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You can't heal without answers.

Rumors spread fastly here in this school. Euncha is proudly telling everyone how lucky she is, eventhough Yoongi was rough but was not her first time. She's used to it.

Taehyung rushes to find the mint haired Alpha, who is in the terrace admiring the sky. He slams the door open, Yoongi turns around and gets up from the floor. He sees a very scary Omega, right now; Taehyung is clenching his hands and grinding his teeth while glaring at him, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He shouts.

"What do you want, Tae?" His voice shows annoyance, he puts his one hand on his hip.

"Don't call me Tae." He goes in front of his best friend, "the fuck am I listening?" He pulls Yoongi's collar with one hand, "you fucked that whore Euncha, yesterday? Didn't you say that you won't do this shit again?"

Yoongi just shrugs. "Why do you care?"

Taehyung releases his collar and turns around to see another Omega but he's not angry — he's devastated. "Jimin, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asks in calm voice.

Jimin ignores him and walks toward them, "Yoongi hyung, is the rumor true?" Heart dropping, Jimin aks.

Yoongi looks at him, Jimin's sadness is destroying Yoongi's heart. He can't look at Jimin's chocolate colored eyes; his eyes are showing devastating. He averts his eyes and looks at everywhere but Jimin. But then again, should Jimin be asking this question? Doesn't he have another Alpha?

Yoongi's silence is killing Jimin. "Why the fuck are you not answering?" He yells, suprising both Taehyung and Yoongi. Yoongi looks at him, "do not yell," he deadpans. "And why do you all care so much?"

That hurts both of them so much. "W-what do you mean? I'm your best friend, why shouldn't I c-care about this?" Taehyung's voice cracks.

"Taehyung is right!" Jimin's vision goes blurred as tears are burning into them.

"Look everyone has their own life, I have mine also. I am not interfering into yours so stop interfering into mine." He says in a serious voice and immediately regrets it when he sees Taehyung breaks into sobs and, Jimin just stands there with wet cheeks.

"B-but I'm y-your Taetae," Taehyung manages to say while sobbing.

"Leave it Tae. He's an asshole. Let him live his fucking life." Jimin grabs Taehyung's arm and drags him out.

Yoongi remains there, heartbroken. He knows that he has done wrong but he couldn't help. He has made his Taetae cry. He has made Jimin cry. He hate himself so much.

He decides to skips all classes and go to the penthouse. He buries his face in the pillow of his bedroom and starts to sob. This fucking life is so unfair.

Two days has passed and Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook aren't talking to him. Namjoon has once tried to talk to him but Yoongi refuses. Only person that he hasn't been able to refuse is Jin. Jin doesn't accept defeat so Yoongi is obliged to talk to him. But he never has said his real reasons behind all this shits. Yoongi is now living in his penthouse because he knows how uncomfortable it would be if he lived with the other two Alphas.

Emily has tried to talk to him, but he categorically said that it was just an one night stand. That's it.

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