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A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
— Mark Twain

Jimin returns in his dorm, which is alone because Jin is with Namjoon. Meanwhile, Taehyung's gone to the supermarket. The first day of this school wasn't something Jimin expected. He thought that he would hear lots of good things about his Alpha, but reality hit him very hard.

He has heard lots of rumours, and he doesn't know the reality; he heard that he's a boy who fucked half of the college's girls and boys, he heard that Yoongi is into rich people, he also heard that he's in a relation with Taehyung which he thinks false but at the same time, he has also seen the closeness between them, and he slightly feels jealous. But what disturbs him the most is that he's a playboy. Now, Jimin is not the kind of person to live his life with someone like him, but he expects this rumor to be false.

He sighs and lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling. A single drop of tear escapes from his eyes, and he quickly wipes it. Even though they never really had anything, the fact that his Alpha is going around to play with others hurts a lot. He is supposed to be the one pleasuring the Alpha. With a heavy heart, the Omega slowly drifts into sleep.

Ten minutes later, Taehyung enters the dorm with lots of types of chocolate and chips. He puts the things in their places and goes to his bed. He sits there, his back is pressed against the wall, and his arms are crossed on his chest. He watches his roommate sleeping, but his mind goes to his roommate's brother.

He doesn't know what to do or say. He's just staring at the blank with a pout. His mind travels to their first meeting. His Alpha is so handsome. His blonde hair suits him perfectly. He looks so cute with his bunny smile. A smile appears on his lips as he thinks about the Alpha. But his thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Jimin's fake cough.

"What are you thinking about?" Jimin, who woke up two minutes ago, asks with a groggy voice.

"Nothing important. Just some stuff," he replies with a nervous voice.

"You look nervous. Are you ok? You can tell me if you want to," Jimin gives him a warm smile.

"It's nothing, really. Don't worry. I'll be fine soon. Now I'm just a little tired, and Imma take nap now." Taehyung says as he lies on his bed, turns on his left side, giving Jimin his back.

He doesn't really want to open the matter with Jungkook's brother because they are not even that close, and things might get awkward between them. What is he supposed to say after all, hey, you know your brother is my mate and I wanna date him. Can you talk to him for me please? No, it's not gonna happen. He should be the one talking to his Alpha directly.

Jimin doesn't take Taehyung's matter seriously 'cause he already has his own issues and doesn't know how to solve them. So he decides that he'll avoid Yoongi. So that's how he won't get too much attached to Yoongi. What if Yoongi finds out about him and then neglects him for being a middle class? No! He can't let his heart break, and he won't.

He sighs heavily and gets up from the bed and goes to the kitchen to eat something. He grabs a packet of doritos and decides to do his homework.

About an half an hour later, Jin comes.
"Hey guys, whatcha doin'?" He asks to Jimin meanwhile Taehyung is still in his wonderland.

"Just finishing my these shits. Ugh... so fucking difficult," Jimin groans.

"Language mister. Where are your manners?" Jin scolds him and goes to the bathroom to change his clothes.
Jimin rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Jin just act like his mother.

Jin comes out and sits in the couch that is situated next to Jimin's bed.
"So, you wanna join tonight with us?" Jin asks out of nowhere.

"Join you?" Jimin looks up.

"Yeah, we are going to have a little party because Namjoon scored highest in his class in the math test, so he's giving us party. My mate is genius," Jin says with a proud smile.

"Where will be the party?" He looks down at his notebook while still giving attention to Jin.

"In the same coffee shop."

"Who will be there?" Jimin asks as he finishes all his homework and shifts his body a little to sit face to face with Jin.

"Only me, Namjoon, Taehyung, maybe your brother and Yoongi." Upon hearing his Alpha's name, Jimin's heartbeats accelerate.

"I'm sorry, I don't feel like going to any party right now," he lies: of course he wants to go.

"C'mon Jimin. It's gonna be fun." Jin continues to convince him for five minutes and eventually, Jimin gives in. He has just decided to ignore him, but it's like the destiny is not gonna let it happen.

He is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't realise that Jin has called his name 3 times. "Hello, earth to Jimin," he waves his hands and suddenly, Jimin snaps out of his thoughts and clears his throat.

"What happened, boy? You looked so lost." Jin raises an brow.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that if I could bring a friend. You remember Hoseok."

Jimin tries his best to not show his nervousness, and also Hoseok seems to have no friend so he could get along with them.

"That orange haired Beta?"

"Yup. We have the same physics' class. He's a nice guy, and I think he doesn't have any friend here."

"Well, ok. You can invite him."

In the meantime, Taehyung has woken up. He sits in the middle of his bed and rubs his head. He heard the entire conversation and he's a little excited to meet Jungkook. Maybe he could talk to him and know about him more. He plans to wear the prettiest clothes in his closet to impress his Alpha. He smile thinking about how Jungkook will react.

"Why are you smiling like a creep?" Jin asks with a stern face.

"I'm just too excited about the party and I think you, and Joon hyung look so cool together. And I'm slightly jealous."

Taehyung says showing his boxy smile and Jin just scoffs and goes to sit next to Taehyung.

Jin takes his little Omega friend in his arm, and Taehyung rests his head on Jin's chest, "don't worry, baby. You'll find your mate one day, and nd he's gonna be very lucky to have you. And yes, if he does something to my precious baby, then he will meet with his death early." Taehyung and Jimin giggle hearing Jin's motherly voice but Taehyung knows that it's true. Jin is very scary when he's angry, and also he can kill anyone if they come after his family.

Jimin sighs and take his phone to call his new friend.

"Hello, Hoseok hyung. Did I disturb you?"

"No, not at all. I'm just lying in my bed and reading a book. Tell me why did you call me for?"

"Oh, there's a party tonight so I was wondering if you could come. You can make new friends in Seoul."

"Why not, of course I'll come. Where's the party by the way?"

"It's in the nearby coffee shop."

"Ok. Then I'll see you there. Bye"


Jimin lets out another sigh and puts his phone down. He goes to the bathroom and gets ready for tonight's small party. He doesn't know why, but he wants to look pretty for his Alpha. Yoongi is not even into middle classed people, but his Omega side wants to please his Alpha. So he does it. He decides to put pretty clothes and wear make-up. Only for his Alpha. Only for his mate.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter 💜

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