CHAPTER XXIII: Taehyung's life story

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Your painful past makes you stronger.

3 years ago...

"TAEHYUNG-AH," yelled Yoongi as soon as he noticed his best friend.

Taehyung looked up to see his friend smiling, he instantly smiled too and went to him.

"Hi, hyung. How are you doing?" Taehyung voice was very quiet.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm good too," he lied.

"Hey, the school is finished so let's go grab something," Yoongi took Taehyung's arm but Taehyung took it away, yelping.

The Alpha frowned, "what happened?"

"N-nothing, hyung," he answered, rubbing the spot Yoongi had touched.

They were on the middle of corridor and even if the school had finished, lots of students remained.

Yoongi looked around before telling Taehyung to follow him to the terrace.

Yoongi closed the terrace door as soom as they arrived and faced Taehyung.

"I want to know the truth," Yoongi demanded looking straight in his eyes.

The little Omega gulped and let out a nervous chuckle. "Know what, hyung." He looked nervously everywhere but his friend's eyes.

The Alpha scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, Tae. Why there are bruises in your hands and arms and face. Do you think just 'cause you wear makeup, I won't be able to see it, huh?" He yelled. Tears started to decamped Taehyung's eyes.

Yoongi hurriedly pulled Taehyung in his arms and hold him tight. Taehyung cried his heart out in his neck.

"It's okay, baby. Hyung is here," he solaced, rubbing his back.

"H-help me, h-hyung," he cried harder.

"How am I suppose to help you if you don't talk to me? Tell me who did it." He gently pressed his lips on his temple.

Taehyung tilted his head with red eyes. Yoongi gently caressed his cheek with his thumb.

"They d-did it." Je looked down, "they hit m-me," he sniffled.


"My parents," he whispered.

Yoongi's eyes widened im shock, his blood freezed and his mouth hung open. How could anyone beat such an lovely child?

"What? Why?"


A bang in the door stopped them.

"Hey guys," Namjoon called them. "Are you in there? Taehyung's parents are here to take him."

Taehyung's heart almost stopped beating when he heard that. He quickly wiped his tears before opening the door, pushing Namjoon aside and ran. He knew they didn't like waiting too much.

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