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Name: Min Yoongi
Age: 21
Rank: Alpha
Scent: Coffee and Mint chocolate
Father: Min Seohyun
Mother: Min Jihye

Name: Park Jimin
Age: 20
Rank: Omega
Scent: Vanilla
Father: Park Jaehyun
Mother: Park Hyerin

Name: Kim Namjoon
Age: 22
Rank: Alpha
Scent: Apple cinnamon
Mate: Kim Seokjin

Name: Kim Seokjin
Age: 22
Rank: Omega
Scent: strawberry
Mate: Kim Namjoon

Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 19
Rank: Alpha
Scent: Fresh lemon
Adoptive father: Park Jaehyun
Adoptive mother: Park Hyerin

Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 19
Rank: Omega
Scent: Lavender
Father: Kim Doryuk
Mother: Kim Sujei
Brother: Kim Gohyun

Name: Jung Hoseok
Age: 20
Rank: Beta
Scent: none


An Alpha is the leader in every situation, whether it's social or intimate. They are born to lead and command. An Alpha goes through ruts twice a year, and they can be very violent in those times. Their mate is always Omega, but in some cases, if they're not able to find their fated mate or if they can't be with their fated mate, they can mate some other Alpha, Omega or Beta.

Omegas are usually gentle, submissive, helpful, and they have the ability to calm their Alphas. They have the ability to conceive lives. They go through heat every month. If in any circumstances the Omega can't be with their fated mate, they can be with any other Alpha or Beta.

A Beta is an ordinary person who has a major rank rather than an Omega but a minor rank than an Alpha. They don't have a fated mate, but they can choose who they want to be with. Unlike male Omegas, the majority of male Betas can't conceive, but there are some exceptions; only a few male Betas are capable of conceiving.

• Alphas or Omegas can find out their mate by smelling their scents.
• If a mated Alpha or Omega has intercourse with someone else, their mate will feel pang in their heart.
• If a mated Alpha has intercourse with someone else while their Omega is in heat, the Omega's heat gets five times worse.
• Female Alphas are born with vagina and an internal penis that grows during arousal and then will retract after mating.
• A male Beta can't impregnate a male Omega.


This is fiction, and everything in this fiction is the author's imagination. This fiction also contains mature themes, so if you're uncomfortable with these types of things or if you are not into shipping, then it's not the right place for you. You can kindly leave. Do not comment anything unpleasant. I hope it is clear.

Well, with that said, enjoy everyone.

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