Mara and show her and Manuel's have painting.

" Oh that's look nice" " I love it to thing out little Story's " " Wow you seven and think out Story's like that ? " Mara.

" Yes, like for this here in this story exists a bad old magician, and he fall in love in a beautiful town girl, but she love someone else, that's why he kidnap the boy. So the girl have to choose to marry him or not, but she have 8 houres time to save him, but first she have to go in the magical curses Labyrinth of the magician, where many monsters are inside but she do that because for her true love, if she win she can go with her love, but if she lose she have to marry the magicain". Explain Mara " Wow you really think that out on yourself ?, " " Well, the family helps me a little with that".

" But it's really good I like that " say Bonita.

" You should hanging on that Mara " " You really think that Bonita ? " " Yes with a little practiceq and time you can become a good Author. " Mara smile happy.

Later the go home " Hey and Bonita " she turn around and look at Antonio " Yes ? " " Here, for the nerves " say Antonio and handing her out a box.

She look confused and open it and saw a  horse Stuffed animal " You know, on my 5 birthday, when my Gift ceremony was, your mother give that " he holding up a leopard stuffed animal " she made that on her own, and yeah, I didn't have make this horse own my own, it was a disaster " he show his hands.

" I know it would be more special if I would have make that but I'm not good with Needle and thread and- " Bonita hug him " it's more then perfect thank you " she say with happy tears.

To same time, far away from the Encanto

Julieta sitting down in Hugo and Mirabels kitchen when she read a book.

" Julieta ?!" ask Hugo " Yes ?! " she turn around and saw Mirabel and Hugo, who smile but look nervous, but then she notice that Mirabels dress was weat, and she breathing fast. " It's happening " say Mirabel, Julieta stand up.

Back in the Encanto

" Bonita, Antonio! " say Dolores and Mariano in worried and came out.

" Dolores what's wrong? " ask Antonio and notice the worried face from his hermana and  Cuñado.

" Lucia is gone ! " " What !? " " How long " " We don't know, we saw her last this morning we thought she was with you. " " No she wasn't " Luisa came worried out. " Where is Emily ? " all look more worried.

Back by Mirabel and Hugo

Mirabel laid in her bed and breath still hard " It's okay mi vida " say Julieta, put the blanket down and wash her hands.

" You sure know what you have to do ? " ask Hugo.

" Yes, I already help Is- um I mean a few of the town woman's " say Julieta, becaue she wanted keep as a secret that Mirabel is a Tia, as a suprise.

One hourer later by Mirabel and Hugo

It was a cry to hear, Julieta smile brightly when she beginn to clean up the baby.

Hugo kiss Mirabel happy" You did it again " smile happy, when she went to her Mama.

" What is the baby ? " Julieta came with the baby in her arms and put it in Mirabel and Hugo's Arms.

" It's a boy " both smile happy and look at their new son.

He open his little eyes

All smile happy,  Mirabel kiss his head

" Hola Juan "

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