CHAPTER XVI: Lonely and angry

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I'm lonely, it doesn't mean I'm alone. It means that I do not have the company I want.

A week has passed, and everything is going perfect so far; Sehun and Hoseok are now boyfriends. On their first date, Hoseok also got his first kiss; it was one of the best, unforgettable moment ever.

Jungkook and Taehyung has made love for the first time; it was the most ecstatic feeling ever. It was Jungkook's first time with someone, and he's more than glad that he has done it with his lover. Sure it wasn't the first for Taehyung, but is surely is the most memorable moment in his life. Jungkook, acknowledging this, has questioned him and Taehyung, knowing that a relationship is built with trust, has told everything to him about Yoongi. The Alpha of course has understood the situation and didn't say any bad thing about the Omega.

Yoongi and Jimin has been getting closer everyday, and that's also mean some humiliating things for Jimin; some Omegas sometime remind him about his family status, or sometime he just feel sad about where he stands and where Yoongi stands.

Yoongi, honestly, is aware of the fact: when he has first started his friendship with Taehyung, the little  Omega also used to feel sad about his family class, but as the time went by, he became more and more comfortable with Yoongi. After all, Yoongi has a big heart, and his words can touch anyone's soul. Yoongi has always showered Taehyung with affection, and he wants to do the same with Jimin.

What Yoongi doesn't know it that Jimin is his mate. That's why Jimin is concerned, that what will Yoongi think when he finds out. Jimin isn't revealing himself because of Yoongi's family. He has listened too many rumors that says the Min family only gets along with rich families. Eventhough Yoongi always showed his real self, Jimin can't help.

Yoongi is not getting his answer; why he's so attracted to Jimin. His feelings for Jimin has been growing more as the days have been passing.

It's one of the normal day when Yoongi decides to hang out with Jimin. He feels a little lonely recently since Taehyung is with Jungkook almost every time. He is now in his dorm alone, lying on the bed and calls Jimin to ask if they can hangout. The the call rings three time before Jimin answers it.

"Hello, Yoongi hyung," Jimin's voice displays excitement.

"Hi, Minnie. What are you doing?" He asks smiling while shifting his position to right side.

"Oh, I'm with a friend of mine. Do you need anything?" Yoongi's smile vanishes. Everyone has someone to hang out and he's alone and lonely here.

"No, Jimin. I just wanted to hangout but it's ok." His sadness is clear in his voice.

"I'm sorry, hyung. Maybe next time."

"Ok, Next time. Bye."


Yoongi sighs and shifts his position again. Now he's staring at the ceiling. Life is very unfair with him. He sighs again before getting out of the bed. He puts a grey hoodie and a pair of Adidas shoes before going out for a walk.

He doesn't like to walk alone much, he's always had Taehyung with him but nowadays he just feels very lonely. He's happy for his best friend and hopes that soon his mate will appear in front of him.

He goes to a small restaurant and buys some french fries, he's planning to eat them when he'll go to the river. After paying, he takes the bag of french fries and when he starts to leave, he notices a familiar figure in the corner of the restaurant.

It's Jimin with another Alpha. They are having a good conversation considering Jimin's wide smile. The Alpha is much taller than Yoongi, he has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. Yoongi clenches his hand, when he sees the Alpha caressing Jimin's hair. Yoongi quickly hides when they both get up from their table.

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