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"If to be truthful is to be cruel, then lying must surely be an act of kindness."

I sigh quietly as the transmission end, U.A huh..? The most prestigious school for heroes in all of Japan, next to Shiketsu of course. I throw the transmission into my closet and lay back on my bed. Stupid brother making me do this, I don't even want to go to a hero school. I want to just be a kid.. but no of course not.

I hear the door to my room open and continue laying back and staring at the ceiling. I already know it's my brother. I already know what he's going to say. It's been an endless argument for the past two months, ever since he brought it up and I said I didn't want to go. But for some unknown reason he insists on me going.

"Did you get in?" I sigh and nod my head. "Good." I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, of course it's good." I say in annoyance.

"Kiyoko." I look up at him with a bored look present on my face. "Your quirk is too strong to be a civilian. It's not fair to have all this power and not be a hero." I roll my eyes at him.

"Katsuki, I'm not having this argument again. You went against my wishes and signed me up.. knowing I would have to attend the entrance exam cause if I didn't it would look bad on my record. What do you expect? Me to be leaping for joy?" I say annoyed.

"Why don't you just understand I'm doing what's best for you?!" He yells, I stand up and glare at him.

"What's best for me?! No more like what's best for you! You just don't want to be alone!" I yell back at him.

"Kiyoko! Do not yell at your brother!" I scoff and roll my eyes. Katsuki glares at me and slams the door shut to my room.

I stand in the middle of the room for a moment in complete frustration. Why doesn't anyone listen to me? Why doesn't anyone care what I want?

Why can't anyone hear me?

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