CHAPTER VIII: The small party

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Whenever I see you, I feel like I'm looking at the most beautiful angel on Earth .
- Unknown

Yoongi sighs heavily when he enters his dorm; all his day went by thinking about Jimin. He groans and goes to his bed. He lays down and moans, happy to feel his comfortable bed and pillow.

He remembers his meeting with Jimin in the corridor. He remembers his smile that was so beautiful, that he will do everything he can just to see that smile. He remembers his pink hair that was so soft like a feather, and he wants to caress it every single day of his life. And his angelic voice that he can listen to all day long without getting tired.

He smiles like idiot thinking about someone that is not his mate, or that's what he thinks. He then suddenly remembers all the whispering. His smile slowly fades away, and sadness spreads all over his face.

Everyone around them was whispering obviously about them; he's a fuckboy, cold and rich Alpha. He wishes Jimin to not to hear those rumours. But it seems impossible knowing how the college is. It's true that he's rich, but he isn't fuckboy or cold - maybe a little. He was made that way by his father. He never really enjoyed fucking someone who is not his mate. But he needed to let out all his frustration; frustration of his father's constant nagging about dating some rich girls he doesn't even like, frustration of how his father sometime behaves with his precious mom, frustration of how his father has always disliked the idea of his music career, frustration of how his father took away his first love, his piano.

He can't share his pain with anyone, not even Taehyung: he doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems

He can tell that it's hard for the pink haired Omega not to know about all these rumours, but he doesn't want him to believe them. And he doesn't know why. He closes his eyes as a single drop of tear falls from his eyes. He sighs and wipes it.

Five minutes later, Jungkook comes in.
"Hi, hyung. How are you doing?" He smiles like a cute bunny and goes to his bed, puts his school bag down and sits in the middle of his bed.

"Nothing Kook, how 'bout you? How was your first day?" He smiles warmly like a proud older brother.

"So boring, but my English teacher was hot, not gonna lie," he winks and laughs and Yoongi laughs along him too.

Several minutes later, Namjoon comes in with a big grin showing his very deep and beautiful dimples. "Hey guys, what's up?" He asks as goes to open the small fridge to take the bottle of coca cola.

"We're ok. Why are you smiling? Did you fuck Jin sore?" Yoongi smirks.

"Well, I do it every time but this time, the reason is different," Namjoon answers after drinking the cola.

"Oh, what's the matter hyung?" Jungkook smile like a little baby.

"I scored the highest in my math test," Namjoon winks. "So that's why I'm giving a small party and you're invited." He goes to sit on his bed.

It was shocking for Jungkook but not for Yoongi; Namjoon has always been the best in his class.

"Who will be there in the party?" Jungkook asks curiously.

Namjoon lays down and puts his hands under his head and answers: "just us, Jinnie, Tae and Jimin."

When the other two Alphas hear last two name, their hearts skip a beat, they seriously wanted to see them. They mentally thank Namjoon.

They start to get ready. Both Alphas try their best to look handsome. They want to impress those two Omegas.


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