Chapter 11

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"Keep training and get stronger, I'll always be one step ahead of you though."

When I finally got home I decided I needed a nap, if I plan on training with Dabi I'm going to need it. I know he won't go easy on me, no matter how close we are to each other. Would close even describe it? It's almost like.. we're closer than close? Did that make sense?

Sadly my nap was rudely interrupted by a blonde bastard barging into my room. I groan and roll over to see my brother glaring at me, oh wait that's normal. But quickly the glare was wiped away, and it was replaced with a look of remorse. Oh great here we go.

"Kiyoko, I'm sorry. What I said at the hospital it was wrong. You were in pain and upset and I took out my feelings of weakness on you and I shouldn't have fucking done that. You're not one of those useless extras, you're your own person and I fucked up." I sigh and nod my head.

"Yeah.. you were in the fucking wrong. Severely. But that apology isn't accepted. I'm sorry but every time you hurt me you just expect me to smile and push it all away time and time again and I can't really ignore it anymore." I say monotone, I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser changing into my training clothes, yes my brother is in the room, no I don't care.

"Where are you going?"

"We have the week off, I'm going to train. I need to get my strength back up." I say simply putting my hair in a high pony tail.

"Okay where are we training?" I pause putting my shoes on. This is the conversation I didn't want to have.

"I'm going to train alone, we're not working together at the sports festival Katsuki, we're enemies. You know all of my moves, I can't have that when we're competing against each other. I need to learn on my own." I say simply tying my shoes and standing up tilting my head to the side.

"But we always train together? It's that fucking Dabi kid isn't it?! That's who you're fucking training with?! Who even is he!!??" I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Yes, I'm training with him, I have learned new things with my quirk and I feel like I can benefit training with someone else. That is how it works brother. Quit acting like you're the best brother ever and train yourself." I say simply and walk past him. I feel a gust of wind knowing he is going to try and grab me, I spin around and launch a water whip at him knocking his hand away, he stares at me in shock. "I am done with your childish shit. You will not touch me ever again." I say glaring and walking out of the house.

I glare at the ground with my hands in my sweatpants pockets as I walk to the park. My stupid brother always trying to react with violence , always trying to do stupid shit. I'm his sister not his training dummy, I refuse to let him ever touch me again. It will not happen.

"There ya are doll." I look up to see Dabi smirking, but when he sees my face the smirk drops. "What's wrong? What happened?" I stare at him for a moment realizing how attractive he looks today, no coat just a t-shirt and some jeans.

"I um, I got into an argument with my brother, pretty sure he tried to grab me and I hit him with my quirk. I don't want to deal with his shit anymore. I don't want to keep getting scars from him. I want to destroy him, I need to be strong."

"That's the thing doll, you are strong. These heroes have it programmed into your head that the only way to be strong is if you work with their stupid rules. Anyone with a quirk is strong, especially one like yours." I smile softly and nod my head.

"I guess you're right. I tried to talk to my sensei about dropping out, he said after the sports festival if I want to I can. He wants me to try and show off or something like that cause I have potential to be an amazing hero according to him. But he didn't even listen when I told him that wasn't what I wanted." I say annoyed making him chuckle.

"That's why I'm not training you like a hero. I'm training you like a villain, no stupid rules, no so called control. None of that, you're going to learn to just let your quirk lose, but not enough to injure yourself." I nod my head smirking. "Also, I have a proposition for you, from Shigaraki." I tilt my head to the side confused.

"Proposition?" he chuckles slightly.

"Hmm cute.. But yes, he said if you do drop out, there's a spot in the league for you. Obviously you don't have to take it, but he wanted me to tell you there's an opening. When I told him about your quirk and how strong you are he became very intrigued, which scares me, but I know your skills. I know you could handle it."

First, he called me cute? There's no way, I look absolutely horrible. But a spot? On the league? Could I even be a villain? I feel like to be a villain you have to have some crazy backstory, which I do not have. But I mean it'd be better then being a hero, more freedom.. Wait a second.. am I really considering this?

I begin going through the possibilities in my head, jail time, possibly even death. But then again, you act the wrong way in the hero field it's the exact same outcome. Could I even be a villain? Would I be able to stand toe to toe with my brother one day? But at the same time... I could be who I want to be, no repercussions.

"Hmmm, I will have to remember that." I say winking.

"Now. Time to get serious doll." I nod my head getting serious. "Now in that school I'm sure they taught you not to go all out, take it slow, try not to kill anyone, fight smart, blah blah blah." I nodded my head.

"Yeah basically, they say death is inevitable but we have the ability to prevent it." He laughs quietly.

"See that's why these heroes are always dying." I tilt my head confused making him smirk slightly. "Quit doin that doll, you're distracting me.." I straighten my head blushing slightly but let him keep talking. "You need to learn that every fight could be your last, you fight like it's your last fight. Fight like you're going to die. Cause one day we will, whether it be old age or a battle. Everybody dies, and you need to treat every fight like that, hell even every spar, never give up." I nod my head understanding.

"So basically what you're saying is imagine every fight as though it'll be the last?"

"Yes exactly. Even in that stupid ass school training. You must treat it as though the person is trying to kill you. Or else one day, when someone is actually trying to kill you, you will die. You won't know how to fight properly and it will be your downfall." I nod my head. "Now what all can you do with your quirk?"

I hold my hands up and create basically a geyser in each hand. He nods his hand and holds up both his hands creating a geyser of blue flames in each hand. I look at his flames in awe, every time I see them I am in shock, they are so beautiful.

"My quirk is called cremation, my flames burn at about four thousand degrees, no one has been able to put them out, but that was until I met you. Now it seems your quirk works in similar ways to mine except it's water, the way your water is shooting out of your hands remind me of my flames." I nod my head.

He extinguishes his flames and comes closer to me I go to deactivate the water but he shakes his head and comes up behind me. He adjusts my hips and my core making me blush again and smile slightly, but that changes when I look and see how much higher then water goes. I can't help but stare at the geysers in awe.. I feel the power increase in them.

"See, if you adjust your core and tighten it the water flow increases, now lets get down to business."

Training timeeee!

I will not be writing a chapter about their training. I don't know about you guys but I can't stand the training arcs.

I do not own mha only Kiyoko.

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