CHAPTER XIV: Piano and dance

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If you take music away from my life, there would be nothing left.
— Suga

Jimin sits quietly in the couch, starring at the interior design; thinking how much would it cost, comparing his Yoongi's father and his father only to feel embarrassment. He feels like every part of the penthouse is humiliating his existence, his dignity. He nervously fiddles with his fingers. Yoongi comes out from the kitchen with a grin; he has bought some snacks for them. Jimin looks at him, his Omega side is howling as Yoongi sits beside him and places the snacks on the coffee table.

"Why are you so quiet, Minnie? Here have some snacks." He gives him the packet of doritos.

"Thank you," he smiles and starts eating slowly. Yoongi frowns, Jimin doesn't eat like this. "Why are you eating so slowly?" He chuckles. Jimin blushes.

Yoongi leans back while eating, "you know, you look very cute when you blush." Yoongi smiles softly. "You're mate will be very lucky." The fact that Jimin is not his mate, shatters his heart a little. Unwantedly, Yoongi starts to develop feelings for the younger.

The Omega looks down at the compliment, "maybe, I'll be the lucky one if I ever have them." He murmurs.

"I think they will be the happy one. Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror. You're perfect." Jimin looks at him as Yoongi keeps complimenting, unknowingly he makes Jimin's heart pound ten times faster. Jimin averts his eyes and looks around him. His gaze stops at the piano.

"Do you play the piano?" His voice is low as he speaks. Yoongi looks at his first lover, his piano. "Yep! I love piano," Yoongi smiles. "I can play for you." He looks at Jimin, who is still looking at the piano, widens his eyes when he hears Yoongi.

He looks at Yoongi, "no hyung, it's not necessary." He bites his lips.

"C'mon, I want to play." He gets up, holding his hands out for Jimin. The pink haired shyly puts his hands on Yoongi's and gets up; Yoongi notices how small is the younger's hand and how perfectly fits on his hand.

Yoongi sits on the black stool. Jimin notices that there papers on top of the piano. Jimin looks closely and figures out that they are songs.

"Hyung, do you also write songs?" He smiles widely at Yoongi. The Alpha's heart pounds in his ear as he stares at the smile.

"Yeah, I am not good at showing emotion, I'd rather write them."

"You really like music, how come you took business as your future?" Jimin asks, without knowing the helplessness of the older. Yoongi just shrugs, he can't tell him the reason.

"How about you, do you have any passion?"

"Umm... I really like dancing, Contemporary dance." Yoongi's eyes beams at the answer, "can you dance while I'll play?" Yoongi suggests.

"No," Jimin chuckles. "I'm not that good." He runs his hands through his pink hair.

"Please, I bet you're better than what you think," Yoongi insists and Jimin gives in.

Yoongi slowly starts to play the piano; he colses his own eyes and lets his fingers dance. Jimin watches Yoongi and closes his eyes too; he lets the music take over his body. Yoongi slowly opens his eyes, he sees an angel dancing in his house; the angel's attractive moves, small waist and alluring face are making excited something inside his pants. His wolf is howling, telling him to pin the fragile creature and mark him.

He shakes his thoughts and looks down at his finger, calming himself. The piano is his first lover but it seems like Jimin is changing his mind. The place in his heart — that he's reserved for his mate — is screaming Jimin's name.

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