CHAPTER XXXIII: The trip pt.2

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"Ugh... baby, get up please," Jimin shakes Yoongi, who refuses to move from the bed.

"Please, you fucking Alpha, please get up," he growls but it's not like Yoongi's affected.

"Minnie, go away. I wanna sleep," says the Alpha in a husky voice before tossing himself to the other side.

Jimin has enough of begging so he decides to leave him alone and enjoy the view with others.

He finds his friends in the corridor who are also planning to go to the beach. He approaches them smiling. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothing much, we're planning to go to the beach," answers Jin. "Are you up for it?"

Jimin quickly nods.

"Where's Yoongi hyung?"

"Your lazy best friend is sleeping, Tae. I tried to wake him up," Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Okay okay, let's go. Hobi and the others are already there!" Exclaims Namjoon before they make their way to the beach.

The mesmerizing veiw takes their breath away in a second; the green color screams its beauty, the fresh water makes them feel so new and lastly, the waterfall plays an astonishing role.

They looks around and start to take photos. Watching his friends being lovey-dovey, Jimin mentally curses Yoongi.

"Hi beautiful." A raspy voice startle Jimin, making him turn around. A green eyed Alpha stands in front of him, he's pretty tall and his hair is messily styled, giving him an attracting look. Too bad, Jimin's already taken.

"What are you doing here? Alone," he rasps out.

"What else? Like everyone, I'm enjoying the nature." He smiles to the stranger.

He chuckles. "Hi, my name is Kim Kwang." He extends his arm.

"Hello, it's Park Jimin." The Omega shakes his hand.

"Why are you alone?"

"Who said I'm alone."

"Well... all of your friends are over there," he cocks his head to the side to see them, before turning. "And you're here. Alone."

Jimin sighs. "Stop saying 'alone' again and again. I just want to spend some time on my own."

Kwang smirks. "I can give you company if you want."

Jimin fakes a smile. "As I mentioned before, I'd like to spend some time on my own." He doesn't like the Alpha's aura.

"Are you sure?" Kwang asks again, he's not want to let go of things he highly desire: he highly desire Jimin.

"Yep, he's 100% sure." A deep voice comes from behind Kwang, making him frown. As he turns he notice a mint haired Alpha, he's a little short.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Yoongi gazes Jimin, who comes to him. Jimin gives him a quick peck, making Kwang realize the situation.

"He's my mate, he's not alone." Yoongi hold him by his waist as they leave Kwang. The green eyed Alpha bites his inner cheek in orderto control his jealousy.

From a little far, someone has witnessed the whole scenario. Emily approaches Kwang. "Looks like you and I want the same thing," she smirks.

Kwang turns to her. "Who are you?"

"You want the pink haired Omega, and I want the mint haired Alpha. Shall we do something?" She folds her arms.

"We shall." Grins wickedly the Alpha.

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