CHAPTER XII: Unexpected

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Unexpected friendships are the best ones.

Several weeks have passed and everything is going very well so far. Taehyung and Jungkook have revealed their relationship to the others. And the first thing that Jin did, was threatening Jungkook; if he ever hurt his baby, he will meet with the Grim Reaper.

Yoongi still kisses Taehyung on his cheeks, which used to make the Busan boys jealous but now, they've got use to it. After all they're best friends.

Since Taehyung has been busy with his dates with Jungkook, Jimin has been hanging out with Yoongi. They both have got really close to each other. They would walk together — with hand in hand — ignoring the whispering. Jimin also sometimes would make other Omegas jealous purposely by caressing Yoongi's hair, leaning on his shoulder or sometimes, they would be found in the garden, where Yoongi would be sitting under a big tree with Jimin lying and his head is on Yoongi's lap.

Everything seems to be going fine until someone has decided to show up in Seoul National University.

Jimin is walking calmly in the corridor, with a smiling face until he sees him. His smile drops and a sudden kind of nervousness takes over his body. He gulps when their eyes meet. He approaches Jimin with a grin.

What the fuck is he doing here?

"Hi, Jimin. Long time no see," he smirks, standing in front of Jimin.

"Hey, Sehun. What are you doing here?" Jimin frowns.

"Well, it's a University. What else would I be doing here?" He puts his hand inside his denim jacket.


"Aren't you happy to see your friend, who used to go to the same college as yours!" Sehun grins and quirks an eyebrow. Jimin resists himself from rolling his eyes.

Yeah... I should be happy to see my bully.
Jimin clears his throat. "Are you here to bully me?" Jimin voice is annoyed.

Sehun laughs a little and shakes his head, "no Jimin, not bullying. But rather, I need help."

Jimin raises both his eyebrows. "Help?" He is a little surprised because Sehun is not someone who asks for help. But before he can question any further, Hoseok comes and interruptes him.

"Hey, Jiminie. Who's this guy?" He smiles widely and to Jimin's suprise, Sehun returns the smile. It's not a new thing, but Sehun is not a person who smiles seeing new people.

Before Jimin can speak, Sehun answers: "hi, my name is Oh Sehun and I'm new here." He extends his arm to shake which Hoseok gladly accepts. Jimin is shocked seeing Sehun like this. What happened to my bully? Is he the same person or somebody new? He gets lost in his thoughts and he doesn't realize that Hoseok asked him, if he has known Sehun.

"Jimin, you ok?" Hoseok waves his hands in front of Jimin, which makes him come out of his trail of thoughts. He shakes his head a little and asks. "What did you ask me? I was actually lost in my thoughts." He smile apologetically.

"I can see you were lost," he laughs a little. "I asked, if you have known Sehun?"

"Oh yeah, he... we used to go to the same Uni in Busan." He smile and looks at Sehun then back to Hoseok.

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