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Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me the truth.
Henry David Thoreau

Jimin paces around his room, waiting for Jin to show up. He's going to his first date and he has zero idea what to wear. He hasn't said about his date to anyone: he knows Taehyung will ask him so much question. He doesn't wanna sadden Taehyung by telling him about Yoongi because the young Omega is still hurt by Yoongi's words. He's just told him, he's found his mate.

Mr. and Mrs. Park have taken the love birds in a hotel. They want to know Taehyung better.

This morning, Jimin has called Jin to come over his house to help him. He obviously hasn't told about Yoongi to him too. He first want to talk to Yoongi about the whole situation.

After another five minutes, the door bell rings, signaling the arrival of Jin. He quickly runs to open the door. "Jin hyung," Jimin takes his hands and practically drags him inside. "I've been waiting for you," he drags him in his room.

"Calm your balls," Jin says once Jimin lets him go. "I'm here now, so you don't need to worry. I'll take care of everything."

"I'm so nervous, hyung. It's my first time, I wanna look perfect." He bites his lips while opening the closet.

"Go and sit." Jimin does as he has been told, and Jin goes to choose a clothes.

"Minnie, you haven't told me who's your mate," says Jin, while looking for the right clothe.

"Umm... err... I have just met him, I want to know him better. I'll tell you when I'll be ready," his voice is a nervous.

He prepares Jimin in the most beautiful way possible; he chooses a black brazer with white glitter on it, he applies some makeup on his face and a pink lip balm.

He prepares Jimin in the most beautiful way possible; he chooses a black brazer with white glitter on it, he applies some makeup on his face and a pink lip balm

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After finishing, Jin makes him stand in front of the full length mirror. "What do you think?" He looks at the pink haired Omega in the mirror, proud of his work.

"Will he like it?" Jimin wants to be beautiful only for his Alpha; if he doesn't like it so it's all waste of time.

Jin huffs. "Of course, he will. You're a whole snacks, baby," he winks at him through the mirror making him smile.

"I can't thank you enough, hyungie," he hugs Jin, who pats his head, "You're my baby, don't need to thank me." Jin breaks the embrace and looks at him adoringly, "If me and Joon don't have any child, trust me I'm gonna adopt you and Tae." he kisses Jimin's nose, earning a small giggle from him.

"Now go."

"Yeah." Jimin gets out of the house as well as Jin. Both go on their own way; Jin is going to a bakery shop to buy his mate a small chocolate cake, Jimin goes to meet his mate.

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