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"Thank you." Yoongi bows his head to show respect to the woman in the pharmacy. It's half past eleven already, and he was a little busy to buy pills; his rut can come to act any moment by now.

He rushes to his Mercedes and drives off. As he's driving, his rut comes to act and he gets hard. He inhales and exhales sharply as he tries to control himself from doing anything.

A little bit later, he stops the car as he notices a familiar figure. Jimin. He gets really shocked as he isn't expecting Jimin to be here, but what's more shocking is that he's not alone; he's with an Alpha. The same Alpha, he saw in that small restaurant — Minho.

But their next action enraged the mint haired Alpha so much that if he were a cartoon, you would see fire in his eyes; that Alpha has kissed his Omega's forehead, and Jimin hasn't refused it or showed any discomfort.

As Minho takes his leave, Jimin turns around to go to the penthouse, but gets stopped abruptly by strong grip on his wrist, a whimper leaves his mouth. He gets even more shocked as he sees the person — Yoongi. His scent has changed a little, and he can feel Yoongi anger.

"H-hyung," he hisses as Yoongi drags him to the car, without listening to any word Jimin's asking.

"Hyung, what happened? Why are you acting like this?"

Yoongi doesn't even bother to put his seat belt and quickly drives off. Jimin, sensing the fuel in Yoongi's body, doesn't dare to utter any word.

5 minutes later, Yoongi parks in the lot. He grips again Jimin's wrist as he marks their way to the highest floor. There aren't much people in the building as some of them has gone to vacation or some people are in work.

Yoongi fastly opens the penthouse's door push Jimin inside, making him stumble and fall.

"Hyung, what's wrong with you? You're hurting me," Jimin whimpers from the floor, but it doesn't affect the Alpha in front of him.

Yoongi bends down and grips Jimin's chin. "What were you doing with that Alpha?" He uses his deadly Alpha voice, scaring Jimin more than he already is. Soon, it hits in back of his mind; Yoongi is already in his rut. The Alpha inside doesn't want anything but to dominate.

"N-nothing," he whimpers again.

"He fucking kissed you, didn't he?" He growls, spilling out more acid.

"Al-Alpha, you got it wrong," he tries to escape from his grip but no avail.

"Do you think I'm blind, huh? Why were you with that Alpha?"

He doesn't wait for any response as he picks Jimin on his shoulder, effortlessly and goes to the room.

He throws harshly the Omega on the bed. "Strip," he commands. Jimin's whole body trembles in fear and his Omega side shows up; submitting completely to his Alpha.

Forcing back his whimpers, he gets naked and sits on his knees while biting his lower lip as he waits for the next command.

Yoongi gets on the bed, in front of the Omega, and grabs his throat before taking the younger's lips, brutally.

Jimin quickly replies back to the kiss as it is so intoxicating. Jimin can't get enough of it. He wraps his hands around Yoongi's shoulders, forgetting the pain in his throat, bringing him more closer, until the need of oxygen.

Yoongi makes them fall back on the bed, Jimin wraps his legs around his hips in need as Yoongi goes to suck his neck.

Jimin moans and thrusting his hip upward for friction.

"Ngh... Yoongi..." Jimin keens.

Yoongi abruptly shots his head up and slaps across the cheek; his act makes the smaller yell in pain, the sound of the slap echoes in the silent room along with their hot breathing.

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