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It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in us.
— W. Shakespeare

"Hi, Yoongi," Jimin chirps as soon as he accepts the call.

"Hey, love. How are you?" Yoongi's voice also shows happiness.

"I'm fine. What are you doing?" He sits on the bed.

"Great! The dinner is almost over and I can't wait to see them leave," Yoongi speaks with annoyance as he sits in their garden's fountain's basin.

"You hate them that much," laughing, Jimin speaks.

"You have no idea!"

Jimin sighs as they only listen to their comfortable silence. Jimin thinks about telling the news to him when he returns to Seoul.

"Minnie, I have something to tell you," Yoongi says seriously, making Jimin frowns as he feels dysphoria.

"What?" He whispers.

"My dad has learnt about you and wants to meet you." Jimin's eyes broadens as his heart beats become fast.

"What did he say?" He breathes out.

"Stay calm, baby. He said he's gonna accept you." Yoongi smiles, remembering their conversation a few moments ago.

"How could he say this so simply?" Jimin arches a brow, not believing the fact that Mr. Min will accept him this fastly.

"I couldn't believe either, but he said, he will do anything, if this makes me happy."

A sudden selcouth feeling invades Jimin's body, and a small smile dance on his face. If Mr. Min accepts him, then this baby won't be a big problem. Maybe, the Min family can help him. Maybe, Yoongi will accept it, if he has his father's support.

Jimin blissfully returns to Seoul, exited to meet his mate and give him the big news. He decides to reveal his pregnancy after talking with Mr. Min.

He enters the penthouse where Yoongi has been waiting for him. Upon seeing the love of his life, Yoongi quickly pulls him in a bone-crushing hug, making the younger giggle.

"I've been gone for only three days. You're acting like we didn't meet for three years." Jimin states while still hugging Yoongi.

"Without you, everyday feels like years." Yoongi mutters softly.

"Really? How about I'm gone for a year, how would you feel?"

"Why would you be gone for years?" He leans back to see Jimin's feature. "You're always going to be with me. Periodt."

Jimin smiles. "Yes, Alpha. Your Omega will always be with you." He cups Yoongi's cheeks and brings him in a passionate kiss, letting their heart fulfill.

"Baby," Yoongi mumbles against Jimin's lips. "My father wanna meet you tomorrow. Is that okay with you?" He leans back.

"Yes, Yoonie." He gives the Alpha a trembling smile; eventhough he's happy, his guts are nervous. He has this dysphoria that something bad is going to happen.

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