CHAPTER XXVIII: Yoongi's birthday talk

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As the days are passing by, every relationship blooms like flowers. Yoongi and Jimin's relationship is making other people jealous.

Like, what the actual fuck? Yoongi is a boy who's known for being cold to everyone — except for Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung — or having lots of one night stands, but here he is, spending all time with an middle classed Omega. People are obviously jealous, especially girls.

So when Jimin is going to his third period, Euncha with her 3 girlfriends stops him. Jimin gets annoyed by their presence but fakes a smile. "How may I help you?" Irritated, he asks.

"You and helping me?" Emily raises an eyebrow. "Yes, do me a favor and stay away from Yoongi," she deadpans.

Jimin taps his chin with his fingers, pretending to think. After some seconds, he shakes his head and says: "that's an impossible task," he puts his hand on his hip. "Ask me something else, girl." He smirks wickedly.

The other girls widen their eyes; no one disrespects Euncha.

"How dare you, bitch?" She grumbles.

"Mind your language, whore," Jimin fires back.

"Don't tell me what to do, gold digger. I know that you're with him because of his money," she scoffs.

"Why I am with him or anyone else is none of your business, understand? At least I'm not like you, who spends days with someone and nights with another one." Disgusted, he replies.

"You fucking"— she raises her hand to slap him, but he stops it in the middle. He grips her wrist tightly while shooting her death glare.

"Don't you ever dare to do something like this," he rasps out. "Just because I'm alone, doesn't mean I'm weak." He lets her go. Other girls stay still, intimidated by the sudden side of the pink haired Omega.

She rubs the wrist while staring at him with grimace. "You're gonna pay for this," she growls.

Jimin laughs lightly. "Well, I'll wait for you."

"You don't understand, you're also like others; he's only using you like he used others." She smirks, thinking that she has won. But, her smirk vanishes when Jimin laughs again.

"By saying 'others', do you mean yourself?" he fakes a pout, making the said girl clench her hands and fold her arms on her chest.

"Oh, honey, didn't you see how desperate you were to talk to him, but he refused to even see your face. And, can't you see how his face brightens just by looking at me, huh?" He smirks, knowingly.

She looks at other side, feeling embarrassed and angry. "I don't even know what he likes about you!"

"Hmm... maybe my ass," he says, slapping his ass before leaving them. Emily's face reddens by anger while the other are trying their best to not laugh; no one has ever dared to insult Emily, not even looking right at her eyes.

When the recess break comes, everyone gather around their usual spot. Everyone starts to eat their lunch while gossiping.

Jimin hasn't arrived yet because he is in the bathroom. Yoongi sits with the others who are being too much lovey dovey for his liking. He wouldn't care about this, if Jimin was here, so since he's alone, he's just judging the others.

"Yoongi hyung is looking like a lost puppy," Hoseok chirps suddenly with his sunshine voice.

This catches the said male off guard and also earns him all of their attention.

"Missing him already? He's in the bathroom, hyung," Says Jungkook.

Jimin arrives at the canteen when Jungkook was talking. He finds them in their usual spot. He looks around to see people talking, eating, kissing but someone catches his attention especially: Euncha. She is sitting at a table with her friends.

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